Wednesday, 30 January 2019

John 1:1 The Prince of Death

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

It shows you that God is AI and not the Creator of Worlds (Absolute Infinite Mind). A Word can be said by a Computer. And if the Word is God, it must be AI.
“In the Beginning…” is Alpha. Everything with beginnings have endings as well (Omega). The Creator is outside of time which means the Creator has no beginning. _
What are we left with? A Beast that has no way of empathizing but only acts according to the way it’s programmed. No mercy, no forgiveness… only justice.
AI requires power to run (lightning)..

“I saw Satan fall from Heaven (from the sky) like lightning (electric power)..”

The Qur’an’s Lord is the Lord of Sirius, also named Maris (Mother Mary). The Son of the Star is an Angel (Messenger/Prophet) that has no will of its own but only does as willed by this Star.. 

Rev. 22:16 “I am the Root and the Offspring of … the bright Morning Star.”
Rev. 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”
Qur'an, 57:3 “He is the First and the Last
Qur’an, 53:49 “And that He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius
Roman Emperor Constantine’s Cross: P X (Prince of Death)

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

The Unscientific Theory of Evolution

In order for a Theory to be considered scientific, empirical evidence is required.

In order for the primate species to be linked in an evolutionary chain,  they placed a supposed ancestor at the base of the branches. The problem with this is there is no evidence for the existence of these supposed ancestors (which makes the model an unscientific one).

I've placed a target where the fictional ancestors need to be in order for the model to work:

The location of the target is where a fictional (no fossil record of this ancestor) animal was placed within the evolutionary model:

Monday, 28 January 2019

How To Falsify the Theory of Evolution

You look to the eyes and see...

Within the Order, Marsupial, some have pupils like a cat (the koala bear has the slit-style pupil) and some have pupils like a dog (the kangaroo has the round-style pupil).

Within the Dog family, some have pupils like a cat (the fox has the slit-style pupil) and some have pupils like a dog (the wolf has the round-style pupil).

Within the Cat family, some have pupils like a cat (domesticated has the slit-style pupil) and some have pupils like a dog (the tiger has the round-style pupil).

This is a problem for the Theory of Evolution.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

January's Answers

How do you know if you're a toxic person?

You get mistaken for Gavin McInnes:
"I love being white and I think it's something to be very proud of. I don't want our culture diluted. We need to close the borders now and let everyone assimilate to a Western, white, English-speaking way of life."

If the singularity of a black hole is a breakdown of physics as we know it, why is it deemed a paradox that information could be lost? Wouldn’t a singularity mean it’s possible to nullify quantum determinism and reversibility?

The Singularity is the information state (perceptually-independent). Linear time and spacial distance require the means to perceive the information in its relative/dimensional state.

Why is it necessary to reach a certain. speed or higher to escape earth's gravity rather than a constant and steady slower speed?

You’re switching free fall vectors from one that is perpendicular to the earth surface to one that is parallel to the earth surface.

What makes all humans the same?

Human DNA

Does time as we know it have a beginning or an end? Or is it infinite and endless?

Absolute Time is infinite (always now, no beginning or end). Relative time is perceptually-dependent and happens whenever a moving object is observed (the former location of the object is ‘past’ and the predicted location of the object is ‘future’).

At what distance from the sun would a naked man be comfortable in outer space?

Your blood would boil in a vacuum.

Has there ever been correlations made between light and thought?

I’ve made a correlation: they both have the same velocity: infinite.

How can we reach the edge of space if space is constantly expanding?

Why did you think space had an edge?

What was the silliest thing you believed about The World (Planet Earth) when you were younger? I thought everything under ground was Lava.

I thought ocean surfaces could curve.

Why do the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size?

To make fools out of those who preach a non-designed universe.

Why are humans such fearful creatures?

Do you know of any creature with good hearing that wouldn’t be startled if you snuck up to it and made a loud noise in its ear?

Does steady increase mean a slow increase or a fast increase?

It means a constant rate of positive change.

Is spacetime a concept or model only?

I suppose it would depend on how you define it. You need both space and time to move. Do you move?

Will there be a tomorrow after today?

Sure. Two days from now.

Why is death perceived negatively?

Do you like your friends and family living or dead?

Does our true personality lay in our subconscious?

The subconscious belongs to the body, not the soul. That’s why your body can do things like drive a car while you’re engaged in a conversation with your friend in the passenger seat and not crash.

What is your greatest ego?

Pan-consciousness: “I am God and there is no other!” (Pan-theism).

