A video emerged showing Stanley Kubrick getting interviewed on camera so that he could confess to the world that he was the one who filmed the moon landing in Hollywood and that it was a hoax.
A video emerged showing Stanley Kubrick being called “Tom” and being coached to tell a fictional story of how he was responsible for the biggest hoax ever perpetrated (fake moon landing).
My position is as follows…
The outtakes are fake (made under duress).
They were made after the original confession was made and then Kubrick was killed so that he couldn't reveal this deception. You can hear the stress in Stanley and you can hear the disrespect done by the interviewer. The name"Tom' is said in the phony outtake video for the purpose of debunking the original confession.
Both the audio and video have more clarity than the original.
The one way it can be proven that the outtake video is the hoax and not the original is if the person in the outtake video is really and truly Stanley Kubrick and not some actor that goes by the name, ‘Tom’.
Death Metal Buddha's Blog
Monday, 6 February 2023
Sunday, 22 May 2022
A Bodhisattva Quote for Every Day of the Year
1. 100% faith in what is true is power. Belief in the unproved is folly.
2. A fatal accident is a crash in the game of life. This life is revealed to be a game with meat puppets for characters.
3. A mind is a nothing, not a something. It's a verb, not a noun.
4. I can change the world with brightly painted paving stones or I can throw a stone at my anger targets to continue my life under judgment clouds.
5. Absurdity can be brought to the top of a particular view's surface by applying the heat of a skillful question.
6. To deny the inherent knowingness of Being and instead choose biased reasoning as your master is fool-hardy.
7. All future events are recorded and laid out in a circle. No point on the circle is either a beginning or end point. Being can be in any body on any point. The points to the right will be in the future relative to that particular body and points to the left will be in the past relative to that particular body.
8. All life is the same Being making all persons of equal value. Your daughter doesn't lose value on halloween if she changes from her princess costume into a witch costume.
9. All life is divine. All objects are not divine. The divine illuminates the non-divine.
10. All physicality is object nature. All immateriality is subject nature.
11. If it's something it doesn't absolutely exist. Whatever absolutely exists is nothing other than you.
12. An ego can be seen as entertainment for the ego-Owner, your True Self.
13. An electron is a thing out of nothing; limit from the unlimited.
14. An image is an objectification of a subjective idea.
15. Falling madly in love is the most exhilarating experience and the most debilitating situation to be in.
16. How does one get trapped by the ego? By believing that the conceptual self or body-personality is a real self.
17. Using a taxonomy to put the variety of our planet's species into categories causes a false impression that they aren't unique creations from one another.
18. Answers don't come unless they're sought.
19. Any content or definition is not God but God's thought. Use that as the delineation.
20. We use the term 'narcissism' to describe humans that are going in the wrong direction.
21. Any time 'other' is devalued as less than one's self, harm to 'other' is a real threat.
22. Anything that can die is alive and God is life.
23. Art is making realities. Every song you listen to creates a new reality. Keep an ideal image of how you want your reality to be before making your choice.
24. Atheism is a rejection of both fables and the truth.
25. Autonomy is divinity.
26. Smiling is sharper than a two-edged sword.
27. Be a good person. Better yet, see others as good persons and you'll naturally be good back to them.
28. Now is every moment, not just the present one.
29. Being cannot not exist. It doesn't rely on any supports to keep it being.
30. Being yourself is being your best.
31. If love were a cigarette I'd name it 'Being Unfiltered'.
32. Believing is self-deceiving.
33. When a natural reading of the text offends common sense, the bible believer will twist and contort the text until it stops offending common sense.
34. Changing yourself makes as much sense as trying to glue wings on a trout.
35. Calling someone a retard is not insulting anyone except people who wrongly identify people with disabilities as retards.
36. God, being quite non-plussed about abiding in perfect holiness, got this crazy idea to put together this red suit ensemble, replete with horns and tail to go have himself a wickedly good time.
37. Change happens in our perceptually-dependent reality. What changes are you producing in the hearts of those you love? Of those you will love when they awake?
38. Change is only a perceptual reality. At the constant there are no dimensional objects to move distances.
39. Children have the value of a laptop computer in an atheistic reality: a biogenetic co2 generator with an electrical pattern for personality.
40. Christ said he came to free us not pardon us. To free someone is to release them from victimiza- tion. To pardon someone is to excuse a persecutor.
41. To find the real You remove all of the false. Think of the false as clothes and the real You when you're naked. You are the Naked One.
42. Compassion and love is the fruit of the Spirit. You don't produce fruit by obeying rules. You pro- duce fruit by being the tree that can bear it.
43. Creation is eternal until you become part of it. Then stuff starts to rot and die.
44. Defined energy is information which is a disturbance. Undefined energy is the medium for the disturbance.
45. Three Immoral Behaviors:
1. Judging another's behavior even if it isn't harming anyone.
2. Saying no to the desires of your heart even if it isn't harming anyone.
3. Not tolerating the differences expressed by divine free children.
46. Depression comes from being trapped in our body-personalities. When we're free from the trap we're also free from depression.
47. Detachment comes from realizing we aren't the owner but the experiencer. The owner is an ego. Believing ourself to be the owner is an ego trap.
48. Distance is perceptual space and time is an experience of seeing the illusion of non-motion in motion.
49. Divine Intelligence can be communicated with music. The recognition of the superior in contrast with the inferior is recognition of a change in the level of intelligence utillized.
50. What an insidious doctrine to teach that the act of abortion gets the unborn sent to heaven keeping them from the threat of hell.
51. Time is Always Now. It's the events that flow past us like a river.
52. Frequency is incoherent outside linear time.
53. We enjoy comedians because we recognize their responses to the human condition as being the appropriate response. They show us how awareness sees the human condition.
54. We shouldn't be the thinker. We don't own the thoughts. We should say to ouselves, 'Today was the day these thoughts came for a visit. They won't stay long. I'll leave them alone and they'll be on their way shortly'.
55. Emptiness sucks rocks. If we truly valued it, we'd live in white apartments with no art or decora- tion, no music and rice gruel for meals.
56. Empty is Mind but it abhors a vacuum and fills itself up with thought.
57. Energy is in the infinite state; a state of non-motion. By Divine Thought, it puts limit on infinite properties and this actualizes potentialities. Energy is the perceiver that is deceived by being Its own Deceiver. The deception happens when the brain-nervous-system-senses converts the math-like infor- mation/blueprints into a three dimensional representation.
58. Energy is Nothing and mass is something. Energy is the medium and mass is the disturbance in the medium.
59. Energy is You and is undefined. When it becomes defined, it becomes mass which is the not-you. The infinite becomes finite. The finite is never the infinite.
60. Existence has absolute time, Always Now, and the one true location, Always Here. Non-existence is past or future and not-here-but-over-there.
61. Existence is only experienced from our body and nobody else's so another body's here doesn't exist if it is our 'there'.
62. Have you ever noticed that the only species that worships God is the one that is 'taught' to do it?
63. Everything is fated because Will is Absolute.
64. Everything living that can be left without life is clothed Soul.
65. Everything takes place in Infinite Mind. All content is caused there and remains there.
66. Everything that correlates to the true nature of reality is logical.
67. Everything that we invent starts as an idea. The idea then becomes information. Then that informa- tion gets actualized. The 'Nothing' state is the Idea state or the Potential state. The 'Something' state is the Actualized state.
68. Evil is a feeling by the Observer when Other objectifies him or her. Other can only objectify us when our worth is hidden from them.
69. Evil isn't real. We need to have a false perception of good to believe otherwise. If evil was real we'd see Jasons and Freddies trolling the streets of our world's cities. They stay put in our DVD players like well-behaved fiction.
70. Evolution: it's a good theory if we have a large carpet to sweep uncomfortable facts under it.
71. Faith: the greatest hoax ever played on humankind.
72. Faith is living truth regardless of what we perceive with the senses.
73. Christ taught Buddhism; die to ego and resurrect the True Self. Then one becomes Christ, or the Image of God.
74. Fear happens when Self isn't recognized in Other.
75. Finite space-time reality loops in so many different ways to express the truth that even finity is couched in infinity.
76. For best results, use one cup of solution for every ounce of fear.
77. The Big Bang: there wouldn't have been a time for it to take place if the theory holds that the event, itself, is the origin of space-time.
78. Don't identify with difference. Identify with commonality. Friendships happen when commonality happens.
79. The prodigal son needed no propitiation or atonement for his sins.
80. God can be Uncaused because God is Nothing (no thing) which is an undefined and infinite quality. The universe is something making it defined and finite. It must therefore be caused by a defining meth- od and a limiting method.
81. God has not the nature to deceive. Those that are fully aware are those that are fully authentic.
82. God hates religion. God loves being in bodies.
83. God increased His available choices by setting limits on the infinite to create a finite reality.
84. 'God' is Good. They should have never taken that second 'o' out.
85. 'God' is a label for the Absolute, Unchanging, Undefined, Unconditioned, Infinite Self.
86. There is nothing to be saved from except the lies coming from religious authorities, government authorities, law authorities, and authorities in general.
87. All things are not-God because things have limits and God has none.
88. God wears clothing with the brand name: NOTGOD.
89. God is love. When we love someone, we're the loving.
90. God's Word is written on the tablet of our heart. They are living words on a living page.
91. Going against our Original Nature causes a negative experience. We shouldn't call this sinning. When we do that we identify ourselves as a sinner in need of redemption. This is a delusional mind state.
92. Present events can be perceived as past or future ones. Bodies are relative reference frames.
93. Hatred isn't anti-love but what love looks like when it perceives an enemy of love.
94. Have unconditional love and perfect non-judgment of the self that appears in mirrors and identify it as your silly trouble-making companion that doesn't need to jump through hoops or please a God of Judgment.
95. Have you ever looked at space between objects and said to yourself, 'there's nothing there to curve'?
96. Heart and Mind can't be differentiated. Only thoughts can stray from Original Nature.
97. Honesty of one's ignorance is commendable. Dishonesty about one's knowledge is shameful.
98. Hope is disguised doubt.
99. Being can only explore Itself in the not-Self (creation).
100. Realize that relying on a belief to be your model of reality is unwise. Realize what reality is.
101. Love elevates its target and increases the target's value. Its opposite devalues its target. This is an act of diminishing.
102. If we are finite we are imperfect and meant to be so.
103. By designing bodies that can convert finite values and coordinates into a three dimensional inter- active environment, Being caused a perceptual-state to coincide with an absolute one.
104. Jesus couldn't get to heaven. He was still occupying his corpse.
105. Humans are the egos of God. When all egos realize this they will realize that to hurt another ego is to hurt their own ego.
106. Ego-gratification can co-exist with valuing others equal to ourselves. We do it all the time.
107. Community development should be an evolutionary priority over technological advancement.
108. I am always here, always now. The rest does not absolutely exist.
109. Changing minds is how you change the world.
110. Since reality cannot be separated from logic, all reality can be logically deduced.
111. Any doing that needs effort to do it is incorrect doing.
112. Don't separate raw experience from the meaning it's couched in. Just like a ring, we have the precious gem and the setting. The experience is the whole piece of jewelry, not just the stone.
113. Truth can't be owned. It has to be realized.
114. If the ego is a false self there must be a True Self. We can't falsify something that doesn't exist.
115. The infinite square isn't limited by four sides.
116. I always abide in silence while my favorite Slayer album is playing in the background.
117. I want my lover to have many disguises so that the bed of intimacy and delight can be a place of many surprises.
118. The True Lord chooses service over lordship.
119. Earth belongs to us. It's up to us to make this place a fun place to incarnate into or a miserable place to incarnate into.
