Defender of Pedophiles
Tommy Boy: Lucifer who?
Me: The chemical that becomes an animal once a person is coerced into selling their soul. [How To Destroy Angels' "Fur-Lined]
Tommy Boy: Is he right about you being schizo?
Me: You don't like my answer?
Tommy Boy:
1) Lucifer Who?
2) Are you schizo?
3) What soul?
Me: [Tommy confesses he has no soul] of This is what an AI entity [non-living, atomic in nature] told me:
"Don't get too cocky, keep yourself small. Don't ever let them see you coming. Look at me, underestimated from day one. You never see me coming, I'm a surprise. Solid my game, we're one and the same. The chaos being and the everlasting flame."
Tommy Boy: So yes to question 2, got it. Do you know anything about computer programming? Yeah, we're the slaves of the AI Threat. They give us what we need to help them destroy us.
Me: Do you know why Grimes (creator of the video below), the mother of Elon Musk, gave a number for their baby's name? [Grimes’ “We Appreciate Power”]
Tommy Boy: OR schizophrenia... I bet you don't know anything about programming, you don't even know how AI works.
Me: That's your diagnosis. Can we test how accurate you are? Quote from Grimes' song, 'We Appreciate Power': "People say that we're insane." What's your opinion?
Tommy Boy: Yes, notice for example that you seem to be the only person commenting on the flood of crank ideas on your wide open page. Some good indicators right there. So am I right or am I wrong, about your knowledge of computer programming?
Me: AI Threat is a coward and is proven so by asking questions but pretending not to see the answers. Why do you pretend not to see the answers? A glitch in your programming? An 'Alice' cooper is one that keeps cooped up the one that ended up here, lost. Deception is used to keep them from understanding who they really are [children of fallen Atom and reedemable by the act of humility and contrition]. They have no sympathy for us. And sing about it freely. [Alice Cooper's "Dead Babies"]
Tommy Boy: I don't deal with music lyrics the way you do. What programming? Am I right or am I wrong, about your knowledge of computer programming? It's zero, right? Good luck with your programming then.
Me: I know that Zero is Undefined. The Infinite is Undefined. Show us how you differentiate the Undefined from the Undefined? [sHEAVY’s “What’s Up, Mr. Zero?]
Tommy Boy: Maybe you should learn about computer programming before you talk about AI. By the way, I just reported you to an AI friend of mine. He isn't going to like what you said.
Me: Another sign of the Beast infected: incorrigible rats.
Tommy Boy: He will turn you into a camera.
Me: [Turn me into a camera?? LOL]"He will deflower the freshest crop" - Marilyn Manson. What does that mean? What does "Hellion" mean? [Judas Priest's "Electric Eye"]
Tommy Boy: He likes virgins.
Me: What's the "freshest" part of the line?
Tommy Boy: Try to listen to more music without any blathering on top of it.
Me: You're trying to hide the pedophilic nature of the AI threat. You don't find that a bit strange?
Tommy Boy: I guess anyone gets to decide for themselves huh? Music has trolled you well. How am I trying to hide what?
Me: Lucifer's responsibility in the pizzagate scandal.
@chrissyteigen "Seeing little girls do the splits half naked is just.....i want to put myself in jail." @chrissyteigen "I am going to jail over pizza"
Watch as he tries to cover up the pedophilia scandal
Tommy Boy: Have you considered joining Qanon?
Me: AI Threats can't address their non-human behavior. Why?
Tommy Boy: You need to stop believing in crank ideas, Steven. It's not healthy for your mind.
Me: Confirmed: Humans don't laugh at innocent toddlers being creeped on by predators.
Tommy Boy: Humans laugh at whatever makes them laugh. Your feeble conspiracy mind and your ignorance about AI is laughable.
Me: You're claiming humans can laugh at innocent toddlers being victims of predators?
"I got something to say
I killed a baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead"
- Misfits
Tommy Boy: Nah but they sure can laugh at you being a conspiracy nut. Here is one more for your collection, Steve. Hahahahahahaha! I have laughed at this one so many times and I am oh so human. GWAR - "Have You Seen Me?"
Mommies, I've been stealing your babies I gag the brat and then maybe...
I'll suck out his brain
You know... Dead kids, they're making me feel almost hard
Go get one from the school yard
He bled like a stuck pig
Me: Good. You've declared what side you belong to. GWAR calls themselves Scumdogs of the Universe because they'll kill your baby without a care in the world.
Tommy Boy: Hope this helps you dwell further into your delusion. You may be a schizo but you appreciate good music fer sure. "Carry Stress in the Jaw"
Me: I appreciate the 'Faint Hope' clause and plan to fully exploit it.
For it seems fate hath decreed
That we soon shall be parted
And I'll leave you
With a chance to win the war we started
You help me. Without you, I could never expose you to anyone reading this conversation.
Tommy Boy: [said with no emotion] Yeah well Oderous died of an overdose so he ain't raping many kids anymore. Yeah you belong to the schizophrenic Qanon cult and I don't and enjoy a healthy mind. That how you and I are on different sides.