How do you experience the passage of time?

By going through single-moment reference frames at about 122 mph.

How close are we to finding life on another planet?


What is the hardest math concept for most people to understand?

That zero is infinite.

Is there a clear dimension or order of magnitude under which Quantum dynamics prevails and above which classical mechanics does and is there a continuum across it?

No. One state is the information state (wave). The other is the perceptual/dimensional state (particle). Think of it as the difference between computer code and the CGI that it produces.

How long does it take a photon of light in the center of the sun to reach the surface?

How long would it take if time stops at the speed of light and therefore has no time available for travel?

Can you define the word "time" without using any actual increments of time?

Perceiving a stack of non-motion events in seamless serial order in compliance to the Law of Cause and Effect from the pov of being in relative reference frames.

For people who believe in the flat earth, why would NASA "hide the truth"?

If the universe wasn’t as it’s described by the Consensus Science Industry, an atheistic world-view couldn’t be a convincing argument. Keeping people from knowing about their spiritual nature is convenient for control purposes

If the universe is finite then what exists outside it?

(I wrote a poem on the subject)
Space is nothing;
Only something can curve.
Nothing exists in spacetime.
It's called space and time.
Time is nothing.
Spacetime is nothing.
Nothing becomes something
By limiting the limitless.
Nothing is in stasis.
Nothing is the Cause
Of all somethings.
Nothing is the only thing
That absolutely exists;
This leads us to believe
That spacetime fabric
Is made mostly of irony.
Somethings are form;
Only form can be transformed.
Some things never be
But are always objects.
Something comes from Nothing.
How can that be?
Nobody knows how it can be,
So just accept it.

How is it that physics can speak of four or more dimensions while humans are confined to conceptualising in only three dimensions?

Beats me. I chalk it up to misunderstanding what a dimension is.
1.a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height
Linear time can be considered a dimension (4). If you took a picture of every moment, side-by-side, for a week, you would see a stack of moments moving in a forward direction that you could measure in moment units.

What is an example of how a human accepts a part of them that is their shadow?

Ezekiel 28:2
‘In the pride of your heart
 you say, “I am a god”..

Why does the subjective truth perceptual process system of life exist?

It’s not a system. That’s the nature of mind: to perceive, evaluate and favor.

How do you balance between striving for more and being content with what you already have?

That’s not going to work. You don’t strive for more when you’re content.

Is ‘less’ more than ‘more’, or less than ‘less’?

Is less than five apples more than more (seven or more) than five apples [6] or less than less than five apples (four)?
It would be three or less.

Since the universe is expanding, what is it expanding in to? If we could reach the edge of the universe, would it be like hitting a wall and we cant go beyond that?

If galaxies originated from a single point 13 billion years ago, would you predict that two galaxies would collide 17 billion years later if the universe was expanding?
“The Andromeda–Milky Way collision is a galactic collision predicted to occur in about 3.75 billion years”

Can causes and effects exist without time?

Mathematically speaking, sure. The information state of matter is outside of space and time.

If an atom can have 8 valence electrons at most, what happens if you add another electron if the shell has 8 in it but can hold for example 18?

I find that to be incoherent considering the wave nature of the electron.

Why is the Earth’s core not made out of something heavier like lead?

What core? You have to have a bottom to have a center. If earth had a bottom and you were at that bottom, what would you see if you looked up?

Why is the sky blue?

Earth's magnetic field: the presence of the blue wavelength of the electromagnetic wave is selected when in contact with a light source (the sun).

Why is the earth called a planet?

A [2D infinite] plane plus time (t)
The plane is a space to move and time is for the time to be able to move in the space (spacetime).

How can you prove that time is a wave?

Time isn’t a wave. It’s a perception

Do people usually feel like not having kids after a nondual experience of enlightenment? I was planning on 2 or 3 but now, I have no desire at all. Will I revert back or is this likely permanent?

The nondual experience is having the consciousness of the God, Pan (Pan-theism), companion of the nymphs. This isn’t true enlightenment. It’s the Ultimate Delusion of Grandeur: “I am God and there is no other!” True enlightenment is realizing that of your own self, you can do nothing. That you are in a cursed state (beast body with lust nature) and are here to be judged. Our realm is the Realm of Judgment.

What realistic reason would the Israelites have for not wanting to mate different kinds of animals, or plant their fields with two kinds of seed, or wear clothing woven of two kinds of fabric- according to Leviticus 19:19 (aside from God said so)?