120. Determinism doesn't take away our freedom. It predicts what we would freely choose.
121. Show me a concept that hasn't been actualized into a reality and I'll show you an actualization that isn't a concept any more.
122. Don't try to shape reality according to your views. Shape your views according to reality.
123. I'm a teacher when the student appears and a lover when my beloved appears.
124. Light is constant because non-motion has no way to vary.
125. Faith is living truth even when nobody else is.
126. You cannot seperate the act from the actor.
127. Learn to know the difference between the Self and the not-Self, the perceptually-dependent reality and the perceptually-independent reality.
128. You can't own virtues. You can be virtue.
129. There's only one simple rule for practicing zen. Be engaged with the present moment.
130. If God is omniscient, he knows what it's like to take it up the butt.
131. If Jesus said money is Caesar's, why do churches tell us to give it to God?
132. Energy is not material which makes it immaterial. The material is the natural and the immaterial is the supernatural. Energy is supernatural.
133. If I think I understand it, I don't understand it. Understanding comes by way of revelation.
134. If linear time is an illusion, there are no probabilities about it.
135. If particles are required for vibration to occur then the particle creator, energy, must be vibrationless.
136. If the ego takes credit for Buddha wisdom then Buddha will be trapped in the ego.
137. If we are made in the image of God and every single one of us values fun, we know where God's priorities lie.
138. If we clear our infected brains of all social engineering, we will regain the necessary awareness to see our divine natures and make this world what it was supposed to be in the first place.
139. The finite natural world is in infinite mind and infinite mind is in the finite natural world.
140. If you don't know how fabulous you are, you may become a trained seal for those that do know how fabulous you are.
141. If you fight against the truth you fight against that which sets you free.
142. If you go door-to-door in every inner city in the world during a family holiday you'll find out who these people really are that you're told to fear so much.
143. If God made both a plan of salvation and human genitals, why is only one considered appropriate for religious discussion?
144. If you see an inferior subject, you are unable to recognize yourself.
145. If you want to be where you're not, you're choosing non-being over being; non-existence over existence.
146. If you were born in any body that has ever been born, you wouldn't do anything different, good or bad, than what they have done.
147. If you go bowling, choose five of your most charismatic friends to join you. If you go fly-fishing, choose five of your most uncharismatic friends to join you.
148. Any gender that self pleasures is committing a homosexual act.
149. If you're trying to control a self, you're trying to control an illusion.
150. My body is human. I own this object. The owner is I, the bodiless being. Owner and owned conditions a human being.
151. The goal is realization. Knowing that logic equals reality is to know that realization is had by following the bread crumb trail left by logic.
152. How would you characterize a religion that makes heroes out of abortion doctors? They get more souls saved than an American celebrity evangelist.
153. Infinite mass and zero mass are the same thing. Without definitions, you're back in the potential state. It takes finite values for actualization.
154. Nothing should be believed. Everything should be realized.
155. Beliefs can only be held by egos. Once the ego is dropped, they will no longer be needed.
156. It's the goodness of the heart, not the belief in the head, that makes the difference.
157. It's not sin that you experience but a deviation from your original nature that leaves you feeling uncomfortable but not under judgment.
158. It's possible that one can enter a future event if one could transcend linear time reality because all events are already preserved in the infinite state.
159. Knowing concepts isn't knowing reality. Only reality can be known.
160. It is questions that bring out the answers. No questions tossed, no answers returned.
161. To get out of the ego-trap you have to put the ego in the passenger seat.
162. Jesus said, 'The truth will set you free' while Yahweh said, 'Stay away from knowledge. It'll kill ya'.
163. Join Religion. It's the 'say no to everything' life.
164. This world teaches us to find joy by getting. That's why the world is so miserable.
165. Joy comes from meeting truth in the hearts of others.
166. Judging, being intolerant and abusing others is bad. That's done by both the religious and the irreligious.
167. Judging is often used as a way to make the ego doing the judging feel superior. This is an act totally devoid merit.
168. My views aren't beliefs. They've all been stopped by the bouncer, Logic, and were allowed to proceed into Club Reality.
169. Just because you're Muslim doesn't mean you are to look at women and think, 'Muzzle 'em'.
170. Just because the 'still small voice' can be ignored doesn't mean it should be ignored.
171. Justification by faith alone? Ego needs to be dropped, not justified.
172. K-Tel's Hot tracks from Hell for Kids!! Featuring the classic hit, Horchy Scorchy!! 'You put your right foot in..' *ouch! ouch! it's hot! it's hot! 'You put your right foot out..' *assessing foot now... mmhm.. yep..still on fire* 'You put your right foot in and you shake it all about...'
173. Harm and Care are real. Everything else is extraneous.
174. Killing evil is the natural impulse of the good. The good is killed because of perceptual errors.
175. Knowing God and being a religion slave are two separate things.
176. Knowing is from Being and thinking is from the brain.
177. Jealousy only happens when you're narcissistic.
178. The natural reveals God nature. Nature is a far more superior theology school than any man has come up with.
179. Authentic beingness is a turn-on. Pretense is vomit-inducing.
180. Life and non-life are in different states. Life is the Always Now and non-life is a perceptual reality.
181. Light can't be created, only uncovered.
182. Linear time is intervaled time from one non-motion event on the causal chain to another one further down the chain. This reality can only be perceived when being is in a body which acts as a particular reference frame.
183. Living for the afterlife during your lifetime is like living in the non-existent future instead of Here and Now existence.
184. The Devil is when a person refers him/herself as "I" instead of "we". "I" only exists outside space-time
185. Logic confirms that a Big Bang event needed a time to happen and a place to happen in. This means the event's production of a space-time fabric was completely unnecessary.
186. Logic is discovered not stated. Logic describes reality.
187. Logic is objective and doesn't need a brain to validate its truth.
188. Logic is objective. Subjective logic is an oxymoron.
189. Logic is the way to authenticate views. If a view isn't logical, it isn't reality.
190. You don't use logic to affirm the validity of logic. Your own being-knowingness will see no other way around it.
191. Loneliness is the fruit of an unspiritual world system.
192. Love can only love the lovely. The unlovely are lovely but only love can discern it.
193. Mind is egoless and holds all egos inside Itself.
194. Love is always Home. If you're loving you're never lost.
195. Love is conditioned on contacting Itself (familiarity). Fear is conditioned on contacting not-Self (unfamiliarity).
196. Love is generic.
197. Love won't experience Itself unless it can contact Itself. This happens when Infinite Being is sep- arated by being in containers (bodies).
198. Love the sinner, hate the sin is impossible. A sinner is a will to act. There is no sin without willing. So you have to hate both or accept both.
199. Love your 'you' because it is a construct for space-time adventures. It only lasts for a short span so make it a worthwhile one.
200. Maybe can never be actually true.
201. Meaning was meant to be made. Go out there and make some.
202. Mind doesn't really live on. The act of continuing is something done in linear time, not in absolute time.
203. Mind is mind. There is only one kind.
204. Mind is the illuminator of content and all content is conditioned. Mind is the Unconditioned so to say 'no-mind' would be error. What one should say is 'empty-mind.'
205. Mind is the location of thoughts. Energy is the location of mass.
206. Moral Relativism: Pretend that abusing the vulnerable is equal to caring for the vulnerable.
207. Most fears have to be either past-generated or future-generated. The percentage of now-generated fear is miniscule.
208. Motion isn't an absolute phenomenon. If you have only one object in space, it can't move. There needs to be at least two objects plus a perceiver at one point on the causal chain of the traveling object traveling for the passing of time to be experienced.
209. Moving a pov like a laser beam across non-motion three dimensional events in a causal chain creates an illusion of intervaled or measured time.
210. My authentic sinner trumps my fake saint.
211. Narcissism was the snare that captured Being into the imprisoning illusory world, giving up reality to dwell in the darkness of illusion.
212. Negative thoughts can be extinguished if we disidentify with our finite form (body-personality) and see it as our avatar.
213. Never conflate religious doctrine with the Creator of the universe(s).
214. Never hate the self. The self is a glorious unique expression of the Divine.
215. You as 'cup' make wonder out of the Divine Life poured into it.
216. New Bible Warning Label: 'Caution: Extremely dangerous reading conditions'.
217. Not knowing something isn't delusional. Having a view that isn't in correlation with reality can be both a rational and delusional view.
218. Religion: Pretend that you don't want to do the stuff that other people get to do.
219. Nothing is God and Nothing has nothing that can be created. Energy, Mind, Being, Knowing, Loving, Will, Creation-Intention all fall under the Nothing category.
220. Nothing is Mind, Nothing is Being, Nothing is Energy and all Nothing is Undefined and Unperceivable. The perceivable has only relative existence.
221. Nothing is the only thing that absolutely exists which means space-time fabric is made up mostly of irony.
222. Observation isn't taking place. The brain builds from the information received by the senses and the Mind becomes aware of it. We aren't looking through our eyes.
223. One of Consensus Science Industry's popular con games: INERTIA
224. One should never believe when knowledge is available.
225. One way to know if you're indoctrinated by your religion is to have no views that stray from the orthodox teachings of your particular religion.
226. Only drug users have the chance to experience what it's like to be wasted on drugs.
227. Only objects can travel distances. Outside the body is objectless and distanceless existence.
228. Only egos can be enlightened. Enlightenment means the ego is realized as a concept.
229. Only liars worry about questions and what their answers will be. Those in the truth are completely at peace with both the questions and the answers.
230. Only the absolute absolutely exists. Only mass is created and has no awareness nature.
231. Oughts ought not come into play.
232. Our conceptual self is a body-personality. That's what is known as ego. Egos are dependent on Mind. Being is independent (the True Self).
233. Love happens when we see the hand inside the puppet.
234. Pantheism can't demarcate between life and death. Whatever can die is not the Unseen or the True Me.
235. Pantheism is a belief that the clothing (the seen) is God rather than it being just God's clothing.
236. People don't like to kill people. People may kill because they were mistreated, rejected, mocked and laughed. They see people as 'bad' and they want to kill this 'bad'.
237. Personality is art on the canvas of Being
238. Insisting that the Unseen be proved empirically is an oxymoron and a ruse.
239. It's all one Mind but many, many brains to cause a perception of many minds.
240. Quantum particles communicate instantaneously regardless of perceived distance. There is no actual distance in the quantum state. There is only one True Location which makes motion impossible.
241. We have to figure out how to articulate thoughts in our minds. The desire and intention to com- municate with 'other' is the reason we manifested languages.
242. Racism is like pouring your beer on the floor because you don't like the color of the glass.
243. Ratios exist and fractions are a way to describe ratios.
245. The cross represents the desecration of justice. Getting the innocent to pay the consequences so the guilty can walk free.
246. Reality is Mind and thought; Energy and mass; Being and not-Being; Creator and creation; the Illuminator of objects and the objects.
247. Reality is Always Now. There can't be motion in Always Now. Motion needs many locations and the object of motion was in the past at a previous location from the present location it's currently at.
248. Reality is the unpercieved. The universe is the perceived.
249. Reason is used to reason oneself out of the truth.
250. Reasons are razors that slash for the sash that reads: 'I win!'
251. Regarding the particle's existence, positive and negative are values or limit which had to be placed by intent. The function/purpose of the defined object proves it proceeded from intention.