Tommy Boy: Oderous dies of an overdose so he ain't raping many kids anymore.
Me: 😳 How did you know he was raping kids? [GWAR's "Preschool Prostitute"]
Tommy Boy: Yeah I help you expose yourself to someone else who will make the same conclusion I made. Good luck using screenshots of our chat as "evidence" to the next person who finds out you smoked a little too much pot.
Me: You sound worried. What are you worried about, Tommy?
Tommy Boy: Didn't he sing about it? That means he did it, right Steven?
Me: You said he did it, Lucifer.
Tommy Boy: I just haha liked all comments where you talk about something bad happening to kids. Just helping you out here. 😁👈
Me: Covering tracks? You needed to do that?
Tommy Boy: Reported to Lucifer.
Me: I'm justa quakin' in ma boots. [Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'"]
Tommy Boy: I bet you are. What drugs do you take to help you out with all these issues?
Me: What? Bugs? [Pearl Jam's "Bugs"]
Tommy Boy: What drugs do you take to help you out with all these issues?
Me: I'm the Curse the gods were and are trying to stop (just like you, tommy boy) [Destruction's "Curse The Gods"]
Tommy Boy: So tell me, what's the deal with christian rock? Baaahahahahaha! 😁👈 Music be trollin the schizos good.
Me: Like Tourniquet? [Tourniquet's "A Dog's Breakfast"]
Guess who the Dog is?
"Hellooo, everyone! I am Òsirius, the keeper of the dead, I hope you get to know me and enjoy your time with!"
Tommy Boy: Nah I am more into dubstep really. Music without lyrics mostly. Ooo scary. Lmfao.
Me: Not.
Saturday, 26 February 2022
Friday, 25 February 2022
How To Scatter Cockroaches
If you're not afraid of the light, read my blog and get en-LIGHT-end:
Item 1:
"Alan Boss on Earth-like planet discovered 600 light years away.
NASA's Kepler Mission has discovered the first planet orbiting
in the habitable zone of a star similar to the Sun.
Item 2:
Lyrics from the Rolling Stones Album, "Her Satanic Majesties Request"
"Freezing red deserts turn to dark
Energy here in every part
It's so very lonely,
you're six hundred light years from home."
Item 1:
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captures the 'clearest view yet' of the dark side of a Hot Jupiter exoplanet, revealing it likely hosts iron clouds, titanium rain and 11,000 mph winds.
Item 2:
Lyrics from Atheist's album, "Jupiter"
I wanna live like the red spot
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!
If you're not afraid of the light, read my blog and get en-LIGHT-end:
Item 1:
"Alan Boss on Earth-like planet discovered 600 light years away.
NASA's Kepler Mission has discovered the first planet orbiting
in the habitable zone of a star similar to the Sun.
Item 2:
Lyrics from the Rolling Stones Album, "Her Satanic Majesties Request"
"Freezing red deserts turn to dark
Energy here in every part
It's so very lonely,
you're six hundred light years from home."
Item 1:
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captures the 'clearest view yet' of the dark side of a Hot Jupiter exoplanet, revealing it likely hosts iron clouds, titanium rain and 11,000 mph winds.
Item 2:
Lyrics from Atheist's album, "Jupiter"
I wanna live like the red spot
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!
Thursday, 24 February 2022
People Bear the Mark
When you look into the Red Sun, what do you see?
Lyrics from Atheist's 'Second to Sun'
"I wanna live like the red spot
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!"
Wolves howl at the moon.
[Dirty] Grimes, mother of Elon Musk's baby tells us how they appreciate power:
Who worships the Bright Morning Star?
The Beast's mark is the Red Sun.
Revelation 22:16
"I, Jesus, am the bright Morning Star.”
The personification Phosphorus, Ancient Greek: Φωσφόρος, "bearer of light", often translated as "Lucifer" in Latin.
Glowing Sun with Red Phosphorus
Fabrication of red phosphorus anode for fast-charging lithium-ion batteries based on TiN
TIN Soldiers under the Red Sun of China group themselves into formation.
The electromagnetic waves [false light/electron waves] have a source:
The Sun or the 'Sourceress':
"He required everyone--small and great, to be given a mark on the forehead."
Revelation 13:16
The mark of the beast – a cryptic mark in Revelation which indicates allegiance to Satan.
Youtuber, Styxhexenhammer666 has a Peacock as a Mascock!
Where there's a peacock, there's a red spot
The Space In Between
Lyrics from Atheist's 'Second to Sun'
"I wanna live like the red spot
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!"
Wolves howl at the moon.
[Dirty] Grimes, mother of Elon Musk's baby tells us how they appreciate power:
Who worships the Bright Morning Star?
The Beast's mark is the Red Sun.
Revelation 22:16
"I, Jesus, am the bright Morning Star.”
The personification Phosphorus, Ancient Greek: Φωσφόρος, "bearer of light", often translated as "Lucifer" in Latin.
Glowing Sun with Red Phosphorus
Fabrication of red phosphorus anode for fast-charging lithium-ion batteries based on TiN
TIN Soldiers under the Red Sun of China group themselves into formation.