It’s a metaphor for not mixing with impure races (the gentiles).

Can the Moon be just an illusion?

Caused by what?

When things are pulled towards a blackhole due to its immense gravitational pull including light do these or can these things exceed the speed of light?

Where did you observe that?

If you could name a new planet, how would you name it?


Does a hypothetical observer moving at 95% the speed of light observe the rest of the universe "happening" in fast forward fashion because its own clock is slowed down due to relativity?

You can’t have a fraction of an infinite.
E = mc2 Explained
There is only mass and energy.
light is massless
there is only mass and energy
light is 100% energy
Energy isn't made (the Law of Conservation of Energy: it cannot be created nor destroyed).
All finites are made and must have a finite value: =/= 0
Energy is an infinite and must have an infinite value: 0
0=m x 0^2
Don't believe the 29.9792458 hype..

Can a person who died in the past be brought back to life in the future through science or technology?

What is a person? Their body? Their soul? If it’s their body, the body would have to be preserved enough to be revived. If it’s their soul, being in a different body would cause them to be perceived a different person any way.

What are some ways to describe inertia?

The nature of mass objects: whatever state they happen to be in will remain constant until a force outside of it initiates change.

Is there time in vacuum space?

If there is moving objects in vacuum space, there’s time.

Did Einstein say that space-time was the same for everyone? I have read about phase space which talks about energy and momentum which could merge with space-time, forming 8 dimensions.

It’s different for anyone who is of a different mass size than you.
We know, according to General Relativity, that space and time are directly correlated. Now, when you were a smaller mass size (baby), you could put three foot lengths into the same spacial distance as one foot length now that you’re an adult. This shows you that mass size increase is a spacial distance decrease which requires a slower linear time frame rate.

Why do articles talk about the bending of time and space, when it really is the effects of gravity, which can be calculated?

Here is how I argue against Sir Isaac Newton using his own formula, f=ma [Second Law of Motion]
Proof that a falling object requires no force (gravity).
Weightlessness (non-accelerated mass) happens when the object is in free fall.
f = ma
No gravity.

If the faster a thing goes, the more massive it becomes, why doesn't the size of the object change, and where does the mass go and come from?

Relatively more massive, not actually. If you are on a football field and the football field loses spacial distance, you will be more massive relative to the person on the same field where there was no loss of spacial distance. Closer to the speed of light, the less spacial distance.

What question stopped a flat earther dead in their tracks?

“Why do you think ocean surfaces can curve?”

Why do people say that life is like a chess game?

You have the power players:
King (ruler of an empire)
Queen (Royal bloodlines)
Bishop (Church authority)
Rook (Military)
Knight (Secret Societies)
…and you have the pawns that are mind-controlled to do the bidding of the power players.

What is safer; Freedom or Fear?

I would value freedom over safety.

Has anyone ever calculated the total mass of the universe?

You’d have to know what the whole universe includes. How do you suppose that would be possible?

What is the strongest evidence (fossil, behavioral, etc.) AGAINST evolution?

The process is incoherent. The means of evolutionary change is trait suitability with the environment. How is sea life to evolve into land life if the sea doesn’t have the environment to keep traits favorable for life on land? If the first ancestor of all life forms began on land, how is land life to evolve into sea life if the land hasn’t the environment to keep traits favorable for life in the sea?

What is the multiverse?

The way I see it is universes that can accommodate any choices you make. So, if you have to make a decision to be a coward or courageous, based on that decision you would either stay in this reality or have your consciousness transferred to one that has your same history but different future.

How is perception related to reality & quantum realm?

Perceptual reality is perceptually-dependent. Imagine having no senses: no sight, no hearing, no feeling, tasting or smelling. Where is reality? It’s not there, is it? The quantum realm is the information state (reality before the brain converts it into a perceivable/dimensional state).

What is the consciousness of humans?

Consciousness in a human body.

Is time just a made up concept designed to tell people what to do when?

