Is it best to avoid fear or go for it?
If you meet up with that which conditions fear, there’s nothing you can do other than to experience it. Courage is when you act regardless of being in a state of fear. Courage is respected, cowardice is not.
Why do a feather and a coin fall in different times even though they are dropped at the same time and from the same height in the air?
The cause is aerodynamic drag, a force of wind or air resistance pushing in the opposite direction to the motion of the object. The same force is pushing on two objects with different mass. The smaller mass object, in comparison to the larger one, is less able to overcome that resistance.
Which has more mass: a kilogram of cotton balls or a kilogram of gold?
‘kilogram’ is a unit for mass. One kilogram of mass is equal to any other kilogram of mass [=]. It makes you wonder how the medical field (which is a science field) could be telling us our weight is in kilogram units when weight is a measurement of force applied on a scale and should be described with the correct units, newtons. Since weight is a potential attribute of mass, it is directly proportional. If two qualities have the same mass, they will also have the same weight.
Is our human potential capable of anything?
I consider the height of human potential to be the neighborhood block party bar-b-cue. That allows us the capability of enjoying ourselves with friends and family.
As an aspiring particle physicist, what are some things I should know about? I’m trying to expand my knowledge as much as I can so every detail counts.
The main thing one needs to understand is that particles have two states: the information (wave) state and the dimensional state. The information state is the quantum state (no space or time) and the dimensional state is the Newtonian state where know physical laws apply to objects in space and time.
Why isn't it clear that there is no way within the laws of nature for anything to exist (through infinite regress or something from nothing)?
We’ve proven with computer science that processed information can condition the existence of objects.
Not every object that moves downward is in free fall. What is the requirement for an object to be in free fall? Is an elevator in free fall if it is functioning properly?
Every mass object is in free fall. If it isn’t moving at its terminal velocity, it’s being resisted to some degree.
If Einstein said we'll never surpass the speed of light, then won't we be stuck at some point in time? It is said that we'll have to break or bend the laws of physics to do so but that will change everything we've accomplished, won't it?
If time stops at the speed of light, to exceed it would cause the linear time arrow to flip and you’d be going backwards.
If the universe is ever expanding why don't we feel being stretched apart?
Our first alphabet was derived from a map of the stars. To this day, we can still observe the same constellations. This means stars are in fixed configurations: an observation incompatible with an expanding universe.
What is "The way"?
I know what my way is: to contemplate mysteries until they’re no longer mysteries. I use my divine ability to think rather than the undivine choice to believe what others tell me.
Are you willing to exhibit to this world that you are not a good person?
Sure. Only God is Good (they never should have taken out the second ‘o’).
How much focused energy would be required to cut the earth in two halves?
It’s not possible. Earth isn’t a three-dimensional object like the moon. It’s an infinite plane. The environment refreshes in a repetitious manner. No matter where you stand, you are on the very top and very center of your world.
Why are people afraid of bugs?
They represent an infernal or diabolical reality that is antithetical to our original divine nature.
Why is the speed of light constant in space?
Depending on what end of the telescope you’re looking through, it could be either non-motion or infinite velocity [instantaneous arrival from departure].
What would our social system be if all humans were biologically (genetically) disobedient and proud and would rather die than being obedient to people or laws?
It wouldn’t be anarchy. Anarchy means ‘no archons’.
Archon = Ruler
Anarchy means ‘no ruler’.
you have a ruler
you’re a slave
you don’t have a ruler
you’re free
What will be the acceleration due to gravity at its surface when a planet has twice the mass of earth and radius half the radius of earth?
There is no acceleration due to gravity. If that which resists a free-falling mass object is removed, it will accelerate until terminal velocity is reached.
Is this world governed by the power of hoarding or the power of fair trade?
As long as there is nation states, global governance hasn’t been realized. Nation governments, in my estimation, are farcical meant to be perceived as ‘for the people’ but are not.
How can the concept of idealism be applied in our everyday activities?
First, you have to define what you consider to be ideal.
Second, you have to figure out what choices would help to bring that ideal to fruition.
Third, you’d have to commit to making those choices.
What is the dimension of electromagnetic force?
We experience force in 4-dimensional reality but force itself isn’t a dimensional phenomenon.
How can mass move through space-time? What put it to motion if there's no gravity?
Mass objects don’t actually move. It’s a perceptual illusion. Every non-motion event frame has a unique particle organization with behavior information so that the law of cause-and-effect can be conditioned. Think in terms of a film strip. If you see a football flying through the air in a movie, you know that that football is actually a series of stills with a different football in a different location for each frame you see it in. All mass objects have the same terminal velocity (where an apparent weightlessness due to non-acceleration is reached). All non-motion events are made up of particles with location coordinates [x,y,z and t].
What are the basic rules for dimensional analysis?
When you’re dealing with dimensions, you’re dealing with direction. Width, length, height and linear time all have a direction vector making them dimensions. If you can’t identify a direction, you haven’t identified a dimension, either.
Did the universe form from a single point, or is it possible that even during the Big Bang it already had measurable dimensions?
The many locations are superpositioned from the one Absolute location [Singularity].
If spacetime is 4-dimensional, how are we able to live within it?
The same way an avatar can exist in a video game. Mathematics.
“Even Pac-man employs math to decide how the enemy ghosts move, how long they take to regenerate after being eaten, etc.” -gamedesigning dot org
What are some scary facts about the universe?
It doesn’t care what you want. It only provides you with what you deserve.
Is there a way to find out what your unconscious is thinking?
The unconscious is stored programs, not mind. The mind is the thinker.
If the centre of mass is a point where bodies’ average mass is present then how is the point of the centre of mass of a ring in its middle where ring has not any mass?
The centre of mass really should be understood as the line down (vector direction) of that mass object’s free fall.
What’s the most useful piece of knowledge you’ve obtained from an unexpected place?
To understand the true nature of reality, you have to start at a point of view that is constant (the speed of light where time stops).
Is the brain of a human being capable to solve the mystery of life existence?
No. You have to transcend the brain to solve life’s mysteries.
Is the speed of light much more complicated than we imagine?
Much simpler: That which illuminates the non-moving is also non-moving.
Where does the energy come from when spacetime is warped due to general relativity by a body such as a planet?
The only time space and time have a correlation is when an object is moving through space. If time was stopped (if we stopped a movie), did anything change regarding distances between objects (space)?
Why is the nearer the speed to the light speed, the slower the time passes (time dilation)?
There is a non-transgressible ratio when conditioning spacetime reality: as velocity approaches the speed of light, mass increases, spacial distance decreases and linear time decreases. Change the value of one and the values of the other three change accordingly.
You travel back in time 200 years and can only share a single scientific fact in an attempt to advance human society. What fact do you share? Why?
Bar-b-cue technology. There’s nothing more progressive than a back yard bar-b-cue with friends or family.
Who decided that Earth should be represented with the north on top and why not otherwise?
Where can you go on this planet that the sky is not above you and the ground not beneath you?
Why must light move? Why can't it move at a slower speed or stay still?
It doesn’t move off of my table surface when it’s lit up.
Is it best to avoid fear or go for it?
If you meet up with that which conditions fear, there’s nothing you can do other than to experience it. Courage is when you act regardless of being in a state of fear. Courage is respected, cowardice is not.
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