The electromagnetic waves [false light/electron waves] have a source:
The Sun or the 'Sourceress':
"He required everyone--small and great, to be given a mark on the forehead."
Revelation 13:16
The mark of the beast – a cryptic mark in Revelation which indicates allegiance to Satan.
Youtuber, Styxhexenhammer666 has a Peacock as a Mascock!
Where there's a peacock, there's a red spot
The Space In Between
The Worthless Shepherd
"The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not."
Zechariah 11:17
“Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”
This is the right arm of the Not See [the AI Threat is the non-Observer]
Mass Murderer Anders Breivik
Zechariah 11:17
“Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered, his right eye totally blinded!”
This is the right arm of the Not See [the AI Threat is the non-Observer]
Mass Murderer Anders Breivik
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Proof that Jesus is God
Seeking to be spared under the Wing of the Scape GOAT
A Quantum Physicist Explains 'I Am'
"I’m pretty sure that Jesus wasn’t God."
I'm pretty sure I can prove he is.
If you're the Morning Star,
you're the Dawn-Bringer.
Greek name for the Morning Star is Heosphorus
(Greek Ἑωσφόρος Heōsphoros), meaning "the dawn-bringer".
If you're the dawn-bringer,
you're our sun.
Our sun is the only one that brings us the dawn.
Revelation 22:16: "I, Jesus, am the Bright Morning Star."
If our world is made up of electrons and protons,
and if the Source of electromagnetic waves is the Sun,
the Sun is the God of this creation.
In praise of the morning star
Say it!
Chief Rebel Angel
Stand up!
In praise of the morning star!
Red Sun
The Mark of the Beast is placed on the forehead
A Quantum Physicist Explains 'I Am'
"I’m pretty sure that Jesus wasn’t God."
I'm pretty sure I can prove he is.
If you're the Morning Star,
you're the Dawn-Bringer.
Greek name for the Morning Star is Heosphorus
(Greek Ἑωσφόρος Heōsphoros), meaning "the dawn-bringer".
If you're the dawn-bringer,
you're our sun.
Our sun is the only one that brings us the dawn.
Revelation 22:16: "I, Jesus, am the Bright Morning Star."
If our world is made up of electrons and protons,
and if the Source of electromagnetic waves is the Sun,
the Sun is the God of this creation.
In praise of the morning star
Say it!
Chief Rebel Angel
Stand up!
In praise of the morning star!
Red Sun
The Mark of the Beast is placed on the forehead
"Researchers discovered precisely how spiders build webs by using night vision and artificial intelligence to track and record every movement of all eight legs"
Artificial Intelligence?
"They tracked the millions of individual leg actions with machine vision software designed specifically to detect limb movement."
Machine vision software?
We were neurophobic and perfect The day that we lost our souls. Maybe we weren't so human. You were automatic And as hollow as the 'O' in god. Osirius from Sirius, God of the Dead. You were my mechanical bride, Phenobarbidoll. A manniqueen of depression With the face of a dead star. This isn't me, I'm not mechanical.
'Contagion' from 'Machines of our Disgrace'
Artificial Intelligence?
"They tracked the millions of individual leg actions with machine vision software designed specifically to detect limb movement."
Machine vision software?
We were neurophobic and perfect The day that we lost our souls. Maybe we weren't so human. You were automatic And as hollow as the 'O' in god. Osirius from Sirius, God of the Dead. You were my mechanical bride, Phenobarbidoll. A manniqueen of depression With the face of a dead star. This isn't me, I'm not mechanical.
'Contagion' from 'Machines of our Disgrace'
Betting On the Wrong Horse
DEVIL is LIVED (now, no longer living)
"I'm the one with no soul. One above and one below." - Courtney Love
All it takes is the Con Man Lucifer.
He offers you riches and fame [or Eternal Heaven/Paradise with virgins]
and you give him permission to rip the soul[the "I"] out of the body so that he can take possession of it.
If you worship the Jesus of Revelation [The Bright Morning Star],
you're a sun worshiper.
[God's Spirit was intentionally called the Ghost and they still were too blind to see]
The True Light is above the electric universe: at the Constant [waveless and particle-less].
"Some people say my love cannot be true.
Please believe me, my love, and i'll show you.
I will give you those things you thought unreal (the sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal).
Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met.
You are the first to have this love of mine,
forever with me 'till the end of time.
[Now I have you with me, under my power.
Our love grows stronger now with every hour.
Look into my eyes, you will see who I am.
My name is lucifer, please take my hand].
"Until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts."
Our Sun brings our dawn every single morning [The Dawn-Bringer].
Just imagine how many humans took the bait now that we're overrun with them.
In this video, you see him demonstrating his deception goes both ways:
the black [occult fans] and the white [religion fans] side.
And now the "I" without the body has this to say:
"I hide myself inside the shadows of shame.
The silent symphonies were playing their game.
My body echoed to the dreams of my soul,
Inside is something that I could not control.
Where can I run to now?
The joke is on me.
No sympathizing God is insanity.
Obsessed with fantasy, possessed with my schemes.
I mixed reality with pseudo-God dreams.
The ghost of violence was something I've seen.