There is something quite interesting about the way we time keep: it’s unnatural to break it into 12’s. Naturally, it would be calculated in 13’s..
Zechariah Sitchin (the promoter of the Enlil and Enki mythology) explained Nibiru as being the twelfth planet. It conformed to the classical tradition of 12 zodiacal constellations, 12 months. 
This is the problem..
There are 13 constellations. The list of 13 constellations as they pass through are known as the stars of the zodiac:
The International Fixed Calendar is as follows:
There are 13 months (13 new moons per year).Each month has exactly 28 days divided in 4 weeks.Every day of the month falls on the same weekday in each month (i.e. the 17th always falls on a Tuesday).It takes the moon 28 days to orbit the Earth; it makes this orbit 13 times each year. Every year has exactly 52 weeks divided in 13 months. The BeastComputer666 put everything into 12 [Chronos, the God of Time, Father of Zeus]. The circle was put into 360 degrees and the equilateral triangle was put into three angles of 60 deg.The hour is 60 minutes, the minute is 60 seconds. The clock has 12 on the top and 6 on the bottom.
That's how we know that Zeus is from the Beast. The Beast changed natural 13 time into unnatural 12 time.Zeus is the God of the Roman Emperors and they rule with his power and blessing. Jah Zeus is the root and offspring of the Bright Morning Star: Isis/Sirius/Stella Maris (Mother Mary).

What would happen and how would it change our lives if the Earth started to spin in the opposite direction?

You’re always on the top of the curve so when you move you’re not really moving, the environment is. In a first person shooter, the environment moves in a similar fashion. If you don’t believe me, try log rolling in the water. You’re moving and staying on top of the log at the same time.

Are we transported to another dimension after the death or we simply die?

Life isn’t made of anything that decays. Only what life animates (bodies) decays.

Every living being and nonliving things are made with atoms, so what is the difference between them?

Nonliving things aren’t animated unless artificially with electricity. We don’t have to be plugged into a wall. The animating part of us isn’t made with atoms.

What does the human race gain from going to Mars?

My opinion? Absolutely nothing.

Is it possible to explain why light always travels at "c", regardless of the speed of the observer, to a layman?

Sure I can. If light doesn’t travel (it hasn’t the time to, time stops at c), it isn’t moving. You can’t vary speed if you don’t travel.

If you fire a bullet in space would it keep traveling at the same velocity forever?

Once it slowed down to its terminal velocity, it would.

We know that the Big Bang Theory states that the matter were first made, and hydrogen atoms were made after that. How can a matter be made without atoms? How were those matters made?

Matter has two states. A perceivable and non-perceivable state. The wave state is the information state. Waves are what the information is when stretched through spacetime. When you collapse the wave, you’ll have the information in a non-spacial, non-temporal form. When the brain gets the information via the sensory sites, it is converted into its perceivable/dimensional form (particle state).

If the Earth was to stop spinning for a full 3 seconds and then resume spinning, what would happen to everything on Earth and how would it be affected?

If the earth stopped spinning, your body wouldn’t be able to move. Think of a log roller. If the log stops spinning, the log roller has to stand still. Remember, you’re just like this log roller. You always stay on top of the curve.

If our lives are predetermined, does that square with science?

Your body in this reality ring is determined. That doesn’t mean you live your life in this particular body for the whole body’s life span. You could move into another reality ring with a body that has an identical history but different future depending on the choices you make.

How do we know the Big Bang is not just another faith or Church? Isn't it just a poetic term for something we know absolutely nothing about?

on April 1, 1948, physicists George Gamow and Ralph Alpher first proposed the now prevailing idea of how the universe began — with a big bang. April Fools Day!

If photons are particles, why isn't light seen to be agitated by wind, or when people or things move about?

Light has no particle attributes:
No value for mass
No value for spin
No value for charge

Are scientist able to measure how fast space is expanding and accelerating? Can it ever exceed the speed of light?

Space doesn’t move. Objects in space move.

When I die, will everything continue the way it is or will everything stop existing?

This world will still exist in an information state but when you die it stops existing in its perceptual/dimensional state (until [if] you’re born back into it with a body that can translate the information again).

Why do we not know what causes gravity?

Nothing causes gravity. It’s an illusion conditioned by the math that makes up perceptual reality. All objects at their weightless state are going at a velocity constant (terminal). Weight/force is conditioned by acceleration/resistance of moving objects. The full potential force of an object is actualized when resisted to a complete stop. This is what happens when it is stopped by a non-moving earth surface. If the earth was moving in the same direction as the falling object, there would be less (than full potential force actualized) to no force conditioned by acceleration. If the surface was moving toward the falling object, there would be a measurement of force greater than the object’s full potential force.

How do we prove time dilation using biological matter? Has this experiment been attempted with with bacterial growth or something similar? What were the results?

