Things are not what they seem...
Now what do I do?
Saturday, 23 October 2021
Monday, 4 October 2021
...of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Thrice Puissant: "What is it that attracts you here?"
Senior Grand Warden: "The brilliant and adorable Delta."
Thrice Puissant: "How comes the Delta so often mentioned in this degree?"
Senior Grand Warden: "To learn the power, goodness, mercy and majesty of the Grand Architect of the Universe."
EXCERPTS [pg. 118-200]
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled.
The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach.
You are in the path that leads up the slope of the mountain of Truth; and it depends upon your secrecy, obedience, and fidelity, whether you will advance or remain stationary.
You are especially to learn the duty of obedience to the law.
It is our duty to obey the laws of our country.
There must needs be law which is for the greatest good of the greatest number.
The word of a Mason, like the word of a knight in the times of chivalry, once given must be sacred and the judgment of his brothers, upon him who violates his pledge, should be stern as the judgments of the Roman Censors against him who violated his oath.
Be faithful to your country, and prefer its dignity and honor to any degree of popularity and honor for yourself.
Religiously keep all promises and covenants, though made to your disadvantage,
Let nothing make you break your promise,
Duty is the moral magnetism which controls and guides the true Mason's course over the tumultuous seas of life.
To perform that duty, whether the performance be rewarded or unrewarded, is his sole care.
He who is worldly, covetous, or sensual must change before he can be a good Mason.
Among Masons there must be no dissension.
He will certainly be a far more scrupulous watcher over his conduct, and far more careful of his deeds, who believes that those deeds will inevitably bear their natural consequences.
How far you will advance, depends upon yourself alone.
To go upon a brother's errand or to his relief, even barefoot and upon flinty ground; are duties plainly written upon the pages of God's great code of law, and first among the ordinances of Masonry.
A Masonic Lodge should resemble a bee-hive, in which all the members work together with ardor for the common good.
Be governed by your needs, not by your fancy.
The symbols and ceremonies of Masonry have more than one meaning; they rather conceal than disclose the Truth.
Elu of the Nine Degree: ORIGINALLY created to reward fidelity, obedience, and devotion, this Degree was consecrated to bravery, devotedness, and patriotism.
Devote yourself to the honor and interests of your Country.
Masonry requires self-renunciation and self-control.
For there it holdeth which was spoken by the Roman: "it needs that I go: it is not necessary I should live."
God's great laws should be everywhere enforced.
That great code of divine law shall be everywhere and punctually obeyed.
Those Greeks and Romans are the objects of our admiration and for the cause of virtue have made them prompt in seizing the sword, and gave them strength to use it, which bound their brows with wreaths of laurel, and consigned their memories to immortal fame.
Life's length is not measured by its hours and days, but by that which we have done therein for our country and kind[?].
Masonry teaches the cardinal tenets of the old primitive faith which underlie and are the foundation of all religions.
The sincere Moslem has as much right to persecute us, as we to persecute him; and therefore Masonry wisely requires no more than a belief in One Great All-Powerful Deity, the Father and Preserver of the Universe.
No man has any right in any way to interfere with the religious belief of another.
Zoroaster taught this doctrine: the Faithful should turn his thoughts toward Ormuzd, and confess him in the purity of his heart to be King of the World; he must despise the pleasures of the body. It is his duty to confess his faults to a Magus, or to the Sun.
Thrice Puissant: "What is it that attracts you here?"
Senior Grand Warden: "The brilliant and adorable Delta."
Thrice Puissant: "How comes the Delta so often mentioned in this degree?"
Senior Grand Warden: "To learn the power, goodness, mercy and majesty of the Grand Architect of the Universe."
EXCERPTS [pg. 118-200]
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled.
The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach.
You are in the path that leads up the slope of the mountain of Truth; and it depends upon your secrecy, obedience, and fidelity, whether you will advance or remain stationary.
You are especially to learn the duty of obedience to the law.
It is our duty to obey the laws of our country.
There must needs be law which is for the greatest good of the greatest number.
The word of a Mason, like the word of a knight in the times of chivalry, once given must be sacred and the judgment of his brothers, upon him who violates his pledge, should be stern as the judgments of the Roman Censors against him who violated his oath.