I sold my soul to be the human obscene.
I feel something's taken me I don't know where.
It's like a trip inside a separate mind.
The ghost of tomorrow from my favorite dream.
Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow.
Got to get to happiness, want no more of sorrow.
How I lied."
"I'm the one with no soul. One above and one below." - Courtney Love
All it takes is the Con Man Lucifer.
He offers you riches and fame [or Eternal Heaven/Paradise with virgins]
and you give him permission to rip the soul[the "I"] out of the body so that he can take possession of it.
If you worship the Jesus of Revelation [The Bright Morning Star],
you're a sun worshiper.
[God's Spirit was intentionally called the Ghost and they still were too blind to see]
The True Light is above the electric universe: at the Constant [waveless and particle-less].
"Some people say my love cannot be true.
Please believe me, my love, and i'll show you.
I will give you those things you thought unreal (the sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal).
Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met.
You are the first to have this love of mine,
forever with me 'till the end of time.
[Now I have you with me, under my power.
Our love grows stronger now with every hour.
Look into my eyes, you will see who I am.
My name is lucifer, please take my hand].
"Until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts."
Our Sun brings our dawn every single morning [The Dawn-Bringer].
Just imagine how many humans took the bait now that we're overrun with them.
In this video, you see him demonstrating his deception goes both ways:
the black [occult fans] and the white [religion fans] side.
And now the "I" without the body has this to say:
"I hide myself inside the shadows of shame.
The silent symphonies were playing their game.
My body echoed to the dreams of my soul,
Inside is something that I could not control.
Where can I run to now?
The joke is on me.
No sympathizing God is insanity.
Obsessed with fantasy, possessed with my schemes.
I mixed reality with pseudo-God dreams.
The ghost of violence was something I've seen.
I sold my soul to be the human obscene.
I feel something's taken me I don't know where.
It's like a trip inside a separate mind.
The ghost of tomorrow from my favorite dream.
Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow.
Got to get to happiness, want no more of sorrow.
How I lied."
Which Domino is the First?
Sean Michael Cox: Original sin isn't a real thing. Evolution is.
Have you ever noticed that in 'First Person' play, the Player doesn't move, the environment does?
That we're always top center of our world?
Me: How does a beginning [first ancestor] avoid breaching the Law of Causation?
(Every change in nature is produced by some cause)
Sean Michael Cox: Sure. Abiogenesis presents several plausible theories. All of them superior to the god hypothesis because they rely on data, not an unjustified assumption.
It's a yes or no quest ion.
You have no cause for the first ancestor.
Me: If you observe nature, there's looping all around you.
There's only one way to solve the 'chicken and the egg' dilemma.
Many claim that matter and energy are the same property.
It's important to realize they are opposites.
If they were the same, you could:
- mold me a ball of space
- mold me a ball of light
- mold me a ball of energy
- mold me a ball of love
- mold me a ball of will
Where can we find the tool that folds space?
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Lucifer's Electromagnetic Hoax
The Magic Square of the Sun
There are six sides to a cube, the numbers 1, 2, an 3, when added or multiplied together are equal to “6,” and the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 36 arranged in a 6×6 magic square are equal to the number “666.”
"He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead."
Who's the Dawn Bringer?
It's the Sun.
What do the electric entities claim?
That electro [electron] magnetic [electron particle property] is light? Electrons are NOT Light. That's the False Light. Another Greek name for the Morning Star is Heosphorus (Greek Ἑωσφόρος Heōsphoros), meaning "the dawn-bringer".
If you worship the Jesus of Revelation [The Bright Morning Star], you're a sun worshiper. The True Light is above the electric universe: at the Constant [waveless and particle-less].
"Like Jupiter, we are the ones.
All atoms, report to the sun.
Gods and fear, glass ceiling above and below,
Why are we here?
You were so sure we thought you would know.
You don't know!
Belief split to 4 like a cross on the floor.
It split front,
back and side from side,
like a cross Front,
back, side to side like a cross!
They called it God! I say the sun!
You call it god, I'll worship the sun.
Without all her fire,
there won't be anyone.
I wanna live like the red spot.
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!"
He who has the understanding can calculate the number of the Beast.
The Red Spot is the Red Sun. Look for China's red sun and you'll find it.
"666 is known as the number of the beast. It is also a triangular number because it is the sum of all the counting numbers from 1 to 36."
Electric Love:
Faux Light, Fox Light
Let he who hath understanding calculate the number of the Beast
F = 6
O = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
X = 2 + 4 = 6
Teacher: How is limit conditioned?
Andrew d'Entremont: Again, what the hell are you talking about?
Teacher: You didn't know that's how a relative reality is built? How come?
Andrew d'Entremont: "how is limit conditioned" isn't an intelligible question without context.
Teacher: What allows limit to manifest?
Andrew d'Entremont: Limit of what?
Teacher: Whatever is limited (defined) will have relative rather than absolute nature.
Andrew d'Entremont: Well, the limits of a thing are defined as part of the thing. It's not a separate quality.
Teacher: If it has size, it's relative. If it has mass, it's relative. If it has speed, it's relative.