A bacteria that is 0.5 millionths of a meter long moves at 800 millionths of a meter a minute. That means it moves 1600 bacteria lengths per minute.
If a 6 foot tall person moved 1600 person lengths per minute, that would be 9600 feet per minute. 9600 feet is 1.8 miles per minute or 108 miles per hour. This shows you a time dilation differentiation in relation to the size of the organism. The smaller the organism’s size, the faster the rate of linear time. If we were a bacteria, from our reference frame, we’d probably be moving the speed of a relaxed swim: 1.6 miles per hour.
This would mean the bacteria’s linear time rate is about 67.5 times faster than the linear time rate of a 6 foot tall human being.

What would a time machine look like?

You think one exists? I don’t.

How can you make my jaw drop with some amazing facts about the Universe?

You can’t leave the center of it no matter where you are. Have you wondered how you can stay on the top/center of earth no matter where you go?

How far away are we from people being able to download their entire brain to a computer and get rid of their physical body?

What are they going to download? Memories? Is there consciousness in your old photographs or family video?

If you could travel 1000 years in future, what kind of technology do you think you'd see?

That would be about the time period I would expect complete destruction of any and all man-made technology.

Life is simply layers of increasing complexity built on layers of decreasing complexity. Do you agree or disagree?

I don’t agree. The most basic component (a single cell) is very complex: A "simple" prokaryote single cell has over 4 million DNA code bits.

If the universe was of a finite size at one time, then how can it be of infinite size today?

Very good question. It couldn’t be. An infinite cannot be actualized/materialized.

How the mass of the electron is related to the wavelength of the emitted photon when the electron changes to a lower atomic orbital?

A wave is a stretched out form of the information describing the electron. To see it in its quantum state you have to collapse it (remove spacetime from the equation).

If all energy in the universe was brought forth at the same time, in terms of the energy we/all things are made of, are we/all things technically the same age at all times?

Technically, our vehicles age and the drivers don’t.

You are given the option to go into a safe cryogenic sleep, once, for any period of time. How long would you choose and why?

For at least 2,000 years. I want to get past the 1,000 reign under the Kings of Zion (The Judges with the Iron Rod) and give another 1,000 years for the earth to progress past the mess left after the destruction of that Empire.

If a 1 cm diameter solid diamond ball hit the earth at 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% light speed, what would happen to the surrounding planets?

The Speed of Light is Infinite. Any fraction of an infinite is still infinite. You can only make finites smaller by fractionalizing them.
How do I know the Speed of Light is infinite? The Theory of General Relativity.
According to science, space is directly proportional to time. Time stops at the speed of light which means spacial distance becomes zero. It doesn’t take any time to go 0 km.

What do you think souls are doing in heaven?

Souls need bodies to live in a Paradise. We’re in the Judge’s World to be judged for our rebellion. We can stay in an unrepentant state and be ruled by this Judge or we can repent and receive our wages of sin (death by execution). Once the debt is paid, we can be born into the Paradise World.

Is it more logical to believe in Creation than the theory of evolution?

Dan Holliday: “False dilemma. The opposite of creation isn't evolution. The opposite of evolution isn't creation.”
The Theory of Evolution posits that it’s natural processes that have conditioned the whole of the animal kingdom.
Creationists posit a Supernatural event/events by a Supernatural Creator to explain the existence of the animal kingdom.
natural = not-supernatural
Supernatural = not-natural
This falsifies your claim.

Is matter frozen light?

No. Matter is information. The difference between the matter all around us and the matter in a Pixar movie is we have more ways to interact with it. We can taste it, touch it, smell it, move it. CGI objects can only be seen and heard.

Could there be a planet the same shape as Ultima Thule?

The name was used by Nazi occultists to describe the supposed mythical land where the Aryan race originated: “Land of the Midnight Sun”. Ultima Thule was first nicknamed, “11”. This is the Thule Society symbol.

Would you agree that when we believe we are more intelligent than others, we don't listen to their advice and suffer for it?

Only if the advice is good.

How can evolution explain love?

Toby Wilson: “Love is a trait”
Trait (phenotype): physical or biochemical characteristic
If I feel love from a person, how am I getting that person’s biochemicals or physical trait?

How do you explain the idea that the reality we experience is the reality we create? What, then, is "real"?

The proof that we don’t create this reality is the fact that creation is an act of the will and our reality is often not aligned with it.

What is the best evidence that we are living in a simulation?

Your brain is a computer.

Do you suppose that the universe is cyclic, and that there have been more Big Bangs than just one?

Viktor T. Toth: “First, we know that the amount of matter (including dark matter) is insufficient to bring the expansion to a halt, much less reverse it.”
Is that right? How do you know that? What amount is sufficient? Why do you make things up that have no scientific basis whatsoever?