252. 'Religion', in the way I'm using it, is removing individual divinity and placing it in oposition to the individual so that an illusion of estrangement can be accomplished with a cure on hand to remedy the situation that doubles as a profitable product.
253. Religion is hijacking the Divine for purposes of control.
254. Religion is not needed. When God's Word becomes flesh, that flesh knocks over tables and tells you to look within for your Teacher.
255. Religion is the enemy of our true natures.
256. Religion turns humans into a chosen deity's enemy which, in turn, makes them these same humans beheadable.
257. Religion separates people into 'bad' and 'good'. Those outside the religion are in the group labeled 'bad'.
258. Religions preach the evils of being selfish. The purpose of the self is to be a self, not selfless.
259. Religions are the System's way of controlling spirituality and making you pay for it.
260. Religions coax you toward the wrong source of truth; their books, their teachers, their schools.
261. Religions: I love the ones in the Faded Memories catalog.
262. Religious adherents are well-known for their being least able to abide by the tenets of their re- spective religions.
263. Jesus said, 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'. To call someone a sinner is a judgment. If you aren't to call others sinners, you aren't to call yourself one either.
264. There is never a reason to be sorry for being born a human in a space-time reality. It was pur- posed for the experience.
265. Resistance to a mass-object's weight at a velocity is the cause of a measurement of force.
266. Seeing 'other' as evil is a perceptual error.
267. Say 'goodbye!' to Allah and Jehovah. They can only be real if the universe is outside you.
268. Saying 'I believe' is a confession of ignorance.
269. Saying 'I don't know' are the words that cloak your knowing.
270. The Consensus Science Industry doesn't science much. It maths a lot and calls it science.
271. Anything computed by the brain is necessarily an unknown. Knowing transcends the computer.
272. Self-righteousness is the claim that the ego (body-personality) is the source of righteousness.
273. Separation is a feeling experienced when you can't connect with Being in the seen. It's not the seen itself that you're estranged from.
274. Setting up the future for ourself is meddling with Being's design.
275. Showing me an equation isn't showing me anything derived by the scientific method.
276. It is a sin to put the conceptual self on the throne and allow it to take the credit that belongs to the True Self.
277. Singing is divine. Isn't it obvious?
278. Seriousness is a malady that should be avoided if at all possible.
279. Energy is Mind/Being and is always verb, never a noun; always flux never stasis.
280. Some people find their joy in wet blanket distribution.
281. 'At some point we will die during our lifetime.' It won't be some point. It will be the very last point. We can call this point, 'the period at the end of our life sentence'.
282. Something comes from Nothing. How can that be? Nobody knows. Just accept it.
283. Soul is undefined. Being undefined means it's undifferentiated from anything else that is undefined. This includes Being, Mind, Will and Energy.
284. Tears are like energy emitted from the sun's fusion. It's a physical expression born from an infinite place.
285. The bible is a book of ambiguity that can be twisted in any form that pleases the belief of the believer.
286. That's what the world's programming has done. It programs us to see our savior, the truth, as an enemy.
287. The body-personality is the ego. Being identifies with the form it sees in the mirror and thinks 'that's me!'
288. The brain is the gatekeeper. See if you can sneak past him.
289. There is the infinite state which is potential beingness. When a new body is concieved, being can once again be actualized.
290. The ego is the thinker and Being is the Knower.
291. The eyes are receivers. There is nothing going out of our eyes.
292. The friends that go are the friends that lost sight of the friend in you.
293. The genuine doesn't break with logic while the false will break with logic.
294. The gut instinct is our internal GPS for safe journeys.
295. The longer you live, the longer the medicine has a buyer. HIV was a phenomenal success.
296. The man that speaks the truth is irrelevant. The truth that is spoken is the valued.
297. The monetary requirement for admission is directly proportional to the lack of benefit you'll receive.
298. Ignorance is the cause of folly. Remove the ignorance and you remove the folly.
299. What are the top 100 reasons why unbelievers would have a good reason to despise an EgoDeity such as Jehovah or Allah?
300. The only miracle is Mind producing thought; something out of nothing.
301. The only way human consciousness increases its love/wisdom quotient is by not mincing words of truth
302. The only way one should be acting is with non-acting; non-pretending.
303. The only way velocity can be zero or infinite is when there isn't any object. Objects have to have a finite velocity.
304. The 'outer self' is what creates uniqueness between us. The 'inner self' reveals the truth that we are all the same.
305. The outside hides the truth: that we all have the exact same inside.
306. The Perceiver can never perceive Itself.
307. The recognition of beauty proves our Original Nature is beautiful. We only recognize ourselves.
308. The religious think that sinners reject God. It was always the religious that rejected God come in the flesh.
309. The state of lostness can only be a perceptual state; never an actual state.
310. The still small voice: religion or no religion, everyone has it.
311. The True Religion of No Religion transcends all man-made religion.
312. The Sword of Truth slays the Dragon of Lies.
313. The Uncaused is immaterial and without limit. It is Mind/Being with Will. It is Intelligence holding all potentials of all finite values and combinations of values that can be placed on properties such as space, time, mass and velocity.
314. The Unfucked-up was bored with unfucked-upness. It decided to manifest a reality to experience being fucked up.
315. The world thrives on calling the crooked straight.
316. Theory-schmeory..I want the real deal.
317. There are no winners or losers, just characters.
318. The plants and the animals aren't pretending. Why not follow their lead?
319. There is no whole person. What we think is our person is a bunch of bits and pieces strung together in our own mind. Yesterday's person isn't the same as today's person.
320. Christian apologetics should be called, 'the fine art of bearing false witness'.
321. Volition is reality but is determined by its absolute unchanging nature. It's free to move in a de- termined direction.
322. 'Want' is a property of Being. The idea that we 'need' is a property of delusion; a symptom of ego-identification.
323. Consciousness needs an object to light upon; something to condition recognition.
324. We are the nonsense of God. As nonsense we want to make more, and so we should.
325. We can't produce anything. It's Divine Life that produces. Our job is to be rooted in the right Ground.
326. We live in the absolute but perceive the virtual.
327. We love meaning without even meaning to.
328. We observe particles popping into existence and still say that there is only this universe. That is illogical.
329. We should always be aware of how we affect other species. Their pain hurts just as much as ours does.
330. The 12 Step Program is forcing change against a will that doesn't want the change. The answer is to increase awareness so that the will doesn't will to do that which harms the self.
331. What is necessary for the existence of Existence Itself? A questioner of existence, now and here.
332. What is really real? The information and the medium that information is in. Mass is housed in Energy and thoughts are housed in Mind. Non-Being is housed in Being and the finite is housed in the Infinite.
333. Religion is the Behavioral Modification Industry; a hive facility producer.
334. The definition of sin is to miss the mark. There is no mark to miss. The 'mark' is a man-made concept and has no divine origin.
335. All that sins are is a name we put on human behavior by humans who are unaware of who they are and who others are.
336. Whatever you see is not the real me.
337. They've gathered monsters into their minds trading their Master Mind for a Monster Mind.
338. We were meant to do more than just pay bills and die. It starts with an 'F', ends with an 'N' and has YOU in the middle.
339. When awareness reaches critical mass and we realize that Being is the same in me as it is in my enemy, how can there not be world peace?
340. When ego thinks it is the source of good it becomes false light. If our light be dark, how great is that darkness.
341. When we are fully aware of how reason can be used to effectively reason us out of common sense, we will be less vulnerable to self-deceit.
342. When we buy an artist's art, we're buying creation from a Creator. We're using an ego as a unique instrument to achieve a unique result.
343. When we see the Father in the Son we think it's the Son. Because the contact emanates from a human we mistakenly think the source of the Divine is the human itself.
344. Whenever we hear someone say, 'everything is energy' we are hearing them say there is no difference between the living and the dead.
345. Where would you be without gravity? Our body would be in the same place. The reason we're causing a force measurement is because the surface our feet are on is resisting our natural velocity.
346. Does this sound like God or the Devil? 'I'm gonna convince them that being human is evil and make them slit the throats of innocent animals..bwahahaha..'
347. Why do we need a religion? Can we not celebrate our supremely valued selves in the spirit of love, joy, and playfulness without having to pull the hymnal from the back of the pew and sing to a god that isn't there?
348. Why does God only desire those who are willing to let some innocent person pay for their indiscretions?
349. When 'want' isn't conditioned we always have 'be' to fall back on.
350. Will doesn't need will power. Willpower is really power to fight the natural will. It should be called anti-will power.
351. Wisdom is reiterating what resonates with our KnowingBeing.
352. Working on the ego is trying to turn it into a Buddha. The ego can never become a Buddha because Buddhas don't 'become' ..they Always Is.
353. The ego is the ego of the Buddha and to realize we are the Buddha is to realize we aren't the ego.
354. The New Testament had to undo all the bad that was done to us by the Old Testament.
356. Letting go of the defined doesn't leave us left behind but most gloriously Undefined!
357. Your mind must transfigure the angel into a demon before you can ever slay an angel.
358. We are the Creator, the Deceiver and the Deceived.
359. We aren't the character in our sleeping dream. We aren't the character in our waking dream.
360. We can gauge the moral compass of the world by the YouTube homepage.
361. You can't be let down if you're a giver.
362. We can't cherry pick a bible that has consistent truth because whatever verse is chosen will be consistent with all others. The ability to cherry pick is proof of inconsistent teaching.
363. We can't die. Only mass has an expirey date.
364. We shouldn't petition things for ourselves because we have no idea what is best for us.
365. Your Higher Power is You when your finite falls off and you're left there standing in your naked infinity.
2. A fatal accident is a crash in the game of life. This life is revealed to be a game with meat puppets for characters.
3. A mind is a nothing, not a something. It's a verb, not a noun.
4. I can change the world with brightly painted paving stones or I can throw a stone at my anger targets to continue my life under judgment clouds.
5. Absurdity can be brought to the top of a particular view's surface by applying the heat of a skillful question.
6. To deny the inherent knowingness of Being and instead choose biased reasoning as your master is fool-hardy.
7. All future events are recorded and laid out in a circle. No point on the circle is either a beginning or end point. Being can be in any body on any point. The points to the right will be in the future relative to that particular body and points to the left will be in the past relative to that particular body.
8. All life is the same Being making all persons of equal value. Your daughter doesn't lose value on halloween if she changes from her princess costume into a witch costume.
9. All life is divine. All objects are not divine. The divine illuminates the non-divine.
10. All physicality is object nature. All immateriality is subject nature.
11. If it's something it doesn't absolutely exist. Whatever absolutely exists is nothing other than you.
12. An ego can be seen as entertainment for the ego-Owner, your True Self.
13. An electron is a thing out of nothing; limit from the unlimited.
14. An image is an objectification of a subjective idea.
15. Falling madly in love is the most exhilarating experience and the most debilitating situation to be in.
16. How does one get trapped by the ego? By believing that the conceptual self or body-personality is a real self.
17. Using a taxonomy to put the variety of our planet's species into categories causes a false impression that they aren't unique creations from one another.
18. Answers don't come unless they're sought.
19. Any content or definition is not God but God's thought. Use that as the delineation.
20. We use the term 'narcissism' to describe humans that are going in the wrong direction.
21. Any time 'other' is devalued as less than one's self, harm to 'other' is a real threat.
22. Anything that can die is alive and God is life.
23. Art is making realities. Every song you listen to creates a new reality. Keep an ideal image of how you want your reality to be before making your choice.