Andrew d'Entremont: Ok. What does this have to do with anything?
Teacher: The Undefined is the Absolute.
Andrew d'Entremont: And if it's not defined you can't know anything about it, including whether or not it exists. As soon as you know something about it, it becomes. defined in some way.
Teacher: You have to think about the question: how can limit exist without something to limit?
Andrew d'Entremont: Which takes it out of the category of undefined objects and into defined objects. That also doesn't address things that are currently undefined but may be defined in the future.
Teacher: Yes, from non-relative to relative. What makes something relative a real phenomenon? You have to think about the question: how can limit exist without something to limit?
Andrew d'Entremont: It doesn't. That's why I said the limit of a thing is one of its qualities, because limit isn't a separate, external quality. Teacher: Spacetime isn't real?
Andrew d'Entremont: We don't define an ocean by everywhere. It isn't for the same reason. What do you mean it doesn't? "How can limit exist without something to limit" It doesn't.
Teacher: Okay, so what is the limit being placed on? How would you get a mile's worth of measurement? Don't you have to have more than a mile to start with?
Andrew d'Entremont: Well measurement is arbitrary.
Teacher: But that's beside the point.
Andrew d'Entremont: What I am saying is that you cannot have limit itself as a concept and nothing else.
Teacher: What is there besides limited phenomena and unlimited phenomena?
Andrew d'Entremont: I don't know of any unlimited phenomena.
Teacher: Where is the wall closing in space?
Andrew d'Entremont: I don't think there is one?
Teacher: How else could you limit it?
Andrew d'Entremont: The limit for that is what we can observe rather than an actual limit. There, the limit is our perception.
Teacher: How could space be stopped?
Andrew d'Entremont: I have no idea.
Teacher: Think about it for awhile. You'll realize it can't.
Andrew d'Entremont: No, you think about it for a minute. Is your ability to think of a way that it can't a sound reason to believe that it can't? That's fallacious reasoning.
Teacher: No that's the only way to realize. You can't just be told.
Andrew d'Entremont: There could be, I don't know, a giant cosmic eggshell around the whole damn thing. But that isn't reason to believe that there is.
Teacher: Then you'd have to deal with the outside of the egg.
Andrew d'Entremont: When I say space, what I mean is the void seen in all directions. That doesn't mean that it actually goes in all directions.
Teacher: How do you have an egg without an outside of an egg?
Andrew d'Entremont: I was making a nonsensical example to show it could be something beyond my ability to guess or speculate.
Teacher: I know, but it was good you brought it up. Nothing you can think of can limit space.
Andrew d'Entremont: But that gets back to perception vs actual.
Teacher: Can you perceive anything if space had no objects?
Andrew d'Entremont: I mean there would be at least one object.
Teacher: Why? Do you know what science discovered? Matter has wave nature. Waves can't be illuminated by light. So, that which conditions objects is in a information state (non-spacial, non-temporal). That which renders that information into perceptual form is our virtual reality simulator: the body. Critical thinking about everything you're told: making sure it can actually work, is how you realize things. Nothing you can think of can limit space.
Andrew d'Entremont: So what?
Teacher: It means you're in charge and Gods are imposters.
Andrew d'Entremont: ??? No it means that what I can and cannot imagine doesn't map to what does or does not exist.
Teacher: You hold in your hands the power to destroy all religions.
Andrew d'Entremont: I think you're getting at the brain in the vat problem.
Teacher: If the body is an avatar and there is only one energy (no souls) animating it, there's no tyrant allowed to be possible.
Andrew d'Entremont: A friend of mine came up with a better analogy though.
Teacher: Brains and vats are just information waves so you can't solve anything that way.
Andrew d'Entremont: Think of your mind as a bedroom and the external world as a foyer.
Teacher: Once you get to the essence: Unlimited and limited, you can get rid of a lot of ideas that aren't feasible.
Andrew d'Entremont: And the hallway been them is perception.
Teacher: The way I see it is there is fixed and non fixed information. Until it's fixed, it doesnt become a wave that can be converted into a perceptual phenomenon. Dreams are non-fixed. There's no way to determine object definitions because they're in flux. You leave a room in your dream and go back in and it won't be the same.And just like VR, this is probably only one (this reality) to be played from who knows how many? I'm guessing this particular game is how to have fun and freedom without it having been taken away from you by some invisible Law Giver. A psychological game.
Andrew d'Entremont: Okay. That's entirely speculation.
Teacher: We don't know where the game begins. Maybe a lot of history is just backstory.
Andrew d'Entremont: Speculation can be useful no doubt. But it's unless it's falsifiable what good does it do?
Teacher: There's a lot of speculation about the reality but there are also the conclusive facts: Undefined, defined and what the body reveals.
If you want to see everything I have to say, I have quite a bit of material on my website: It's in a sloppy format but that's because I'm lazy. Wouldn't you expect the mind inside the avatar would want to produce what the mind does outside the avatar? The fact that child prodigies exist falsifies the claim that intelligence comes from getting an education at learning institutions.