Be faithful to your country, and prefer its dignity and honor to any degree of popularity and honor for yourself.
Religiously keep all promises and covenants, though made to your disadvantage,
Let nothing make you break your promise,
Duty is the moral magnetism which controls and guides the true Mason's course over the tumultuous seas of life.
To perform that duty, whether the performance be rewarded or unrewarded, is his sole care.
He who is worldly, covetous, or sensual must change before he can be a good Mason.
Among Masons there must be no dissension.
He will certainly be a far more scrupulous watcher over his conduct, and far more careful of his deeds, who believes that those deeds will inevitably bear their natural consequences.
How far you will advance, depends upon yourself alone.
To go upon a brother's errand or to his relief, even barefoot and upon flinty ground; are duties plainly written upon the pages of God's great code of law, and first among the ordinances of Masonry.
A Masonic Lodge should resemble a bee-hive, in which all the members work together with ardor for the common good.
Be governed by your needs, not by your fancy.
The symbols and ceremonies of Masonry have more than one meaning; they rather conceal than disclose the Truth.
Elu of the Nine Degree: ORIGINALLY created to reward fidelity, obedience, and devotion, this Degree was consecrated to bravery, devotedness, and patriotism.
Devote yourself to the honor and interests of your Country.
Masonry requires self-renunciation and self-control.
For there it holdeth which was spoken by the Roman: "it needs that I go: it is not necessary I should live."
God's great laws should be everywhere enforced.
That great code of divine law shall be everywhere and punctually obeyed.
Those Greeks and Romans are the objects of our admiration and for the cause of virtue have made them prompt in seizing the sword, and gave them strength to use it, which bound their brows with wreaths of laurel, and consigned their memories to immortal fame.
Life's length is not measured by its hours and days, but by that which we have done therein for our country and kind[?].
Masonry teaches the cardinal tenets of the old primitive faith which underlie and are the foundation of all religions.
The sincere Moslem has as much right to persecute us, as we to persecute him; and therefore Masonry wisely requires no more than a belief in One Great All-Powerful Deity, the Father and Preserver of the Universe.
No man has any right in any way to interfere with the religious belief of another.
Zoroaster taught this doctrine: the Faithful should turn his thoughts toward Ormuzd, and confess him in the purity of his heart to be King of the World; he must despise the pleasures of the body. It is his duty to confess his faults to a Magus, or to the Sun.
"The migration of neuroblasts is genetically programmed but the process may be disrupted by environmental factors and injury."
...on the Quora website
Quora is a question and answer website where people go to find information. Every piece of content on the site is generated by users, meaning it is created, edited, and organized by the same people that use the website.
QUESTION: "If a Galaxy has a central black hole, why do we theorize all galaxies have the same common origin (Big Bang event)?"
Quora is a question and answer website where people go to find information. Every piece of content on the site is generated by users, meaning it is created, edited, and organized by the same people that use the website.
QUESTION: "If a Galaxy has a central black hole, why do we theorize all galaxies have the same common origin (Big Bang event)?"
How is time 4th dimensional and how can we prove the existence of time if it really exists?
There really aren’t any dimensions.
How can I say that?
A dimension is a direction.
In space, if you can go in any and all directions, that makes space omnidirectional.
Direction only makes sense in a relative state.
I’m going left because there’s a right.
I’m going up because there’s a down.
Omnidirectionality is no different than no direction because direction is a differentiation and there is no differentiation in omnidirectionality.
There really aren’t any dimensions.
How can I say that?
A dimension is a direction.
In space, if you can go in any and all directions, that makes space omnidirectional.
Direction only makes sense in a relative state.
I’m going left because there’s a right.
I’m going up because there’s a down.
Omnidirectionality is no different than no direction because direction is a differentiation and there is no differentiation in omnidirectionality.
...of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
The Elu of Fifteen ought therefore to take the lead of his fellow-citizen, not in frivolous amusements.
The great distinguishing characteristic of a Mason is sympathy with his kind.
The principle of misery is not an evil principle.