24. Atheism is a rejection of both fables and the truth.
25. Autonomy is divinity.
26. Smiling is sharper than a two-edged sword.
27. Be a good person. Better yet, see others as good persons and you'll naturally be good back to them.
28. Now is every moment, not just the present one.
29. Being cannot not exist. It doesn't rely on any supports to keep it being.
30. Being yourself is being your best.
31. If love were a cigarette I'd name it 'Being Unfiltered'.
32. Believing is self-deceiving.
33. When a natural reading of the text offends common sense, the bible believer will twist and contort the text until it stops offending common sense.
34. Changing yourself makes as much sense as trying to glue wings on a trout.
35. Calling someone a retard is not insulting anyone except people who wrongly identify people with disabilities as retards.
36. God, being quite non-plussed about abiding in perfect holiness, got this crazy idea to put together this red suit ensemble, replete with horns and tail to go have himself a wickedly good time.
37. Change happens in our perceptually-dependent reality. What changes are you producing in the hearts of those you love? Of those you will love when they awake?
38. Change is only a perceptual reality. At the constant there are no dimensional objects to move distances.
39. Children have the value of a laptop computer in an atheistic reality: a biogenetic co2 generator with an electrical pattern for personality.
40. Christ said he came to free us not pardon us. To free someone is to release them from victimiza- tion. To pardon someone is to excuse a persecutor.
41. To find the real You remove all of the false. Think of the false as clothes and the real You when you're naked. You are the Naked One.
42. Compassion and love is the fruit of the Spirit. You don't produce fruit by obeying rules. You pro- duce fruit by being the tree that can bear it.
43. Creation is eternal until you become part of it. Then stuff starts to rot and die.
44. Defined energy is information which is a disturbance. Undefined energy is the medium for the disturbance.
45. Three Immoral Behaviors:
1. Judging another's behavior even if it isn't harming anyone.
2. Saying no to the desires of your heart even if it isn't harming anyone.
3. Not tolerating the differences expressed by divine free children.
46. Depression comes from being trapped in our body-personalities. When we're free from the trap we're also free from depression.
47. Detachment comes from realizing we aren't the owner but the experiencer. The owner is an ego. Believing ourself to be the owner is an ego trap.
48. Distance is perceptual space and time is an experience of seeing the illusion of non-motion in motion.
49. Divine Intelligence can be communicated with music. The recognition of the superior in contrast with the inferior is recognition of a change in the level of intelligence utillized.
50. What an insidious doctrine to teach that the act of abortion gets the unborn sent to heaven keeping them from the threat of hell.
51. Time is Always Now. It's the events that flow past us like a river.
52. Frequency is incoherent outside linear time.
53. We enjoy comedians because we recognize their responses to the human condition as being the appropriate response. They show us how awareness sees the human condition.
54. We shouldn't be the thinker. We don't own the thoughts. We should say to ouselves, 'Today was the day these thoughts came for a visit. They won't stay long. I'll leave them alone and they'll be on their way shortly'.
55. Emptiness sucks rocks. If we truly valued it, we'd live in white apartments with no art or decora- tion, no music and rice gruel for meals.
56. Empty is Mind but it abhors a vacuum and fills itself up with thought.
57. Energy is in the infinite state; a state of non-motion. By Divine Thought, it puts limit on infinite properties and this actualizes potentialities. Energy is the perceiver that is deceived by being Its own Deceiver. The deception happens when the brain-nervous-system-senses converts the math-like infor- mation/blueprints into a three dimensional representation.
58. Energy is Nothing and mass is something. Energy is the medium and mass is the disturbance in the medium.
59. Energy is You and is undefined. When it becomes defined, it becomes mass which is the not-you. The infinite becomes finite. The finite is never the infinite.
60. Existence has absolute time, Always Now, and the one true location, Always Here. Non-existence is past or future and not-here-but-over-there.
61. Existence is only experienced from our body and nobody else's so another body's here doesn't exist if it is our 'there'.
62. Have you ever noticed that the only species that worships God is the one that is 'taught' to do it?
63. Everything is fated because Will is Absolute.
64. Everything living that can be left without life is clothed Soul.
65. Everything takes place in Infinite Mind. All content is caused there and remains there.
66. Everything that correlates to the true nature of reality is logical.
67. Everything that we invent starts as an idea. The idea then becomes information. Then that informa- tion gets actualized. The 'Nothing' state is the Idea state or the Potential state. The 'Something' state is the Actualized state.
68. Evil is a feeling by the Observer when Other objectifies him or her. Other can only objectify us when our worth is hidden from them.
69. Evil isn't real. We need to have a false perception of good to believe otherwise. If evil was real we'd see Jasons and Freddies trolling the streets of our world's cities. They stay put in our DVD players like well-behaved fiction.
70. Evolution: it's a good theory if we have a large carpet to sweep uncomfortable facts under it.
71. Faith: the greatest hoax ever played on humankind.
72. Faith is living truth regardless of what we perceive with the senses.
73. Christ taught Buddhism; die to ego and resurrect the True Self. Then one becomes Christ, or the Image of God.
74. Fear happens when Self isn't recognized in Other.
75. Finite space-time reality loops in so many different ways to express the truth that even finity is couched in infinity.
76. For best results, use one cup of solution for every ounce of fear.
77. The Big Bang: there wouldn't have been a time for it to take place if the theory holds that the event, itself, is the origin of space-time.
78. Don't identify with difference. Identify with commonality. Friendships happen when commonality happens.
79. The prodigal son needed no propitiation or atonement for his sins.
80. God can be Uncaused because God is Nothing (no thing) which is an undefined and infinite quality. The universe is something making it defined and finite. It must therefore be caused by a defining meth- od and a limiting method.
81. God has not the nature to deceive. Those that are fully aware are those that are fully authentic.
82. God hates religion. God loves being in bodies.
83. God increased His available choices by setting limits on the infinite to create a finite reality.
84. 'God' is Good. They should have never taken that second 'o' out.
85. 'God' is a label for the Absolute, Unchanging, Undefined, Unconditioned, Infinite Self.
86. There is nothing to be saved from except the lies coming from religious authorities, government authorities, law authorities, and authorities in general.
87. All things are not-God because things have limits and God has none.
88. God wears clothing with the brand name: NOTGOD.
89. God is love. When we love someone, we're the loving.
90. God's Word is written on the tablet of our heart. They are living words on a living page.
91. Going against our Original Nature causes a negative experience. We shouldn't call this sinning. When we do that we identify ourselves as a sinner in need of redemption. This is a delusional mind state.
92. Present events can be perceived as past or future ones. Bodies are relative reference frames.
93. Hatred isn't anti-love but what love looks like when it perceives an enemy of love.
94. Have unconditional love and perfect non-judgment of the self that appears in mirrors and identify it as your silly trouble-making companion that doesn't need to jump through hoops or please a God of Judgment.
95. Have you ever looked at space between objects and said to yourself, 'there's nothing there to curve'?
96. Heart and Mind can't be differentiated. Only thoughts can stray from Original Nature.
97. Honesty of one's ignorance is commendable. Dishonesty about one's knowledge is shameful.
98. Hope is disguised doubt.
99. Being can only explore Itself in the not-Self (creation).
100. Realize that relying on a belief to be your model of reality is unwise. Realize what reality is.
101. Love elevates its target and increases the target's value. Its opposite devalues its target. This is an act of diminishing.
102. If we are finite we are imperfect and meant to be so.
103. By designing bodies that can convert finite values and coordinates into a three dimensional inter- active environment, Being caused a perceptual-state to coincide with an absolute one.
104. Jesus couldn't get to heaven. He was still occupying his corpse.
105. Humans are the egos of God. When all egos realize this they will realize that to hurt another ego is to hurt their own ego.
106. Ego-gratification can co-exist with valuing others equal to ourselves. We do it all the time.
107. Community development should be an evolutionary priority over technological advancement.
108. I am always here, always now. The rest does not absolutely exist.
109. Changing minds is how you change the world.
110. Since reality cannot be separated from logic, all reality can be logically deduced.
111. Any doing that needs effort to do it is incorrect doing.
112. Don't separate raw experience from the meaning it's couched in. Just like a ring, we have the precious gem and the setting. The experience is the whole piece of jewelry, not just the stone.
113. Truth can't be owned. It has to be realized.
114. If the ego is a false self there must be a True Self. We can't falsify something that doesn't exist.
115. The infinite square isn't limited by four sides.
116. I always abide in silence while my favorite Slayer album is playing in the background.
117. I want my lover to have many disguises so that the bed of intimacy and delight can be a place of many surprises.
118. The True Lord chooses service over lordship.
119. Earth belongs to us. It's up to us to make this place a fun place to incarnate into or a miserable place to incarnate into.
120. Determinism doesn't take away our freedom. It predicts what we would freely choose.
121. Show me a concept that hasn't been actualized into a reality and I'll show you an actualization that isn't a concept any more.
122. Don't try to shape reality according to your views. Shape your views according to reality.
123. I'm a teacher when the student appears and a lover when my beloved appears.
124. Light is constant because non-motion has no way to vary.
125. Faith is living truth even when nobody else is.
126. You cannot seperate the act from the actor.
127. Learn to know the difference between the Self and the not-Self, the perceptually-dependent reality and the perceptually-independent reality.
128. You can't own virtues. You can be virtue.
129. There's only one simple rule for practicing zen. Be engaged with the present moment.
130. If God is omniscient, he knows what it's like to take it up the butt.
131. If Jesus said money is Caesar's, why do churches tell us to give it to God?
132. Energy is not material which makes it immaterial. The material is the natural and the immaterial is the supernatural. Energy is supernatural.
133. If I think I understand it, I don't understand it. Understanding comes by way of revelation.
134. If linear time is an illusion, there are no probabilities about it.
135. If particles are required for vibration to occur then the particle creator, energy, must be vibrationless.
136. If the ego takes credit for Buddha wisdom then Buddha will be trapped in the ego.
137. If we are made in the image of God and every single one of us values fun, we know where God's priorities lie.
138. If we clear our infected brains of all social engineering, we will regain the necessary awareness to see our divine natures and make this world what it was supposed to be in the first place.
139. The finite natural world is in infinite mind and infinite mind is in the finite natural world.
140. If you don't know how fabulous you are, you may become a trained seal for those that do know how fabulous you are.
141. If you fight against the truth you fight against that which sets you free.
142. If you go door-to-door in every inner city in the world during a family holiday you'll find out who these people really are that you're told to fear so much.
143. If God made both a plan of salvation and human genitals, why is only one considered appropriate for religious discussion?
144. If you see an inferior subject, you are unable to recognize yourself.
145. If you want to be where you're not, you're choosing non-being over being; non-existence over existence.
146. If you were born in any body that has ever been born, you wouldn't do anything different, good or bad, than what they have done.
147. If you go bowling, choose five of your most charismatic friends to join you. If you go fly-fishing, choose five of your most uncharismatic friends to join you.
148. Any gender that self pleasures is committing a homosexual act.
149. If you're trying to control a self, you're trying to control an illusion.
150. My body is human. I own this object. The owner is I, the bodiless being. Owner and owned conditions a human being.
151. The goal is realization. Knowing that logic equals reality is to know that realization is had by following the bread crumb trail left by logic.
152. How would you characterize a religion that makes heroes out of abortion doctors? They get more souls saved than an American celebrity evangelist.
153. Infinite mass and zero mass are the same thing. Without definitions, you're back in the potential state. It takes finite values for actualization.