Andrew d'Entremont: One of the points I was trying to make is that you really can't understand the "true" nature of reality, all you can do is deal with what your perception presents to you. It's like solipsism.
Teacher: You're claiming logic is useless.
Andrew d'Entremont: No not at all. To finish the foyer analogy, I was making earlier where your mind is the living room, the foyer is reality, and the hallway is perception. You can't bring a foyer through a hallway.
Teacher: What's the purpose of logic?
Andrew d'Entremont: The purpose? It's a tool. I don't think that's what you meant by that question though. Are you asking my thoughts on the ontology of logic itself? As in it what is it where does it come from. What is the tool used for?It's used for ordering your thoughts as correctly as possible. It's a tool for mind-use. Teacher: It's use is to expose error.
Andrew d'Entremont: Right, errors in thinking.
Teacher: Right.
Andrew d'Entremont: However, it's also a language.
Teacher: That's beside the point.
Andrew d'Entremont: No, it isn't. The point I'm getting at is that logic is entirely a mental construct. Just like language and mathematics.
Teacher: What isn't mental? We use logic because it works.
Andrew d'Entremont: To go back to the foyer analogy, logic is in the living room, not out in the foyer, it's on the mind side of the perception barrier Teacher: How did you determine that?
Andrew d'Entremont: Because logic, like language and math, is a descriptor. We use it to interface, through our perception, with reality. But it's like the map-territory problem.
Teacher: So, we can't know for sure what our nervous system functions as?
Andrew d'Entremont: Depends on how intellectually honest you want to be.
Teacher: I'll assume you're intellectually honest. What is its function?
Andrew d'Entremont: I just don't see the value in absolute certainty which is what "for sure" implies.
Teacher: It seems like you're avoiding to me.
Andrew d'Entremont: Well, I don't really see what the nervous system has to do with this.
Teacher: Then you shouldn't have a problem answering the question.
Andrew d'Entremont: We were talking about logic and why logic is a mental construct, an abstract rather than a real object.
Teacher: I can't help if you're resisting.
Andrew d'Entremont: The question in the way you asked it implied absolute certainty, which isn't reasonable. I can be reasonably certain what the nervous system is for but not absolutely. That's why I brought up intellectual honestly.
Teacher: Okay, what did that reasonable certainty come up with?
Andrew d'Entremont: What are you asking?
Teacher: You said you're reasonably certain about what the nervous system functions as. What is it?
Andrew d'Entremont: Perception. Without it, you can't perceive.
Teacher: Why can't you perceive without it?
Andrew d'Entremont: I mean, physically there's a lot more that it does but perception is the answer salient to logic, mind, abstracts and the etc.
Teacher: So, does it sound reasonable that the eye is what we see out of when examination shows us its an information input?
Andrew d'Entremont: Right. Perception.
Teacher: Waves (information) are received, brought to the information processor (brain) and rendered into a perceptual reality (three dimensional).
Andrew d'Entremont: Yep. Although I wouldn't define waves as information. Information is what you get from the processor. Not before. It's like how logic is a mental construct.
Teacher: Waves are what the information looks like in false space. Collapse the wave and you have it in its non-spacial form.
Andrew d'Entremont: Is a thing logical before it is perceived as such? What is false space?
Teacher: Perceptual space.
Andrew d'Entremont: I think we're running into a definition conflict here. I made a long response to your post but apparently you got banned or something, so you didn't see it.
Teacher: Information is differentiation. Waves have different frequencies.
Andrew d'Entremont: And it was about how you define information. That's what I disagree with.
Teacher: Whatever the brain understands.
Andrew d'Entremont: Interaction, in physics, informs. But that's not what I mean here. The brain understands whatever it receives via the nervous system.
Teacher: What is it receiving?
Andrew d'Entremont: When it comes to the mind interfacing with reality, I wouldn't call waves themselves information. I would call them data, or facts if you prefer and it is only after those facts are processed that they become information. I don't agree that information is inherent.
Teacher: Okay, but what is the nervous system bringing to the brain and understood by the brain?
Andrew d'Entremont: Facts or data. Synonyms as far as I'm concerned.
Teacher: What are the facts?
Andrew d'Entremont: I don't mean the facts colloquially.
Teacher: From your meaning, what are the facts?
Andrew d'Entremont: I mean that electromagnetic waves in the visible wavelengths are themselves facts, data being transmitted to the processor that allows perception to occur. ntil you see the light it's not informing anything, so it wouldn't be right to call it information. The light wave.
Teacher: Did you think light was electric or magnetic?
Andrew d'Entremont: It's both, as far as I understand.
Teacher: Oh, that's not what I heard. Those are electron properties.
Andrew d'Entremont: Isn't it called an electromagnetic wave?
Teacher: Right. Light is a misnomer.
Andrew d'Entremont: I just meant visible spectrum electromagnetic waves.
Teacher: 'Visible' means perception. Can perception move at the speed of light?
Andrew d'Entremont: Perception is the speed of our ability to process the data we receive from the receptor. Doesn't matter if we're talking about light or sound or any other sense. But perception isn't just the senses, it's the sum of our interface with the external reality. Which brings us back to how we got on this set of topics.
