Her: Is it wrong that I pray for Satan? I mean that he might still be redeemable? I actually read that it was the watcher Angel Azrael that led to the fall and was responsible for the war in heaven not Lucifer like many think.
Me: There's no point in praying for anyone. Pray that your own eyes are unclouded.
Her: Really you think that and I do not ask for myself when praying. Only others. He knows my needs. I praise him tho when I pray.
Me: You're praying to your Infinite Self. If you pray to Tricksters, they'll fucking trick your ass.
Her: No I don't pray to them but for them
Me: I wouldn't bother. You get what you deserve. The Law of Divine Justice can't be transgressed. Purgatory is a real place. Your consciousness is transferred into the bodies of your victims in the events that you are committing harm.
Her: Yeah I guess. It has to grieve God tho
Me: You have to use the right symbol with the right name with the right incantation to get the right entity...just like how puzzle-oriented video games work to open doors.
Her: You mean I shouldn’t be praying for him and the fallen ones?
Her: Lolololo brother you make me laugh and you don't even watch it!!
Her: I think the beast is the whole system. Anything with the government actually
Her: Sure
Her: Now I'm scuuured
Her: Horrible and makes me want to puke and then I think the man asked for it. Paradoxical irony at best.
Her: Oh no should I have omitted the last part? Lmfao
Her: Well but people shouldn't mess with bulls brother. Don't you think that's horrible for the animals? Like rooster fighting. That makes me sick for the animals
Her: Oh brother. I could never and Jesus is my Lord and savior
Her: I'm just saying we are supposed to be more intelligent and should be kind to animals is all
Her: I should be richer then lmfao
Her: Amazing Grace
Her: Aww no was my dad's favorite. Celtic version is better though
Her: Lmao not the Celtic one!
Me: "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake..but fuck if he's gonna get off his ass and help." Praise Him!
Her: Whoa
Her: No but brother I have to pack and did not want you to think I am ignoring you
Her: Love you brother and I get your point.
Her: No I can never kill anyone just ask my ex. He's given me plenty cause too and I cry when anyone is hurt to be honest. My gifting is compassion
Me: But the soul that was born in your body didn't get that reward she was hoping to get when she made a bargain.
"traded my good life for bad" The Who - Bargain
Her: Brother I have to pack if you'd like we can discuss more later and it wasn't my thing either
Her: I have a 13 hour bus ride tomorrow. You may drill me more tomorrow if you would like lol
Her: Brother I can't see anyone gored up but if you fuck with a bull you get the horns. I said it makes me puke but people shouldn't tempt beasts either.
Her: I'll try
Her: I can't even watch surgery stuff. Lol