Suffering is the discipline of virtue; of that which is infinitely better than happiness.
Virtue is the truest liberty; nor is he free who stoops to passions; nor he in bondage who serves a noble master.
The world is a place of instruction and discipline.
Death teaches us Duty; to act our part well; to fulfill the work assigned us.
A good Mason will honor friendship, and fulfill with ardor the duties which virtue and the social relations impose upon him.
He who imagines that he becomes a Mason without labor or exertion, or self-denial or sacrifice, and that there is nothing to be done in Masonry, is strangely deceived.
In Egypt, among our old Masters, where Masonry was more cultivated than vanity, no one could gain admittance to the sacred asylum of the tomb until he had passed under the most solemn judgment.
Master Architect Degree: Let us begin to rise from earth toward the Stars.
Heaven is above us and all around and close to us.
Sun and stars are silent witnesses and watchers over us.
God has ordained that life shall be a social state; we are members of a civil community.
Man, suffering, enjoying, loving, hating, hoping, and fearing, chained to the earth, has the power to commune with God and His angels.
The Hebrew word suspended in the East is ADONAÏ.
The North Star [POLARIS], always fixed and immutable for us, represents the Deity in the center of the Universe.
It is the especial symbol of duty and of faith, to it, and the seven that continually revolve around it.
The Morning Star, rising in the East, Jupiter, is an emblem to us of the ever-approaching dawn of perfection and Masonic light [“Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding: I am power: by me kings do reign, and princes decree justice; by me princes rule, and nobles, even all the magistrates of the earth”).
The Sacred Word HOM was supposed by the ancient Persians to be pregnant with a mysterious power.
Every Masonic Lodge represents the Universe.
The system of numbers was intimately connected with their religions and worship, and has come down to us in Masonry.
The Elu of Fifteen ought therefore to take the lead of his fellow-citizen, not in frivolous amusements.
The great distinguishing characteristic of a Mason is sympathy with his kind.
The principle of misery is not an evil principle.
Suffering is the discipline of virtue; of that which is infinitely better than happiness.
Virtue is the truest liberty; nor is he free who stoops to passions; nor he in bondage who serves a noble master.
The world is a place of instruction and discipline.
Death teaches us Duty; to act our part well; to fulfill the work assigned us.
A good Mason will honor friendship, and fulfill with ardor the duties which virtue and the social relations impose upon him.
He who imagines that he becomes a Mason without labor or exertion, or self-denial or sacrifice, and that there is nothing to be done in Masonry, is strangely deceived.
In Egypt, among our old Masters, where Masonry was more cultivated than vanity, no one could gain admittance to the sacred asylum of the tomb until he had passed under the most solemn judgment.
Master Architect Degree: Let us begin to rise from earth toward the Stars.
Heaven is above us and all around and close to us.
Sun and stars are silent witnesses and watchers over us.
God has ordained that life shall be a social state; we are members of a civil community.
Man, suffering, enjoying, loving, hating, hoping, and fearing, chained to the earth, has the power to commune with God and His angels.
The Hebrew word suspended in the East is ADONAÏ.
The North Star [POLARIS], always fixed and immutable for us, represents the Deity in the center of the Universe.
It is the especial symbol of duty and of faith, to it, and the seven that continually revolve around it.
The Morning Star, rising in the East, Jupiter, is an emblem to us of the ever-approaching dawn of perfection and Masonic light [“Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding: I am power: by me kings do reign, and princes decree justice; by me princes rule, and nobles, even all the magistrates of the earth”).
The Sacred Word HOM was supposed by the ancient Persians to be pregnant with a mysterious power.
Every Masonic Lodge represents the Universe.
The system of numbers was intimately connected with their religions and worship, and has come down to us in Masonry.
How Lawrence Krauss proved God
Let me demonstrate the lack of difference there is between zero and infinity.
The photon has zero mass but only that which has infinite mass can go at the speed of light.
Zero isn't a number if you can't have a number of zero things to perceive.
It's just as impossible to perceive an infinity of something as it is zero of something.
A finite square is a shape limited by four lines and we can perceive it.