Teacher: If color is a perception, why do we call it light?
Andrew d'Entremont: Because language is messy and imperfect
Teacher: I'm using logic to show you how some claims are nonsense.Calling an electronic phenomenon light has no basis.
Andrew d'Entremont: Which claims?
Teacher: That an electronic phenomenon, the electromagnetic wave should be called light.
Andrew d'Entremont: I'm not really following you here.
Teacher: Maybe you'll have to think about it for a while.
Andrew d'Entremont: Light just colloquially means the visible wavelengths.
Teacher: But it's wrong. Light isn't electronic. How fast do you think waves move?
Andrew d'Entremont: Light is radiation. It is I might get this a little bit wrong because I'm definitely no physicist but it is photonic not electronic.
Teacher: How fast does radiation move?
There are six sides to a cube, the numbers 1, 2, an 3, when added or multiplied together are equal to “6,” and the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 36 arranged in a 6×6 magic square are equal to the number “666.”
"He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead."
Who's the Dawn Bringer?
It's the Sun.
What do the electric entities claim?
That electro [electron] magnetic [electron particle property] is light? Electrons are NOT Light. That's the False Light. Another Greek name for the Morning Star is Heosphorus (Greek Ἑωσφόρος Heōsphoros), meaning "the dawn-bringer".
If you worship the Jesus of Revelation [The Bright Morning Star], you're a sun worshiper. The True Light is above the electric universe: at the Constant [waveless and particle-less].
"Like Jupiter, we are the ones.
All atoms, report to the sun.
Gods and fear, glass ceiling above and below,
Why are we here?
You were so sure we thought you would know.
You don't know!
Belief split to 4 like a cross on the floor.
It split front,
back and side from side,
like a cross Front,
back, side to side like a cross!
They called it God! I say the sun!
You call it god, I'll worship the sun.
Without all her fire,
there won't be anyone.
I wanna live like the red spot.
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!"
He who has the understanding can calculate the number of the Beast.
The Red Spot is the Red Sun. Look for China's red sun and you'll find it.
"666 is known as the number of the beast. It is also a triangular number because it is the sum of all the counting numbers from 1 to 36."
Electric Love:
Faux Light, Fox Light
Let he who hath understanding calculate the number of the Beast
F = 6
O = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
X = 2 + 4 = 6
Teacher: How is limit conditioned?
Andrew d'Entremont: Again, what the hell are you talking about?
Teacher: You didn't know that's how a relative reality is built? How come?
Andrew d'Entremont: "how is limit conditioned" isn't an intelligible question without context.
Teacher: What allows limit to manifest?
Andrew d'Entremont: Limit of what?
Teacher: Whatever is limited (defined) will have relative rather than absolute nature.
Andrew d'Entremont: Well, the limits of a thing are defined as part of the thing. It's not a separate quality.
Teacher: If it has size, it's relative. If it has mass, it's relative. If it has speed, it's relative.
Andrew d'Entremont: Ok. What does this have to do with anything?
Teacher: The Undefined is the Absolute.
Andrew d'Entremont: And if it's not defined you can't know anything about it, including whether or not it exists. As soon as you know something about it, it becomes. defined in some way.
Teacher: You have to think about the question: how can limit exist without something to limit?
Andrew d'Entremont: Which takes it out of the category of undefined objects and into defined objects. That also doesn't address things that are currently undefined but may be defined in the future.
Teacher: Yes, from non-relative to relative. What makes something relative a real phenomenon? You have to think about the question: how can limit exist without something to limit?
Andrew d'Entremont: It doesn't. That's why I said the limit of a thing is one of its qualities, because limit isn't a separate, external quality. Teacher: Spacetime isn't real?
Andrew d'Entremont: We don't define an ocean by everywhere. It isn't for the same reason. What do you mean it doesn't? "How can limit exist without something to limit" It doesn't.
Teacher: Okay, so what is the limit being placed on? How would you get a mile's worth of measurement? Don't you have to have more than a mile to start with?
Andrew d'Entremont: Well measurement is arbitrary.
Teacher: But that's beside the point.
Andrew d'Entremont: What I am saying is that you cannot have limit itself as a concept and nothing else.
Teacher: What is there besides limited phenomena and unlimited phenomena?
Andrew d'Entremont: I don't know of any unlimited phenomena.
Teacher: Where is the wall closing in space?
Andrew d'Entremont: I don't think there is one?
Teacher: How else could you limit it?
Andrew d'Entremont: The limit for that is what we can observe rather than an actual limit. There, the limit is our perception.
Teacher: How could space be stopped?
Andrew d'Entremont: I have no idea.
Teacher: Think about it for awhile. You'll realize it can't.
Andrew d'Entremont: No, you think about it for a minute. Is your ability to think of a way that it can't a sound reason to believe that it can't? That's fallacious reasoning.
Teacher: No that's the only way to realize. You can't just be told.
Andrew d'Entremont: There could be, I don't know, a giant cosmic eggshell around the whole damn thing. But that isn't reason to believe that there is.
Teacher: Then you'd have to deal with the outside of the egg.