154. Nothing should be believed. Everything should be realized.
155. Beliefs can only be held by egos. Once the ego is dropped, they will no longer be needed.
156. It's the goodness of the heart, not the belief in the head, that makes the difference.
157. It's not sin that you experience but a deviation from your original nature that leaves you feeling uncomfortable but not under judgment.
158. It's possible that one can enter a future event if one could transcend linear time reality because all events are already preserved in the infinite state.
159. Knowing concepts isn't knowing reality. Only reality can be known.
160. It is questions that bring out the answers. No questions tossed, no answers returned.
161. To get out of the ego-trap you have to put the ego in the passenger seat.
162. Jesus said, 'The truth will set you free' while Yahweh said, 'Stay away from knowledge. It'll kill ya'.
163. Join Religion. It's the 'say no to everything' life.
164. This world teaches us to find joy by getting. That's why the world is so miserable.
165. Joy comes from meeting truth in the hearts of others.
166. Judging, being intolerant and abusing others is bad. That's done by both the religious and the irreligious.
167. Judging is often used as a way to make the ego doing the judging feel superior. This is an act totally devoid merit.
168. My views aren't beliefs. They've all been stopped by the bouncer, Logic, and were allowed to proceed into Club Reality.
169. Just because you're Muslim doesn't mean you are to look at women and think, 'Muzzle 'em'.
170. Just because the 'still small voice' can be ignored doesn't mean it should be ignored.
171. Justification by faith alone? Ego needs to be dropped, not justified.
172. K-Tel's Hot tracks from Hell for Kids!! Featuring the classic hit, Horchy Scorchy!! 'You put your right foot in..' *ouch! ouch! it's hot! it's hot! 'You put your right foot out..' *assessing foot now... mmhm.. yep..still on fire* 'You put your right foot in and you shake it all about...'
173. Harm and Care are real. Everything else is extraneous.
174. Killing evil is the natural impulse of the good. The good is killed because of perceptual errors.
175. Knowing God and being a religion slave are two separate things.
176. Knowing is from Being and thinking is from the brain.
177. Jealousy only happens when you're narcissistic.
178. The natural reveals God nature. Nature is a far more superior theology school than any man has come up with.
179. Authentic beingness is a turn-on. Pretense is vomit-inducing.
180. Life and non-life are in different states. Life is the Always Now and non-life is a perceptual reality.
181. Light can't be created, only uncovered.
182. Linear time is intervaled time from one non-motion event on the causal chain to another one further down the chain. This reality can only be perceived when being is in a body which acts as a particular reference frame.
183. Living for the afterlife during your lifetime is like living in the non-existent future instead of Here and Now existence.
184. The Devil is when a person refers him/herself as "I" instead of "we". "I" only exists outside space-time
185. Logic confirms that a Big Bang event needed a time to happen and a place to happen in. This means the event's production of a space-time fabric was completely unnecessary.
186. Logic is discovered not stated. Logic describes reality.
187. Logic is objective and doesn't need a brain to validate its truth.
188. Logic is objective. Subjective logic is an oxymoron.
189. Logic is the way to authenticate views. If a view isn't logical, it isn't reality.
190. You don't use logic to affirm the validity of logic. Your own being-knowingness will see no other way around it.
191. Loneliness is the fruit of an unspiritual world system.
192. Love can only love the lovely. The unlovely are lovely but only love can discern it.
193. Mind is egoless and holds all egos inside Itself.
194. Love is always Home. If you're loving you're never lost.
195. Love is conditioned on contacting Itself (familiarity). Fear is conditioned on contacting not-Self (unfamiliarity).
196. Love is generic.
197. Love won't experience Itself unless it can contact Itself. This happens when Infinite Being is sep- arated by being in containers (bodies).
198. Love the sinner, hate the sin is impossible. A sinner is a will to act. There is no sin without willing. So you have to hate both or accept both.
199. Love your 'you' because it is a construct for space-time adventures. It only lasts for a short span so make it a worthwhile one.
200. Maybe can never be actually true.
201. Meaning was meant to be made. Go out there and make some.
202. Mind doesn't really live on. The act of continuing is something done in linear time, not in absolute time.
203. Mind is mind. There is only one kind.
204. Mind is the illuminator of content and all content is conditioned. Mind is the Unconditioned so to say 'no-mind' would be error. What one should say is 'empty-mind.'
205. Mind is the location of thoughts. Energy is the location of mass.
206. Moral Relativism: Pretend that abusing the vulnerable is equal to caring for the vulnerable.
207. Most fears have to be either past-generated or future-generated. The percentage of now-generated fear is miniscule.
208. Motion isn't an absolute phenomenon. If you have only one object in space, it can't move. There needs to be at least two objects plus a perceiver at one point on the causal chain of the traveling object traveling for the passing of time to be experienced.
209. Moving a pov like a laser beam across non-motion three dimensional events in a causal chain creates an illusion of intervaled or measured time.
210. My authentic sinner trumps my fake saint.
211. Narcissism was the snare that captured Being into the imprisoning illusory world, giving up reality to dwell in the darkness of illusion.
212. Negative thoughts can be extinguished if we disidentify with our finite form (body-personality) and see it as our avatar.
213. Never conflate religious doctrine with the Creator of the universe(s).
214. Never hate the self. The self is a glorious unique expression of the Divine.
215. You as 'cup' make wonder out of the Divine Life poured into it.
216. New Bible Warning Label: 'Caution: Extremely dangerous reading conditions'.
217. Not knowing something isn't delusional. Having a view that isn't in correlation with reality can be both a rational and delusional view.
218. Religion: Pretend that you don't want to do the stuff that other people get to do.
219. Nothing is God and Nothing has nothing that can be created. Energy, Mind, Being, Knowing, Loving, Will, Creation-Intention all fall under the Nothing category.
220. Nothing is Mind, Nothing is Being, Nothing is Energy and all Nothing is Undefined and Unperceivable. The perceivable has only relative existence.
221. Nothing is the only thing that absolutely exists which means space-time fabric is made up mostly of irony.
222. Observation isn't taking place. The brain builds from the information received by the senses and the Mind becomes aware of it. We aren't looking through our eyes.
223. One of Consensus Science Industry's popular con games: INERTIA
224. One should never believe when knowledge is available.
225. One way to know if you're indoctrinated by your religion is to have no views that stray from the orthodox teachings of your particular religion.
226. Only drug users have the chance to experience what it's like to be wasted on drugs.
227. Only objects can travel distances. Outside the body is objectless and distanceless existence.
228. Only egos can be enlightened. Enlightenment means the ego is realized as a concept.
229. Only liars worry about questions and what their answers will be. Those in the truth are completely at peace with both the questions and the answers.
230. Only the absolute absolutely exists. Only mass is created and has no awareness nature.
231. Oughts ought not come into play.
232. Our conceptual self is a body-personality. That's what is known as ego. Egos are dependent on Mind. Being is independent (the True Self).
233. Love happens when we see the hand inside the puppet.
234. Pantheism can't demarcate between life and death. Whatever can die is not the Unseen or the True Me.
235. Pantheism is a belief that the clothing (the seen) is God rather than it being just God's clothing.
236. People don't like to kill people. People may kill because they were mistreated, rejected, mocked and laughed. They see people as 'bad' and they want to kill this 'bad'.
237. Personality is art on the canvas of Being
238. Insisting that the Unseen be proved empirically is an oxymoron and a ruse.
239. It's all one Mind but many, many brains to cause a perception of many minds.
240. Quantum particles communicate instantaneously regardless of perceived distance. There is no actual distance in the quantum state. There is only one True Location which makes motion impossible.
241. We have to figure out how to articulate thoughts in our minds. The desire and intention to com- municate with 'other' is the reason we manifested languages.
242. Racism is like pouring your beer on the floor because you don't like the color of the glass.
243. Ratios exist and fractions are a way to describe ratios.
245. The cross represents the desecration of justice. Getting the innocent to pay the consequences so the guilty can walk free.
246. Reality is Mind and thought; Energy and mass; Being and not-Being; Creator and creation; the Illuminator of objects and the objects.
247. Reality is Always Now. There can't be motion in Always Now. Motion needs many locations and the object of motion was in the past at a previous location from the present location it's currently at.
248. Reality is the unpercieved. The universe is the perceived.
249. Reason is used to reason oneself out of the truth.
250. Reasons are razors that slash for the sash that reads: 'I win!'
251. Regarding the particle's existence, positive and negative are values or limit which had to be placed by intent. The function/purpose of the defined object proves it proceeded from intention.
252. 'Religion', in the way I'm using it, is removing individual divinity and placing it in oposition to the individual so that an illusion of estrangement can be accomplished with a cure on hand to remedy the situation that doubles as a profitable product.
253. Religion is hijacking the Divine for purposes of control.
254. Religion is not needed. When God's Word becomes flesh, that flesh knocks over tables and tells you to look within for your Teacher.
255. Religion is the enemy of our true natures.
256. Religion turns humans into a chosen deity's enemy which, in turn, makes them these same humans beheadable.
257. Religion separates people into 'bad' and 'good'. Those outside the religion are in the group labeled 'bad'.
258. Religions preach the evils of being selfish. The purpose of the self is to be a self, not selfless.
259. Religions are the System's way of controlling spirituality and making you pay for it.
260. Religions coax you toward the wrong source of truth; their books, their teachers, their schools.
261. Religions: I love the ones in the Faded Memories catalog.
262. Religious adherents are well-known for their being least able to abide by the tenets of their re- spective religions.
263. Jesus said, 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'. To call someone a sinner is a judgment. If you aren't to call others sinners, you aren't to call yourself one either.
264. There is never a reason to be sorry for being born a human in a space-time reality. It was pur- posed for the experience.
265. Resistance to a mass-object's weight at a velocity is the cause of a measurement of force.
266. Seeing 'other' as evil is a perceptual error.
267. Say 'goodbye!' to Allah and Jehovah. They can only be real if the universe is outside you.
268. Saying 'I believe' is a confession of ignorance.
269. Saying 'I don't know' are the words that cloak your knowing.
270. The Consensus Science Industry doesn't science much. It maths a lot and calls it science.
271. Anything computed by the brain is necessarily an unknown. Knowing transcends the computer.
272. Self-righteousness is the claim that the ego (body-personality) is the source of righteousness.
273. Separation is a feeling experienced when you can't connect with Being in the seen. It's not the seen itself that you're estranged from.
274. Setting up the future for ourself is meddling with Being's design.
275. Showing me an equation isn't showing me anything derived by the scientific method.
276. It is a sin to put the conceptual self on the throne and allow it to take the credit that belongs to the True Self.
277. Singing is divine. Isn't it obvious?
278. Seriousness is a malady that should be avoided if at all possible.
279. Energy is Mind/Being and is always verb, never a noun; always flux never stasis.
280. Some people find their joy in wet blanket distribution.
281. 'At some point we will die during our lifetime.' It won't be some point. It will be the very last point. We can call this point, 'the period at the end of our life sentence'.
282. Something comes from Nothing. How can that be? Nobody knows. Just accept it.
283. Soul is undefined. Being undefined means it's undifferentiated from anything else that is undefined. This includes Being, Mind, Will and Energy.
