Wednesday 19 December 2018

Two Sides, One Coin

There are two states of reality
constant c (STATE 1)
Infinite state
Potential state
below constant (STATE 2)
Finite state
Actualized state
The Tao is the true symbol of our two state reality:
The Nothing and the Something
The Creator and the Created
The Being and the body
The Undefined and the defined
The illuminator of objects and the objects
The Mind and the thought
The Inifinite and the finite
The Yin and the Yang
The micro exists by way of generation from the Macro.
There wouldn't be finite distances if Infinite Space wasn't Reality.
There wouldn't be linear time if Absolute Time, the Always Now wasn't Reality.
There wouldn't be imperfect wills if Divine Will wasn't Reality.
There wouldn't be conditional love if Unconditional Love wasn't Reality.
There wouldn't be flawed reasoning if Perfect Reason wasn't Reality.
There wouldn't be egos (mini-creators) if the Macro Creator wasn't Reality.
There wouldn't be finite existence if Infinite Existence wasn't Reality.
Space, time, mass and velocity are all perceptually dependent. Objective reality is this:
Infinite space = No space
Infinite time = No time
Infinite mass = No mass
Infinite velocity = No velocity
We could put one state on one side of a coin and the other state on the other side and call that coin our two-state reality:
Energy - mass
Mind - thought
Yin - yang
Infinite - finite
Limitless - limited
Being - non-Being
Absolute - relative
Unconditioned - conditioned
Creator - created
White - black
Circle - straight line
One - many
Always Now - past-present-future
The Transcendent - duality
Many claim that matter and energy are the same property. It's important to realize that they are opposites. If they were the same, you could mold me a ball of space, mold me a ball of light, mold me a ball of energy, mold me a ball of love or mold me a ball of will:
- infinite
- undefined
- motionless
- non-spacial
- atemporal
- medium
- finite
- defined
- has velocity
- dimensional (spacial)
- in linear time
- disturbance (information)
Agent and the caused don't share states:
The Causer and the caused;
The Definer and the defined;
The Creator and the created;
The Perceiver and the perceived.
Subject and Object don't share the same state:
Subject (outside linear time and spacial distance)
Object (inside linear time and spacial distance)
Subjects create objects. If we were created then we have a beginning. "I am Always Now".
One state is dimensional, the other isn't.
1. The four-dimensional space-time which is perceptually dependent.
2. The dimensionless or Potential State, the place where all properties are valueless (zero or infinite).
The Unseen exists:
-Time (Always Now)
-Space (distance between objects)
-Light (you can only see what it illuminates, you can't see light itself)
-Mind (you can see thoughts but not where thoughts are projected)
-Being (you can see what Being animates but not Being Itself)
-Energy (how much does a cup of Energy weigh?)
The World's social engineers have robbed us of the unseens state that the seen state proceeds from. This is what they left us with:
- the natural
- the finite
- the defined
- the limited
- the created
This is what they kept from us:
- the Supernatural
- the Infinite
- the Undefined
- The Limitless
- The Creator
We can understand God from all living things. We can understand what isn't God from all dead things. All living (verb) is Divine. All objects are not. The Divine Illuminates the non-Divine. I only aim at organized religion because organizing something different from its natural expression is always an act of the ego. There is no sin. There's only acting as Original Nature dictates or deviating from that. Good is the nature of being and Bad is what happens when Ego inverts behavior opposite to that nature of being. Good is the nature of being and Bad is what happens when Ego inverts behavior opposite to that nature of being. If energy is light and life is energy, there is no evil other than lies (which can only be believed, not really exist).Pantheism is a reality with a one-sided coin. Those with this view can't demarcate between energy and mass, mind and thought, subject and object, etc. They make an "all is one and all is nature" assumption. The natural world is the seen and all that is seen are dimensional objects. There is another world, the unseen. This world is one that is dimensionless and objectless. Nature proceeds from supernature, the seen from the unseen as evidenced by color and sound manifesting from the invisible, immaterial realm. The Unperceived uses the perceived to see the perceived.
We can't see absolute existence. We can only see the seen which has only conditioned or relative existence. We live in the absolute but perceive the virtual. We can understand God from all living things. We can understand what isn't God from all dead things. All living(verb) is Divine. All objects are not. The Divine illuminates the non-Divine. We are Supernatural. Our bodies are natural, and when the Supernatural leaves them, the body disintegrates. Some complain when people speak of the supernatural. What is the supernatural? Is it a claim that there is more than the natural world? If so, then the supernatural exists. The natural world is the seen and all that is seen are dimensional objects. There is another world, the unseen. This world is one that is dimensionless and objectless. 'Supernatural' means the state of the unseen, the causer of another state: the natural (the seen). Life and non-life are in different states. Life is the Always Now and non-life is in the perceptual spacetime reality with a linear time arrow.
Nothing is the Cause of all somethings. When Infinite Energy becomes finite, it becomes mass. When the Undifferentiated becomes differentiated, it becomes information. When the Flux becomes limited, it becomes stasis. When the Subject becomes mortal, it becomes object (a body::identification with name n' form). Identification comes from the form we perceive we're perceiving out of, the environment this form is in, and the feedback we get from others when they are speaking about the form we perceive ourselves perceiving out of. "What separates man from beast?" We are creators. Animals are born with a pre-set instincts and don't move from there. We are different from other species, but foxes are different from tuna. Having one umbrella labeled ANIMAL doesn't do justice to the incredible variety of life forms. Our intelligence is not from the brain. Our intelligence is the designer of the brain. The Infinite "I" has no personality and no body but has everything we have that isn't name-and-form. The "I" isn't in an event because once the I is in many locations it becomes "we" which is the reality of many events in Now looking like 'already" and 'not yet' from any one of these particular events. The "I" exists out- side the body, but it's nameless and formless intelligent will. Meaning is subjective creation and evidence that we are creators not bodies (creation).The difference between you (person who claims to be their body) and me, is I'm Subject, and Subject owns object (body). You are object (body) with no owner. Since you, as object, have no owner, I can claim that object and own that object and now I will choose to own you, Mr. object. Our loved ones are bodies. Once the body dies, our loved one dies. People are bodies, not out-of-bodies. We can't be crazy but our ego can deviate from our Original Nature which can, if the deviation is great enough, be perceived as CRAZY. If we do something that most people consider an unpleasant experience, we're seen as crazy. Why? Because Original Nature seeks the pleasant and avoids the unpleasant. A state of well-being is common place for those who volunteer their time to be of service to others. Why? That's being in the right direction: outflow. People are trained from early childhood to be intake manifolds sucking like hoovers for their content- ments and satiations. It's the inverse of being: living as inflow tubes on two feet. Why would someone hurt themselves? The "I" has ideas for its name-and-form (ego) but because natural will, willing through this body, stepped out-of-bounds, the "I" wants to punish it.

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