An infinite square would be a limitless one and we would remove the four lines and perceive no square which is what we perceive when there is no-square.
Zero velocity is non-motion Infinite velocity is instantaneous travel from departure to arrival which means zero travel and would be identical to non-motion.
Zero mass is the same as infinite mass.
When you take limit off of mass, there's nothing to weigh or measure, just like a mass object that wasn't there.
Zero time and infinite time are the same thing.
‘Now’ is zero seconds long and never ends.
God is Infinite
God is Nothing
I don’t consider zero/infinity to be numbers at all but rather a non-informational state where information is a potential for manifestation. Numbers belong to a state of manifestation. In my view, negative integers are irrational and shouldn’t be used at all in describing phenomena (use positive integers for both the hot and cold states, for instance). In this way we can couch the information state inside the potential state, i.e., infinity (zero on the left side of the number line and infinity on the right side of the last finite number manifested).
Let me demonstrate the lack of difference there is between zero and infinity.
The photon has zero mass but only that which has infinite mass can go at the speed of light.
Zero isn't a number if you can't have a number of zero things to perceive.
It's just as impossible to perceive an infinity of something as it is zero of something.
A finite square is a shape limited by four lines and we can perceive it.
An infinite square would be a limitless one and we would remove the four lines and perceive no square which is what we perceive when there is no-square.
Zero velocity is non-motion Infinite velocity is instantaneous travel from departure to arrival which means zero travel and would be identical to non-motion.
Zero mass is the same as infinite mass.
When you take limit off of mass, there's nothing to weigh or measure, just like a mass object that wasn't there.
Zero time and infinite time are the same thing.
‘Now’ is zero seconds long and never ends.
God is Infinite
God is Nothing
I don’t consider zero/infinity to be numbers at all but rather a non-informational state where information is a potential for manifestation. Numbers belong to a state of manifestation. In my view, negative integers are irrational and shouldn’t be used at all in describing phenomena (use positive integers for both the hot and cold states, for instance). In this way we can couch the information state inside the potential state, i.e., infinity (zero on the left side of the number line and infinity on the right side of the last finite number manifested).
All the explanations to how they’ve derived evidence for the Big Bang Theory are completely mystifying.
A person can do nothing more than place a blind faith in the trustworthiness of their testimonies.
Why did evolution produce human beings concerned with the following questions?
[from: under 'related questions']
"One machine turning everything
'Til the emptiness unwinds
Now my world is turning
And it seems I'm synchronized..."- Death Metal Buddha
What is the meaning of not seeing 11:11? For example, I saw 11:12 every time I watch the clock and I know that I’m not seeing it. Is it bad or good? I am on my TF journey. I’ve been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 everyday for the past month.
My life has been a bit worse lately.
What does this mean?
How many of you see 11:11 frequently?
What could it be?
Ever since my mother passed away I've been seeing the numbers 11:11 mostly when I look at the time.
Why am I seeing 11:11 so much?
Why is it that I keep seeing 11:11, 2:22, and 3:33?
Lately I’ve been seeing 1:11, 3:33, or 11:11 often, what does this mean?
What does it mean if I see the same number all over the place?
Every time I look at my phone for checking the time, and every time it turns out to be 12:12.
This has happened a thousand of times.
What does this really mean?
What could be the signals behind the numbers that I see a lot everyday?
I see 11:11, 01:11, 12:12, 4:44 many times, mostly in my phone clock since last year but unfortunately nothing significant has happened in my life.
Almost every hour, I see the 11th minute.
I have been seeing different sequences of 11 for over a year now.
There are random urges to look at things that are 11s.
What’s the meaning?
Why do I keep seeing 11:11 /22:22 etc?
What should I do if I am seeing number 11 everywhere?
How come I was seeing 11:11 for the longest time, and then I was no longer seeing it?
Now I keep seeing it again.
What does this mean?
What is so special about 11:11?
What is the meaning of not seeing 11:11?
For example, I saw 11:12 every time I watch the clock and I know that I’m not seeing it.
Is it bad or good?
I am on my TF journey.
I’ve been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 everyday for the past month.
My life has been a bit worse lately.
What does this mean?