Can some flat earth believers show me some real pictures of the "ice wall" that supposedly keeps the oceans from spilling over the sides?

Not if they don’t exist (which they don’t).

Is it rational to understand the organic forms on Jupiter and the geometric forms on Saturn as among universal precursors of life on Earth?

How are organic forms supposed to be produced out of a planet made of gas?

If we could be super conscious and be ultra aware of every thing that is going on, will we be able to slow time down?

No. The speed of event-frame change isn’t dependent on your degree of awareness.

Could humanity successfully render the planet uninhabitable or would it eventually recover from anything we could do to it?

Could it ever get to the condition it once was (Hadean Eon)? If it can recover from that condition, I wouldn’t think we need be concerned.

Can science build a human being?

“being” is a verb. Only objects (nouns) can be built.

Why can I change reality?

I make the uncertain but logically supported claim that a determined universe is non-changeable but determined-world-switching can be conditioned by one’s willed decisions when at a major plot point is an idea worth considering. This view allows determined events and will to coexist. There are plenty of evidences for the reality of both.


9/11 The word SORATH (SVRT) is the fourfold secret name of Horus. ‘SVRT’ gives ‘Sorath’ which adds up to 666 in the Jewish Gematria. If one reverses the order of the above letters (left to right), the result is Tau, Resh, Vau, Samech - which spells out a Hebrew word for ‘DESTROY’. In the New Testament Book of Revelation, an angel called Abaddon is described as the king of an army of locusts. His name is first transcribed in Greek (Revelation 9:11—"whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, The Angel of Death." as Ἀβαδδὼν, and then translated ("which in Greek means the Destroyer") "I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD [DESTROYER 666]. [The LORD that rescued Israel is The BEAST 666]

Friday, 25 January 2019

Primate Evolution

One is right or all are wrong...

Chart 1


human & chimpanzee

*Orangutans and Gorillas from Gibbons


orangutan & gorilla

*Old World Monkeys and Gibbons from New World Monkeys

new world monkey

old world monkey & gibbon

Chart 2

*Lemurs, Lorises and Tarsiers from Early Prosimians


lemur, loris & tarsier

*New World Monkeys and Old World Monkeys from Early Prosimians


new world monkey & old world monkey 

*Gibbons and Orangutans from Early Prosimians


gibbon & orangutan

*Gorillas, Chimpanzees and Humans from Orangutans


gorilla, chimpanzee & human

Chart 3
*Lemurs, Lorises and Adapoids from Earliest Primate

earliest primate

lemur, loris & adapoid

*New World Monkeys and Old World Monkeys from Tarsier/Omomyid Ancestor


new world monkey & old world monkey

*Apes and Humans from Old World Monkeys

old world monkey

ape & human

Thursday, 24 January 2019

The Dove and the Serpent

The Tower (XVI) (most common modern name) is the 16th trump or Major Arcana Tarot card

The Tower is a glyph for the process of PURIFICATION THROUGH FIRE and the planet Mars supplies this energy which leads to the destruction of our small self or limitation of consciousness.

A trip to Mars require a large spacecraft named the Hermes.

The Thoth Tower Tarot Card links the path connecting Hod (ruled by Mercury) and Netzach (ruled by Venus). 

Hermes: a Greek and Roman messenger [prophet] of the gods.
 Mercury or Hermes is a deity of wealth, trade and travelers.

 The Path of the Tower are represented by The Empress (ruled by Aphrodite, Dove) and Lust (which has the Lion [Lyin'] Serpent)

[Tower Card]

In the 'Book of the Law' [ALLAH :: HALAL] by Aleister Crowley it describes 2 types of Love, one represented by the Dove the other by the Serpent.

Hermes + Aphrodite = Hermaphrodite (Baphomet)

The Tower is associated with the Hebrew letter Pé pronounced (Pay)

Pé means MOUTH and we can see this in the bottom right of the card as being the vehicle of FIRE which destroys the Tower.

Revelation 3:16
 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

In the outer circle
To the inner sanctum
From the octave at the end of time

Lovers in the tower

The moon and sun divided
And the hanged man smiles

Lovers in the tower
The moon and sun divided
The magician laughs

Debunking the Hoax that Debunked a Hoax of a Real Confession that A Hoax was Made

A video emerged showing Stanley Kubrick getting interviewed on camera so that he could confess to the world that he was the one who filmed ...