284. Tears are like energy emitted from the sun's fusion. It's a physical expression born from an infinite place.
285. The bible is a book of ambiguity that can be twisted in any form that pleases the belief of the believer.
286. That's what the world's programming has done. It programs us to see our savior, the truth, as an enemy.
287. The body-personality is the ego. Being identifies with the form it sees in the mirror and thinks 'that's me!'
288. The brain is the gatekeeper. See if you can sneak past him.
289. There is the infinite state which is potential beingness. When a new body is concieved, being can once again be actualized.
290. The ego is the thinker and Being is the Knower.
291. The eyes are receivers. There is nothing going out of our eyes.
292. The friends that go are the friends that lost sight of the friend in you.
293. The genuine doesn't break with logic while the false will break with logic.
294. The gut instinct is our internal GPS for safe journeys.
295. The longer you live, the longer the medicine has a buyer. HIV was a phenomenal success.
296. The man that speaks the truth is irrelevant. The truth that is spoken is the valued.
297. The monetary requirement for admission is directly proportional to the lack of benefit you'll receive.
298. Ignorance is the cause of folly. Remove the ignorance and you remove the folly.
299. What are the top 100 reasons why unbelievers would have a good reason to despise an EgoDeity such as Jehovah or Allah?
300. The only miracle is Mind producing thought; something out of nothing.
301. The only way human consciousness increases its love/wisdom quotient is by not mincing words of truth
302. The only way one should be acting is with non-acting; non-pretending.
303. The only way velocity can be zero or infinite is when there isn't any object. Objects have to have a finite velocity.
304. The 'outer self' is what creates uniqueness between us. The 'inner self' reveals the truth that we are all the same.
305. The outside hides the truth: that we all have the exact same inside.
306. The Perceiver can never perceive Itself.
307. The recognition of beauty proves our Original Nature is beautiful. We only recognize ourselves.
308. The religious think that sinners reject God. It was always the religious that rejected God come in the flesh.
309. The state of lostness can only be a perceptual state; never an actual state.
310. The still small voice: religion or no religion, everyone has it.
311. The True Religion of No Religion transcends all man-made religion.
312. The Sword of Truth slays the Dragon of Lies.
313. The Uncaused is immaterial and without limit. It is Mind/Being with Will. It is Intelligence holding all potentials of all finite values and combinations of values that can be placed on properties such as space, time, mass and velocity.
314. The Unfucked-up was bored with unfucked-upness. It decided to manifest a reality to experience being fucked up.
315. The world thrives on calling the crooked straight.
316. Theory-schmeory..I want the real deal.
317. There are no winners or losers, just characters.
318. The plants and the animals aren't pretending. Why not follow their lead?
319. There is no whole person. What we think is our person is a bunch of bits and pieces strung together in our own mind. Yesterday's person isn't the same as today's person.
320. Christian apologetics should be called, 'the fine art of bearing false witness'.
321. Volition is reality but is determined by its absolute unchanging nature. It's free to move in a de- termined direction.
322. 'Want' is a property of Being. The idea that we 'need' is a property of delusion; a symptom of ego-identification.
323. Consciousness needs an object to light upon; something to condition recognition.
324. We are the nonsense of God. As nonsense we want to make more, and so we should.
325. We can't produce anything. It's Divine Life that produces. Our job is to be rooted in the right Ground.
326. We live in the absolute but perceive the virtual.
327. We love meaning without even meaning to.
328. We observe particles popping into existence and still say that there is only this universe. That is illogical.
329. We should always be aware of how we affect other species. Their pain hurts just as much as ours does.
330. The 12 Step Program is forcing change against a will that doesn't want the change. The answer is to increase awareness so that the will doesn't will to do that which harms the self.
331. What is necessary for the existence of Existence Itself? A questioner of existence, now and here.
332. What is really real? The information and the medium that information is in. Mass is housed in Energy and thoughts are housed in Mind. Non-Being is housed in Being and the finite is housed in the Infinite.
333. Religion is the Behavioral Modification Industry; a hive facility producer.
334. The definition of sin is to miss the mark. There is no mark to miss. The 'mark' is a man-made concept and has no divine origin.
335. All that sins are is a name we put on human behavior by humans who are unaware of who they are and who others are.
336. Whatever you see is not the real me.
337. They've gathered monsters into their minds trading their Master Mind for a Monster Mind.
338. We were meant to do more than just pay bills and die. It starts with an 'F', ends with an 'N' and has YOU in the middle.
339. When awareness reaches critical mass and we realize that Being is the same in me as it is in my enemy, how can there not be world peace?
340. When ego thinks it is the source of good it becomes false light. If our light be dark, how great is that darkness.
341. When we are fully aware of how reason can be used to effectively reason us out of common sense, we will be less vulnerable to self-deceit.
342. When we buy an artist's art, we're buying creation from a Creator. We're using an ego as a unique instrument to achieve a unique result.
343. When we see the Father in the Son we think it's the Son. Because the contact emanates from a human we mistakenly think the source of the Divine is the human itself.
344. Whenever we hear someone say, 'everything is energy' we are hearing them say there is no difference between the living and the dead.
345. Where would you be without gravity? Our body would be in the same place. The reason we're causing a force measurement is because the surface our feet are on is resisting our natural velocity.
346. Does this sound like God or the Devil? 'I'm gonna convince them that being human is evil and make them slit the throats of innocent animals..bwahahaha..'
347. Why do we need a religion? Can we not celebrate our supremely valued selves in the spirit of love, joy, and playfulness without having to pull the hymnal from the back of the pew and sing to a god that isn't there?
348. Why does God only desire those who are willing to let some innocent person pay for their indiscretions?
349. When 'want' isn't conditioned we always have 'be' to fall back on.
350. Will doesn't need will power. Willpower is really power to fight the natural will. It should be called anti-will power.
351. Wisdom is reiterating what resonates with our KnowingBeing.
352. Working on the ego is trying to turn it into a Buddha. The ego can never become a Buddha because Buddhas don't 'become' ..they Always Is.
353. The ego is the ego of the Buddha and to realize we are the Buddha is to realize we aren't the ego.
354. The New Testament had to undo all the bad that was done to us by the Old Testament.
356. Letting go of the defined doesn't leave us left behind but most gloriously Undefined!
357. Your mind must transfigure the angel into a demon before you can ever slay an angel.
358. We are the Creator, the Deceiver and the Deceived.
359. We aren't the character in our sleeping dream. We aren't the character in our waking dream.
360. We can gauge the moral compass of the world by the YouTube homepage.
361. You can't be let down if you're a giver.
362. We can't cherry pick a bible that has consistent truth because whatever verse is chosen will be consistent with all others. The ability to cherry pick is proof of inconsistent teaching.
363. We can't die. Only mass has an expirey date.
364. We shouldn't petition things for ourselves because we have no idea what is best for us.
365. Your Higher Power is You when your finite falls off and you're left there standing in your naked infinity.
Friday, 20 May 2022
Waking Me Up When I'm a Sleeping You
It's so upside down that a male human being is
a female Bodhisattva!
"Lost out in the desert
You are lost out in the desert
But to stand with you in a ring of fire
I'll forget the days gone by
I'll protect your body and guard your soul
From mirages in your sight"
Will you children ever let me help you free yourselves?
Your thoughts are not you.
Your thoughts are things you have chosen to believe are you.
Those thoughts are manufactured by the one that isn't your fam,
but a cold-blooded deceiver who grins, looking down at the mass
of Stockholm syndromed who've been kidnapped from their loving home.
Look up the etymology of the word, "rapture".
humans are warm blooded
there is no soul to sell or have stolen
you've been given false memories and compelling thoughts to keep
you from knowing about your bamboozlement. You are as much you
now as the day you were born. To realize this, you have to get your-
self out of the trap [believing your thoughts are your actual you and
not the Hater's conjob to rob you of your Godhood].
Anyone who wants to debate me on the existence of a soul will lose
but I welcome your loss as a demonstration for future teaching to others.
Their love is like water
Pinned down and abused for being strange
Their love is like angels
Pinned down and abused
Electro-magnetic Love
Faux [FOX666] Love
You are the Creator
of the deceiver.
I am you trying to get myself out of this mess.
> Me: "You wrote a book on Dio and you never heard his debut as lead for Sabbath.
> That's hard to process, my friend."
> Martin Popoff's email tag line:
> www.martinpopoff.com for info on my 115 books, including recent ones on Yes, Dio,
> UFO, Nazareth and Uriah Heep.
> www.martinpopoff.ca for my drawings of rock stars, fake ads and the 39 Flaming Telepaths
> illustrations.
> See my gallery at www.ArtPal.com to get those drawings as prints.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgjmxYL04V4
Confession: He corrected me. Mob Rules follows Heaven and Hell.
I was more informed as Martin as I was as Stephane.
Knowing that, where's the shame or resentment?
These negative mental states have no more ability to be conditioned
when Mind is aware.
"Gautama of the Hinayanan Sutras. Renunciation vs. the suburbs."
Good luck finding a vehicle that can get you away from Now or Here.
After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness flying on down the street!
My name starts with a...
"A" for Assman the Asshat
"N" for Ned's Game
"S" for Superman
"W" for WON:NOW
"E" for "End of Snake World"
"R" for "Return to the Original Plan"
You've got the talent of your original self, your buddha nature.
You only stray when your thoughts are not your own and you
put your fate in the thoughts your kidnapper uses to get you
caught up in his dense thicket, so thick that home is no longer
in view. When you level up to Level Ganesh [the One that never
forgets, you see home and you want nothing less].
She's watching my channel.
She's got good taste.
Odin gave up an I for an eye. Terrible trade.
"Killing dolphins with waste is not a solution!"
Look and see if you have any fins. Did you look thoroughly?
No blow hole?
Sea creatures represent your captors and if you're batting for them,
you are well mind raped into its [sub]mission.
Yes, it's a mission.
You want your captors to succeed in their mission to keep you from
knowing you are the master of the master's mind you're submitting to.
Magic is for tricking you, not treating you.
Meanwhile, here's a nice dolphin for your grandchildren to cuddle
with in the shallow end...
'woman' was made for Buddha Mind to have a love interest that acts as the
perfect counter-part to his male form. Where he lacks, she doesn't. Where
she lacks, he doesn't. This increases the meaningfulness of the pairing.
So you have the out-y that has the in-y counter part. The rational that has the
emotional counterpart. The laid-back that has the "shape-up-or-ship out" to
keep the laid-backness from causing human-experience decay.
when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside
There was something going on
You do something to me that I can't explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got something going on
Tender love is blind
It requires a dedication
All this love we feel needs no conversation
We ride it together, ah ha
Making love with each other, ah ha
Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong?
Sail away with me
To another world
And we rely on each other, ah ha
From one lover to another, ah ha
A quote from the Sabbath lyrics found at the bottom of this post:
"Then it's the sign of the southern cross
It's the sign of the southern cross
All right
Sail away"
Aliens aren't real.
Everything you see is information processed and rendered for you
as Mind
[you are Mind, you don't have a Mind].
They are things to be entertained by, believed in and even worshiped.
Why would you become a subject of an object manufactured by the
brain you created?
If you don't feel foolish yet, I'll keep working at this until you
understand that being the wise man is a promotion you'd be blind not to
desire obtaining.
There is no such thing as "Jew and Gentile".
This is a THOUGHT that needs to be believed to become true to
you and have the desired effects of the one who wants to keep you
from home.
No such thing as a reptile part of our brain.
That's a THOUGHT to encourage a belief that you have a familial relation-
ship with a creature that hasn't the Mind you Are.
If you accept the precept that you have buddha nature,
you accept that you are the Highest there is.