How many of you see 11:11 frequently?
What could it be?
Ever since my mother passed away I've been seeing the numbers 11:11 mostly when I look at the time.
Why am I seeing 11:11 so much?
Why is it that I keep seeing 11:11, 2:22, and 3:33?
Lately I’ve been seeing 1:11, 3:33, or 11:11 often, what does this mean?
[from: under 'related questions']
"One machine turning everything
'Til the emptiness unwinds
Now my world is turning
And it seems I'm synchronized..."- Death Metal Buddha
What is the meaning of not seeing 11:11? For example, I saw 11:12 every time I watch the clock and I know that I’m not seeing it. Is it bad or good? I am on my TF journey. I’ve been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 everyday for the past month.
My life has been a bit worse lately.
What does this mean?
How many of you see 11:11 frequently?
What could it be?
Ever since my mother passed away I've been seeing the numbers 11:11 mostly when I look at the time.
Why am I seeing 11:11 so much?
Why is it that I keep seeing 11:11, 2:22, and 3:33?
Lately I’ve been seeing 1:11, 3:33, or 11:11 often, what does this mean?
What does it mean if I see the same number all over the place?
Every time I look at my phone for checking the time, and every time it turns out to be 12:12.
This has happened a thousand of times.
What does this really mean?
What could be the signals behind the numbers that I see a lot everyday?
I see 11:11, 01:11, 12:12, 4:44 many times, mostly in my phone clock since last year but unfortunately nothing significant has happened in my life.
Almost every hour, I see the 11th minute.
I have been seeing different sequences of 11 for over a year now.
There are random urges to look at things that are 11s.
What’s the meaning?
Why do I keep seeing 11:11 /22:22 etc?
What should I do if I am seeing number 11 everywhere?
How come I was seeing 11:11 for the longest time, and then I was no longer seeing it?
Now I keep seeing it again.
What does this mean?
What is so special about 11:11?
What is the meaning of not seeing 11:11?
For example, I saw 11:12 every time I watch the clock and I know that I’m not seeing it.
Is it bad or good?
I am on my TF journey.
I’ve been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 everyday for the past month.
My life has been a bit worse lately.
What does this mean?
How many of you see 11:11 frequently?
What could it be?
Ever since my mother passed away I've been seeing the numbers 11:11 mostly when I look at the time.
Why am I seeing 11:11 so much?
Why is it that I keep seeing 11:11, 2:22, and 3:33?
Lately I’ve been seeing 1:11, 3:33, or 11:11 often, what does this mean?
Are Covid19 vaccine passports being used to separate the sheep from the goats?
Matthew 25:32–46: "Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."
Are Covid19 vaccine passports being used to separate the sheep from the goats?
Matthew 25:32–46: "Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."
Responding to Joe Bazaar:
JB: "Making your own plan in spacetime is death because it doesn't include the Spirit (GOD'S Presence; HOLY SPIRIT)."
Me: "So the bible was wrong when it says the breath blown into Adam's nostrils was the breath of God that makes us living souls?"
JB: "Ask yourself what a living soul is is about the Holy Image ...Knowledge of GOD."
Me: "I did ask. It was told to me in Genesis that its the breath of God blown into a clay-made image of God."
JB: "When GOD "formed" Adam, He was forming Adam's Image to be Holy. Adam was taken from dark/chaotic dust and placed in The Garden."
Me: "Dark dust? Why didn't he use the regular kind?"
JB: "There was darkness before the Light"
Me: "There was darkness before God? The bible says, "God is Light."
JB: "It isn't talking about physical Light. Light is what fills the Reborn."
Me: "Maybe that light is the light from the one who disguises himself as the Angel of Light."
JB: "You are squirming for excuses."
Me: "No, I'm not. I had that light in me and I didn't like what it was changing me into."
JB: "The Glow inside the Reborn spirit body is a spiritual holographic projection from The Way. It causes us to be on GOD'S Plan/Time via The HOLY SPIRIT, It gives us Strength. This Reborn Holy Image is The Way to walk past Judgment into The Kingdom."
Me: "I'm sure that is how you view reality, but views are a relative phenomenon unique to every individual. You have born again Pentecostals that have a different view than born again Baptists."