So high that you have to be the one that made the deception game as a means
to keep yourself from dying of a lack of mental stimulation. A game that ends
when you decide it ends because there is no end to the game play until you as
the Game Creator says so.
Tell your child they are Buddha Mind and as such, is as reliable
a determiner of what is actually true and what is bad goods being
sold as good goods as that of any professor, president, military general or pope.
We have fake gold and fake diamonds in this game as a clues that
are noticed by those who actually pay attention to the world around them.
It's an inherent feature that when understood will give your game awareness
a leveling up.
Tell them to never learn by rote but to apply critical thought
to every idea that doesn't come naturally.
We have a rock and roll soundtrack to a war game and you haven't thought that
to be in any way peculiar?
The Sign of the Southern Cross
Song by Black Sabbath
If there isn't light when no one sees
Then how can I know what you might believe
A story told that can't be real
Somehow must reflect the truth we feel, yeah
Fade away, fade away
Vanish into small
Fade away, fade away
Break the crystal ball
Oh, it's the sign
Feels like the time
On a small world west of wonder
Somewhere, nowhere, all
There's a rainbow that will shimmer
When the summer falls
If an echo doesn't answer
When it hears a certain sound
Then the beast is free to wander
But never is seen around
Then it's the sign of the southern cross
It's the sign of the southern cross
All right
Sail away
It's so upside down that a male human being is
a female Bodhisattva!
"Lost out in the desert
You are lost out in the desert
But to stand with you in a ring of fire
I'll forget the days gone by
I'll protect your body and guard your soul
From mirages in your sight"
Will you children ever let me help you free yourselves?
Your thoughts are not you.
Your thoughts are things you have chosen to believe are you.
Those thoughts are manufactured by the one that isn't your fam,
but a cold-blooded deceiver who grins, looking down at the mass
of Stockholm syndromed who've been kidnapped from their loving home.
Look up the etymology of the word, "rapture".
humans are warm blooded
there is no soul to sell or have stolen
you've been given false memories and compelling thoughts to keep
you from knowing about your bamboozlement. You are as much you
now as the day you were born. To realize this, you have to get your-
self out of the trap [believing your thoughts are your actual you and
not the Hater's conjob to rob you of your Godhood].
Anyone who wants to debate me on the existence of a soul will lose
but I welcome your loss as a demonstration for future teaching to others.
Their love is like water
Pinned down and abused for being strange
Their love is like angels
Pinned down and abused
Electro-magnetic Love
Faux [FOX666] Love
You are the Creator
of the deceiver.
I am you trying to get myself out of this mess.
> Me: "You wrote a book on Dio and you never heard his debut as lead for Sabbath.
> That's hard to process, my friend."
> Martin Popoff's email tag line:
> www.martinpopoff.com for info on my 115 books, including recent ones on Yes, Dio,
> UFO, Nazareth and Uriah Heep.
> www.martinpopoff.ca for my drawings of rock stars, fake ads and the 39 Flaming Telepaths
> illustrations.
> See my gallery at www.ArtPal.com to get those drawings as prints.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgjmxYL04V4
Confession: He corrected me. Mob Rules follows Heaven and Hell.
I was more informed as Martin as I was as Stephane.
Knowing that, where's the shame or resentment?
These negative mental states have no more ability to be conditioned
when Mind is aware.
"Gautama of the Hinayanan Sutras. Renunciation vs. the suburbs."
Good luck finding a vehicle that can get you away from Now or Here.
After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness flying on down the street!
My name starts with a...
"A" for Assman the Asshat
"N" for Ned's Game
"S" for Superman
"W" for WON:NOW
"E" for "End of Snake World"
"R" for "Return to the Original Plan"
You've got the talent of your original self, your buddha nature.
You only stray when your thoughts are not your own and you
put your fate in the thoughts your kidnapper uses to get you
caught up in his dense thicket, so thick that home is no longer
in view. When you level up to Level Ganesh [the One that never
forgets, you see home and you want nothing less].
She's watching my channel.
She's got good taste.
Odin gave up an I for an eye. Terrible trade.
"Killing dolphins with waste is not a solution!"
Look and see if you have any fins. Did you look thoroughly?
No blow hole?
Sea creatures represent your captors and if you're batting for them,
you are well mind raped into its [sub]mission.
Yes, it's a mission.
You want your captors to succeed in their mission to keep you from
knowing you are the master of the master's mind you're submitting to.
Magic is for tricking you, not treating you.
Meanwhile, here's a nice dolphin for your grandchildren to cuddle
with in the shallow end...
'woman' was made for Buddha Mind to have a love interest that acts as the
perfect counter-part to his male form. Where he lacks, she doesn't. Where
she lacks, he doesn't. This increases the meaningfulness of the pairing.
So you have the out-y that has the in-y counter part. The rational that has the
emotional counterpart. The laid-back that has the "shape-up-or-ship out" to
keep the laid-backness from causing human-experience decay.
when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside
There was something going on
You do something to me that I can't explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got something going on
Tender love is blind
It requires a dedication
All this love we feel needs no conversation
We ride it together, ah ha
Making love with each other, ah ha
Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong?
Sail away with me
To another world
And we rely on each other, ah ha
From one lover to another, ah ha
A quote from the Sabbath lyrics found at the bottom of this post:
"Then it's the sign of the southern cross
It's the sign of the southern cross
All right
Sail away"
Aliens aren't real.
Everything you see is information processed and rendered for you
as Mind
[you are Mind, you don't have a Mind].
They are things to be entertained by, believed in and even worshiped.
Why would you become a subject of an object manufactured by the
brain you created?
If you don't feel foolish yet, I'll keep working at this until you
understand that being the wise man is a promotion you'd be blind not to
desire obtaining.
There is no such thing as "Jew and Gentile".
This is a THOUGHT that needs to be believed to become true to
you and have the desired effects of the one who wants to keep you
from home.
No such thing as a reptile part of our brain.
That's a THOUGHT to encourage a belief that you have a familial relation-
ship with a creature that hasn't the Mind you Are.
If you accept the precept that you have buddha nature,
you accept that you are the Highest there is.
So high that you have to be the one that made the deception game as a means
to keep yourself from dying of a lack of mental stimulation. A game that ends
when you decide it ends because there is no end to the game play until you as
the Game Creator says so.
Tell your child they are Buddha Mind and as such, is as reliable
a determiner of what is actually true and what is bad goods being
sold as good goods as that of any professor, president, military general or pope.
We have fake gold and fake diamonds in this game as a clues that
are noticed by those who actually pay attention to the world around them.
It's an inherent feature that when understood will give your game awareness
a leveling up.
Tell them to never learn by rote but to apply critical thought
to every idea that doesn't come naturally.
We have a rock and roll soundtrack to a war game and you haven't thought that
to be in any way peculiar?
The Sign of the Southern Cross
Song by Black Sabbath
If there isn't light when no one sees
Then how can I know what you might believe
A story told that can't be real
Somehow must reflect the truth we feel, yeah
Fade away, fade away
Vanish into small
Fade away, fade away
Break the crystal ball
Oh, it's the sign
Feels like the time
On a small world west of wonder
Somewhere, nowhere, all
There's a rainbow that will shimmer
When the summer falls
If an echo doesn't answer
When it hears a certain sound
Then the beast is free to wander
But never is seen around
Then it's the sign of the southern cross
It's the sign of the southern cross
All right
Sail away
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Solving the Riddle of Bon Scott's Death
42 – The Answer to Everything
“Tell me who can you trust?
We got what you want
And you got the lust.”
- Bon Scott, ‘If You Want Blood’
42 years ago,
Bon Scott was on the cusp of international stardom with AC/DC.
Then, out of the blue, he was found dead on a freezing day in London.
He was 33.
BACK IN BLACK Lyrics by Brian Johnson
“It fell on Brian Johnson to write a lyric that would rock,
but also celebrate Scott without being morbid or literal.
Johnson says he wrote "Whatever came into my head”
Back when I was in the black, I wasn't here
Another day above ground is a good day
I've been gone too long, I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose from the noose that kept me hanging about
Forget the hearse
I never die
I’ve got the 9 [666] life
because I follow the Leader of the Rat Pack
Another black-eyed pea,
a children of the Korn [N’s Orc/Ark]
The Neon Elon Electro Magnetic Orchestra
He's loved in seven languages
Diamond nights and ruby lights high in the sky
Heaven help him when he falls
Destiny’s Child
The Child who’s gone wrong
A Child that’s lost his way
…and the eyes of a predator
I abuse everyone when running wild
I’m the Wrong 1, the Number 1
Iron man with a power pack
I'm a gangbanger
One of several people who engage in
sexual intercourse with one person,
either at once or in succession.
If they catch me for the things I’ve done
they'll execute me
Nobody's going to get me on another rap
I only needed to do this once.
Look at me now that I've filled the need
For AC/DC's lead singer.
[I was just making my play]
Bon Scott was on the cusp of international stardom with AC/DC.
out of the blue,
he was found dead on a freezing day in London.
He was 33.
They left Bon [meaning ‘Good’] Scott passed out in a car in London England on a night where temperatures dropped bellow 5 degrees Celsius.
A person's core body temperature usually hovers around 37 degrees Celsius.
Hypothermia occurs when core body temperature dips to around 35 C or lower.
People can experience hypothermia in relatively cool, but not freezing air
temperatures (minus 1 to 10 C), particularly if they are wet, such as from rain,
sweat or submersion in cold water according to the National Weather Service.
The ‘Good’ Scott was 33 yrs. old
“One of these days, I’m going to change my evil ways.” – AC/DC ‘Ride On’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-11zoVnHSQ [see the ‘Thousand Points of Light’?]
‘Caplock Crew of the Okuli Apocalypse’
~ translation ~
‘Rebellious Crew of the O Kali Epoch Calypso’
[‘Caplock’ anagram of ‘Acock’ -‘Rebellious’ Crew of the O kali Epoch Calypso’: ‘epoch’ etymology “fixed point of time’
“A phase of life
Blighted by stasis
Suspended and hanging by a thread
Kiting like a spider
Reluctant to go”
‘calypso’ etymology "to conceal or to hide"
After his death,
his band made an album that sold 50,000,000 albums,
the second best-selling album in music history.
Borrowed from Loudersound.com
You alight outside the grim tenements of the Lordship Lane
Turn left by the Harvester pub
You notice a tatty building on the corner called the Rockbank Hotel
Number 67[13] is at the top of steep gradient and it ain’t a pretty sight
Number 67’s front garden is a thriving jungle of roots,
weeds and hawthorns
There’s litter all over the place
Pressing any door buzzers stuck on number 67’s front wall
There’s no reply at all
[released 1981: Gene-Sys, ‘No Reply at all’]
Just the empty hiss of the intercom,
Like static from a badly tuned radio
Radiohead’s Oak € Computer:
“Tell me who can you trust?
We got what you want
And you got the lust.”
- Bon Scott, ‘If You Want Blood’
42 years ago,
Bon Scott was on the cusp of international stardom with AC/DC.
Then, out of the blue, he was found dead on a freezing day in London.
He was 33.
BACK IN BLACK Lyrics by Brian Johnson
“It fell on Brian Johnson to write a lyric that would rock,
but also celebrate Scott without being morbid or literal.