JB: "Any excuse you want is available want your death can have it."
Me: "I don't want my death, I want my integrity and dominion over my life which was a God-given gift."
JB: "We gave up dominion to Satan so we could sin."
Me: "Sin is "eat, drink and be merry", right?"
JB: "If you sin, you are living proof of spiritual blindness. This place is a test and a filter to find souls able to have GOD'S Presence. We have to reject the fallen world to be Reborn via CHRIST into The Kingdom."
Me: "What is sin? Listening to music that you like? Eating food that tastes good? Drinking because it's a social pastime that brings people to an enjoyable place?"
JB: "How much clearer can i state this? sin is hiding from GOD."
Me: "I'm right here."
JB: "Yep, using your own Meaning of Life ....death."
Me: "You can see it that way. It's not going to do either of us any good."
JB: "There is only one Way to walk past the Angels and Judgment to reach the Tree of Life ....otherwise you end up in flames."
Me: "Because you decided that your beliefs will be the true ones. Why do you think that has any power of persuasion?"
JB: "I stand in the Light, I see what you can not. Your "truth" is from the wrong tree."
Me: "Oh really? What is the knowledge of good and evil?"
JB: " It's mans knowledge that doesn't use GOD'S Guidance. it is a shortcut to GOD'S Plan. the good and evil part is about life choices."
Me: "No. it's the Law. The Law tells you what is good in God's eyes and what is evil in God's eyes. It's also called the Forbidden Fruit."
JB: "Well, The Law is GOD'S Plan."
Me: "Why is the Law forbidden to Adam and Eve? When they ate of it they saw themselves in a sinful manner (we should have our modesty! Where are our clothes??)"
JB: "It's making your own law."
Me: "That's not knowledge. Notice how you have to twist the scriptures so that you can maintain your beliefs. You don't notice this in yourself?"
JB: "Sure it is, man's knowledge is what blinds you to GOD'S Plan."
Me: "Making stuff up is not knowledge. That fruit existed before man made any of his own laws up."
JB: "It's what Satan offered us."
Me: "Yes, the Law is Satanic. It's called a Curse in Paul's epistles. You remember Adam and Eve were cursed by that fruit."
JB: "Without the Law, JESUS wouldn't be able to give us the Key to walk past Judgment."
Me: "Without the Curse?"
JB: "JESUS took on the Curse for anyone that want to be in His Holy Image."
Me: "You're glad he had to be tortured to death. If we didn't invite the Law in, he wouldn't have had to go through that ordeal."
JB: "Wow, you love your sins're not getting what happens to a soul that chooses death."
Me: "I love my God-given gifts. You can call it "bad" but then you're calling the gift-giver bad."
JB: "Man always ends up falling, wanting to be about himself sin. if this place wasn't here we all would be going to the lake. GOD doesn't force His Will/Plan have to choose it freely."
Me: "He gave us the gift of dominion. Do you know what dominion means?"
JB: "We already went over this."
Me: "Dominion of mankind was his plan, not a Theocracy."
JB: "Mankind chose to hide from GOD, Judgment began."
Me: "Mankind chose the curse and we're told the Law is the curse."
JB: "The Law told us what sin is and that we would need a Savior for it."
Me: "So you're saying the Curse was a good choice."
JB: "Weird how GOD wants people He can be around."
Me: "Jesus hung out with prostitutes. Weird!"
JB: "Is that the best you got? This got sad."
Me: "I only gave you what the NT told us. You have a problem with it now?"
JB: "We know He hung out with those society didn't want. He goes after the lost sheep remember?"
Me: "The Law abiders hated him and called him a glutton and a wino."
JB: "The pharisees turned GOD into a business model ...the beast system."
Me: "You would have told Jesus to repent."
JB: "Which law did He fail to do?"
Me: "The same ones I do. I eat too much, I drink too much and I have long hair. Oh, and I standeth in the way of sinners stated in Psalm 1, just like Jesus did."
JB: "We don't know His hair length, and it doesn't say anywhere that he ate too much or drank to get drunk."
Me: "That's what we've been shown; long-hair Jesus." "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’"
Luke 7:34
JB: "Do you know what slander is? JESUS sat with the people doing those things didn't mean He was doing them. I'm impressed with the level of fallen angel you have let inside you."
Me: "For showing you the scriptures? The Law keepers don't hate those that keep the law."
JB: "Satan was a covering angel of the Law ...he knows it pretty well. man thought they could put their own spin on the Law."
Me: "What verse is that?"
JB: "A covering cherub of the Ark of the Covenant."
Me: "So what you're saying is that after he made that gambling bet over Job, he turned into a gold ornament on a box that the Israelites traveled around with through the wilderness. Never heard that one before!"
JB: "Making your own plan in spacetime is death because it doesn't include the Spirit (GOD'S Presence; HOLY SPIRIT)."
Me: "So the bible was wrong when it says the breath blown into Adam's nostrils was the breath of God that makes us living souls?"
JB: "Ask yourself what a living soul is is about the Holy Image ...Knowledge of GOD."
Me: "I did ask. It was told to me in Genesis that its the breath of God blown into a clay-made image of God."
JB: "When GOD "formed" Adam, He was forming Adam's Image to be Holy. Adam was taken from dark/chaotic dust and placed in The Garden."
Me: "Dark dust? Why didn't he use the regular kind?"
JB: "There was darkness before the Light"
Me: "There was darkness before God? The bible says, "God is Light."
JB: "It isn't talking about physical Light. Light is what fills the Reborn."
Me: "Maybe that light is the light from the one who disguises himself as the Angel of Light."
JB: "You are squirming for excuses."
Me: "No, I'm not. I had that light in me and I didn't like what it was changing me into."
JB: "The Glow inside the Reborn spirit body is a spiritual holographic projection from The Way. It causes us to be on GOD'S Plan/Time via The HOLY SPIRIT, It gives us Strength. This Reborn Holy Image is The Way to walk past Judgment into The Kingdom."
Me: "I'm sure that is how you view reality, but views are a relative phenomenon unique to every individual. You have born again Pentecostals that have a different view than born again Baptists."
JB: "Any excuse you want is available want your death can have it."
Me: "I don't want my death, I want my integrity and dominion over my life which was a God-given gift."
JB: "We gave up dominion to Satan so we could sin."
Me: "Sin is "eat, drink and be merry", right?"
JB: "If you sin, you are living proof of spiritual blindness. This place is a test and a filter to find souls able to have GOD'S Presence. We have to reject the fallen world to be Reborn via CHRIST into The Kingdom."
Me: "What is sin? Listening to music that you like? Eating food that tastes good? Drinking because it's a social pastime that brings people to an enjoyable place?"
JB: "How much clearer can i state this? sin is hiding from GOD."
Me: "I'm right here."
JB: "Yep, using your own Meaning of Life ....death."
Me: "You can see it that way. It's not going to do either of us any good."
JB: "There is only one Way to walk past the Angels and Judgment to reach the Tree of Life ....otherwise you end up in flames."
Me: "Because you decided that your beliefs will be the true ones. Why do you think that has any power of persuasion?"
JB: "I stand in the Light, I see what you can not. Your "truth" is from the wrong tree."
Me: "Oh really? What is the knowledge of good and evil?"
JB: " It's mans knowledge that doesn't use GOD'S Guidance. it is a shortcut to GOD'S Plan. the good and evil part is about life choices."
Me: "No. it's the Law. The Law tells you what is good in God's eyes and what is evil in God's eyes. It's also called the Forbidden Fruit."
JB: "Well, The Law is GOD'S Plan."
Me: "Why is the Law forbidden to Adam and Eve? When they ate of it they saw themselves in a sinful manner (we should have our modesty! Where are our clothes??)"
JB: "It's making your own law."
Me: "That's not knowledge. Notice how you have to twist the scriptures so that you can maintain your beliefs. You don't notice this in yourself?"
JB: "Sure it is, man's knowledge is what blinds you to GOD'S Plan."
Me: "Making stuff up is not knowledge. That fruit existed before man made any of his own laws up."
JB: "It's what Satan offered us."