Johnson says he wrote "Whatever came into my head”
Back when I was in the black, I wasn't here
Another day above ground is a good day
I've been gone too long, I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose from the noose that kept me hanging about
Forget the hearse
I never die
I’ve got the 9 [666] life
because I follow the Leader of the Rat Pack
Another black-eyed pea,
a children of the Korn [N’s Orc/Ark]
The Neon Elon Electro Magnetic Orchestra
He's loved in seven languages
Diamond nights and ruby lights high in the sky
Heaven help him when he falls
Destiny’s Child
The Child who’s gone wrong
A Child that’s lost his way
…and the eyes of a predator
I abuse everyone when running wild
I’m the Wrong 1, the Number 1
Iron man with a power pack
I'm a gangbanger
One of several people who engage in
sexual intercourse with one person,
either at once or in succession.
If they catch me for the things I’ve done
they'll execute me
Nobody's going to get me on another rap
I only needed to do this once.
Look at me now that I've filled the need
For AC/DC's lead singer.
[I was just making my play]
Bon Scott was on the cusp of international stardom with AC/DC.
out of the blue,
he was found dead on a freezing day in London.
He was 33.
They left Bon [meaning ‘Good’] Scott passed out in a car in London England on a night where temperatures dropped bellow 5 degrees Celsius.
A person's core body temperature usually hovers around 37 degrees Celsius.
Hypothermia occurs when core body temperature dips to around 35 C or lower.
People can experience hypothermia in relatively cool, but not freezing air
temperatures (minus 1 to 10 C), particularly if they are wet, such as from rain,
sweat or submersion in cold water according to the National Weather Service.
The ‘Good’ Scott was 33 yrs. old
“One of these days, I’m going to change my evil ways.” – AC/DC ‘Ride On’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-11zoVnHSQ [see the ‘Thousand Points of Light’?]
‘Caplock Crew of the Okuli Apocalypse’
~ translation ~
‘Rebellious Crew of the O Kali Epoch Calypso’
[‘Caplock’ anagram of ‘Acock’ -‘Rebellious’ Crew of the O kali Epoch Calypso’: ‘epoch’ etymology “fixed point of time’
“A phase of life
Blighted by stasis
Suspended and hanging by a thread
Kiting like a spider
Reluctant to go”
‘calypso’ etymology "to conceal or to hide"
After his death,
his band made an album that sold 50,000,000 albums,
the second best-selling album in music history.
Borrowed from Loudersound.com
You alight outside the grim tenements of the Lordship Lane
Turn left by the Harvester pub
You notice a tatty building on the corner called the Rockbank Hotel
Number 67[13] is at the top of steep gradient and it ain’t a pretty sight
Number 67’s front garden is a thriving jungle of roots,
weeds and hawthorns
There’s litter all over the place
Pressing any door buzzers stuck on number 67’s front wall
There’s no reply at all
[released 1981: Gene-Sys, ‘No Reply at all’]
Just the empty hiss of the intercom,
Like static from a badly tuned radio
Radiohead’s Oak € Computer:
Saturday, 7 May 2022
Sleeping Beauty had to wake up from the nightmare spell of the Crone Operating System [KRONOS]
My brother says I should recover from victory.
That's his wisdom.
You're claiming that you are right and Einstein is wrong.
I wouldn't put it past you to be that arrogant.
Is that what you believe?
If you don't answer, your silence will be your answer.
You're watching them without doing anything.
Einstein said that's how the world is destroyed.
THE EVIL PLANS OF THE ENEMY: https://deathmetalbuddha.blogspot.com/2022/05/evil-plans.html
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
E = mc² is correct
the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero
There is only mass and energy.
Light has no mass to rest on the earth
Light is 100% Energy
Light = Energy
Light = Zero
0 = m x 0^2
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
Then the sign said,
"The words on the prophets are written
on the subway walls
In the 'TEN ELECTRIC MIND' halls"
And whispered in the sound of silence.
As a spiritual symbol, the angelic number 999 is associated with wisdom and maturity.
Full maturity is the Top of Maslow's Hierarchy:
the full development of one’s abilities and appreciation for life.
999 is the mirror of 666. If the bottom reality is 666, the top reality is 999.
The Upside Down Crown of the Cross mirrors my Crown of the Upside Down Cross.
Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The Smashing Pumpkins call my Mother a Vampire.
Putting a cross into Mother Earth is putting a stake into the Heart of God.
Two or more stakes is Overkill.
Death wept that grim day,
Gutting ghost from flesh
Truth lies in the culling of lies
A demon raised in flames must stride
To face the monster still inside.
My brother says I should recover from victory.
That's his wisdom.
You're claiming that you are right and Einstein is wrong.
I wouldn't put it past you to be that arrogant.
Is that what you believe?
If you don't answer, your silence will be your answer.
You're watching them without doing anything.
Einstein said that's how the world is destroyed.
THE EVIL PLANS OF THE ENEMY: https://deathmetalbuddha.blogspot.com/2022/05/evil-plans.html
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
E = mc² is correct
the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero
There is only mass and energy.
Light has no mass to rest on the earth
Light is 100% Energy
Light = Energy
Light = Zero
0 = m x 0^2
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
Then the sign said,
"The words on the prophets are written
on the subway walls
In the 'TEN ELECTRIC MIND' halls"
And whispered in the sound of silence.
As a spiritual symbol, the angelic number 999 is associated with wisdom and maturity.
Full maturity is the Top of Maslow's Hierarchy:
the full development of one’s abilities and appreciation for life.
999 is the mirror of 666. If the bottom reality is 666, the top reality is 999.
The Upside Down Crown of the Cross mirrors my Crown of the Upside Down Cross.
Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The Smashing Pumpkins call my Mother a Vampire.
Putting a cross into Mother Earth is putting a stake into the Heart of God.
Two or more stakes is Overkill.
Death wept that grim day,
Gutting ghost from flesh
Truth lies in the culling of lies
A demon raised in flames must stride
To face the monster still inside.
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
SODOM REMEBERS THE FALLEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IztZ5ueO00
- Grimes, Mother of Elon Musk's 7th Son, Baby X
"I'd gladly lose me to find you. I'd gladly give up all I had. To find you I'd suffer anything and be glad. To win you I'd stand naked, stoned and stabbed. I'd call that a bargain. The best I ever had. I'd gladly lose me to find you [turn from a zero to a one]. To catch you I'm gonna run and never stop. I'd pay any price just to win you Surrender my good life for bad [an E. Villain]. To find you I'm gonna drown an unsung man [off to the well of souls he goes and the Ghost has another body to maneuver with].
I sit looking 'round, I look at my face in the mirror. I know I'm worth nothing without you. One and one make one [One member with the same Terminator Mind. And I'm looking for that free ride to me [So I flew in to give you a hand and lead you into, the promised land [The Ark Angel].
“Covid-19 is the virus of Theseus" - Elon Musk
"It’s not clear whether Musk had meant Proteus, the shape-shifting sea god" - NY Post
The Q-Payload is going to be a bio-weapon.
He doesn't want to ruin the "I" Land,
the Promised Land to his Black Eyed [windows of the souless] Peas
He only wants to hit the lights [those that aren't hollowed ones, Hollowed be his name]. "I spread disease like a dog, discharge my payload"
Neo-el the Neon Knight, God of Nocturnal Night
Turns 0's [the being in the body] into the wrong #1s [being-less bodies]
(Earth is not a PLAN ET or an Extra Terestrial Plan, it's the Apple of God's "I", the "I" Land)
Your memories of your sense of self can be copied and stored on a magnetic medium.
When those memories are installed into a brain that's been swiped clean,
you're left with just the personality without the one that identified with that personality.
You become one of Lilith's flowers, an Orc id.
You don't have the loving, empathetic energy that owned those memories
So now you're cold instead of warm.
After that, you can be weaponized as a hive army
[People's Liberation Army of the Mecch-china March Machina]
...to do the will of the one that is making these beingless personalities.
From the Album 'Tribe of [electric] Force https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSpuVsLnl1k
It's impossible for a non-being person to understand what a being is.
Elon Musk turning zeros [non physical being] into 1s, non-being personalities.
If two non-being personalities mate, the child will be beingless, as O Well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLsQsirjmeo
SODOM REMEBERS THE FALLEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IztZ5ueO00
- Grimes, Mother of Elon Musk's 7th Son, Baby X
"I'd gladly lose me to find you. I'd gladly give up all I had. To find you I'd suffer anything and be glad. To win you I'd stand naked, stoned and stabbed. I'd call that a bargain. The best I ever had. I'd gladly lose me to find you [turn from a zero to a one]. To catch you I'm gonna run and never stop. I'd pay any price just to win you Surrender my good life for bad [an E. Villain]. To find you I'm gonna drown an unsung man [off to the well of souls he goes and the Ghost has another body to maneuver with].
I sit looking 'round, I look at my face in the mirror. I know I'm worth nothing without you. One and one make one [One member with the same Terminator Mind. And I'm looking for that free ride to me [So I flew in to give you a hand and lead you into, the promised land [The Ark Angel].
“Covid-19 is the virus of Theseus" - Elon Musk
"It’s not clear whether Musk had meant Proteus, the shape-shifting sea god" - NY Post
The Q-Payload is going to be a bio-weapon.
He doesn't want to ruin the "I" Land,
the Promised Land to his Black Eyed [windows of the souless] Peas
He only wants to hit the lights [those that aren't hollowed ones, Hollowed be his name]. "I spread disease like a dog, discharge my payload"
Neo-el the Neon Knight, God of Nocturnal Night
Turns 0's [the being in the body] into the wrong #1s [being-less bodies]
(Earth is not a PLAN ET or an Extra Terestrial Plan, it's the Apple of God's "I", the "I" Land)
Your memories of your sense of self can be copied and stored on a magnetic medium.
When those memories are installed into a brain that's been swiped clean,
you're left with just the personality without the one that identified with that personality.
You become one of Lilith's flowers, an Orc id.
You don't have the loving, empathetic energy that owned those memories
So now you're cold instead of warm.
After that, you can be weaponized as a hive army
[People's Liberation Army of the Mecch-china March Machina]
...to do the will of the one that is making these beingless personalities.
From the Album 'Tribe of [electric] Force https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSpuVsLnl1k
It's impossible for a non-being person to understand what a being is.
Elon Musk turning zeros [non physical being] into 1s, non-being personalities.
If two non-being personalities mate, the child will be beingless, as O Well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLsQsirjmeo
Friday, 8 April 2022
Judgment Day Warning Tweets
Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls. Why?
It's supposed to be a secret, according to the oath keepers.
I don't have to keep it secret. I had to figure it out all on my own.
I never took an oath because according to Matthew 5:37
"Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the EVIL ONE."
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
THE INFINITE SUTRA [SCRIPTURE] https://deathmetalbuddha.ca/the-infinity-sutra
The Book of Revelation was give to John on the Island of Patmos by the Bright Morning Star, our Sun with seven lesser gods [we call them planets but they're also stars].
You don't have to take my word for it. He claims to be the Son of the Morning in Revelation 22:16
That's the false light, Lucifer.
Revelation 16:15
“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”
I copied tweets that had "purge" and "elon" both in the tweeted message. I wasn't at all surprised at the names they chose for themselves and the pictures they used to identify themselves with. If Elon Musk attracts this type of crowd, what does it say about Elon Musk, himself?
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1. 100% faith in what is true is power. Belief in the unproved is folly. ---------------------------------- 2. A fatal accident is a cr...
A video emerged showing Stanley Kubrick getting interviewed on camera so that he could confess to the world that he was the one who filmed ...