Me: "Yes, the Law is Satanic. It's called a Curse in Paul's epistles. You remember Adam and Eve were cursed by that fruit."
JB: "Without the Law, JESUS wouldn't be able to give us the Key to walk past Judgment."
Me: "Without the Curse?"
JB: "JESUS took on the Curse for anyone that want to be in His Holy Image."
Me: "You're glad he had to be tortured to death. If we didn't invite the Law in, he wouldn't have had to go through that ordeal."
JB: "Wow, you love your sins're not getting what happens to a soul that chooses death."
Me: "I love my God-given gifts. You can call it "bad" but then you're calling the gift-giver bad."
JB: "Man always ends up falling, wanting to be about himself sin. if this place wasn't here we all would be going to the lake. GOD doesn't force His Will/Plan have to choose it freely."
Me: "He gave us the gift of dominion. Do you know what dominion means?"
JB: "We already went over this."
Me: "Dominion of mankind was his plan, not a Theocracy."
JB: "Mankind chose to hide from GOD, Judgment began."
Me: "Mankind chose the curse and we're told the Law is the curse."
JB: "The Law told us what sin is and that we would need a Savior for it."
Me: "So you're saying the Curse was a good choice."
JB: "Weird how GOD wants people He can be around."
Me: "Jesus hung out with prostitutes. Weird!"
JB: "Is that the best you got? This got sad."
Me: "I only gave you what the NT told us. You have a problem with it now?"
JB: "We know He hung out with those society didn't want. He goes after the lost sheep remember?"
Me: "The Law abiders hated him and called him a glutton and a wino."
JB: "The pharisees turned GOD into a business model ...the beast system."
Me: "You would have told Jesus to repent."
JB: "Which law did He fail to do?"
Me: "The same ones I do. I eat too much, I drink too much and I have long hair. Oh, and I standeth in the way of sinners stated in Psalm 1, just like Jesus did."
JB: "We don't know His hair length, and it doesn't say anywhere that he ate too much or drank to get drunk."
Me: "That's what we've been shown; long-hair Jesus." "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’"
Luke 7:34
JB: "Do you know what slander is? JESUS sat with the people doing those things didn't mean He was doing them. I'm impressed with the level of fallen angel you have let inside you."
Me: "For showing you the scriptures? The Law keepers don't hate those that keep the law."
JB: "Satan was a covering angel of the Law ...he knows it pretty well. man thought they could put their own spin on the Law."
Me: "What verse is that?"
JB: "A covering cherub of the Ark of the Covenant."
Me: "So what you're saying is that after he made that gambling bet over Job, he turned into a gold ornament on a box that the Israelites traveled around with through the wilderness. Never heard that one before!"
There is no gray paper.
Most unknown products are supplied with cream colored paper labels on wine and vodka bottles. Colored brackets or pencils indicate how to fold the rectangular paper so that it is glued in a circle. We have "upper surface" in this phrase, and according to Armstrong, the company's antonym is represented by the shiny surface. It is recommended to transmit everything to the right. Incomplete antonym fourth generation maps provide context in this sentence. Business is not paper. Usually omitted from sublime newspapers, Cézanne style is sometimes used. The label, "work on paper" is also misleading. The god of their existence is to them a spiral stone, a choice between paint and glossy paper. You can use productivity stressors and/or brain teasers—which involves creating real-time transparency and inter-dimensionality. One side of the opaque paper represents glass, flasks and bottles. White paper simply refers to the smooth, invisible surface—wine drips, apples, bread and straws. As we move from one object to another, we need to redefine our understanding of crime scenes. An analogy can be had with the Potato and Apple Bottle. The grapes in the middle are now thick, but they are barely captured by the blue arc at the top of the fruit with varied rounding, making them go absolutely crazy.
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A video emerged showing Stanley Kubrick getting interviewed on camera so that he could confess to the world that he was the one who filmed ...

1. 100% faith in what is true is power. Belief in the unproved is folly. ---------------------------------- 2. A fatal accident is a cr...
A video emerged showing Stanley Kubrick getting interviewed on camera so that he could confess to the world that he was the one who filmed ...