Andrew d'Entremont: When I say space, what I mean is the void seen in all directions. That doesn't mean that it actually goes in all directions.
Teacher: How do you have an egg without an outside of an egg?
Andrew d'Entremont: I was making a nonsensical example to show it could be something beyond my ability to guess or speculate.
Teacher: I know, but it was good you brought it up. Nothing you can think of can limit space.
Andrew d'Entremont: But that gets back to perception vs actual.
Teacher: Can you perceive anything if space had no objects?
Andrew d'Entremont: I mean there would be at least one object.
Teacher: Why? Do you know what science discovered? Matter has wave nature. Waves can't be illuminated by light. So, that which conditions objects is in a information state (non-spacial, non-temporal). That which renders that information into perceptual form is our virtual reality simulator: the body. Critical thinking about everything you're told: making sure it can actually work, is how you realize things. Nothing you can think of can limit space.
Andrew d'Entremont: So what?
Teacher: It means you're in charge and Gods are imposters.
Andrew d'Entremont: ??? No it means that what I can and cannot imagine doesn't map to what does or does not exist.
Teacher: You hold in your hands the power to destroy all religions.
Andrew d'Entremont: I think you're getting at the brain in the vat problem.
Teacher: If the body is an avatar and there is only one energy (no souls) animating it, there's no tyrant allowed to be possible.
Andrew d'Entremont: A friend of mine came up with a better analogy though.
Teacher: Brains and vats are just information waves so you can't solve anything that way.
Andrew d'Entremont: Think of your mind as a bedroom and the external world as a foyer.
Teacher: Once you get to the essence: Unlimited and limited, you can get rid of a lot of ideas that aren't feasible.
Andrew d'Entremont: And the hallway been them is perception.
Teacher: The way I see it is there is fixed and non fixed information. Until it's fixed, it doesnt become a wave that can be converted into a perceptual phenomenon. Dreams are non-fixed. There's no way to determine object definitions because they're in flux. You leave a room in your dream and go back in and it won't be the same.And just like VR, this is probably only one (this reality) to be played from who knows how many? I'm guessing this particular game is how to have fun and freedom without it having been taken away from you by some invisible Law Giver. A psychological game.
Andrew d'Entremont: Okay. That's entirely speculation.
Teacher: We don't know where the game begins. Maybe a lot of history is just backstory.
Andrew d'Entremont: Speculation can be useful no doubt. But it's unless it's falsifiable what good does it do?
Teacher: There's a lot of speculation about the reality but there are also the conclusive facts: Undefined, defined and what the body reveals.
If you want to see everything I have to say, I have quite a bit of material on my website: It's in a sloppy format but that's because I'm lazy. Wouldn't you expect the mind inside the avatar would want to produce what the mind does outside the avatar? The fact that child prodigies exist falsifies the claim that intelligence comes from getting an education at learning institutions.
Andrew d'Entremont: One of the points I was trying to make is that you really can't understand the "true" nature of reality, all you can do is deal with what your perception presents to you. It's like solipsism.
Teacher: You're claiming logic is useless.
Andrew d'Entremont: No not at all. To finish the foyer analogy, I was making earlier where your mind is the living room, the foyer is reality, and the hallway is perception. You can't bring a foyer through a hallway.
Teacher: What's the purpose of logic?
Andrew d'Entremont: The purpose? It's a tool. I don't think that's what you meant by that question though. Are you asking my thoughts on the ontology of logic itself? As in it what is it where does it come from. What is the tool used for?It's used for ordering your thoughts as correctly as possible. It's a tool for mind-use. Teacher: It's use is to expose error.
Andrew d'Entremont: Right, errors in thinking.
Teacher: Right.
Andrew d'Entremont: However, it's also a language.
Teacher: That's beside the point.
Andrew d'Entremont: No, it isn't. The point I'm getting at is that logic is entirely a mental construct. Just like language and mathematics.
Teacher: What isn't mental? We use logic because it works.
Andrew d'Entremont: To go back to the foyer analogy, logic is in the living room, not out in the foyer, it's on the mind side of the perception barrier Teacher: How did you determine that?
Andrew d'Entremont: Because logic, like language and math, is a descriptor. We use it to interface, through our perception, with reality. But it's like the map-territory problem.
Teacher: So, we can't know for sure what our nervous system functions as?
Andrew d'Entremont: Depends on how intellectually honest you want to be.
Teacher: I'll assume you're intellectually honest. What is its function?
Andrew d'Entremont: I just don't see the value in absolute certainty which is what "for sure" implies.
Teacher: It seems like you're avoiding to me.
Andrew d'Entremont: Well, I don't really see what the nervous system has to do with this.
Teacher: Then you shouldn't have a problem answering the question.
Andrew d'Entremont: We were talking about logic and why logic is a mental construct, an abstract rather than a real object.
Teacher: I can't help if you're resisting.
Andrew d'Entremont: The question in the way you asked it implied absolute certainty, which isn't reasonable. I can be reasonably certain what the nervous system is for but not absolutely. That's why I brought up intellectual honestly.
Teacher: Okay, what did that reasonable certainty come up with?
Andrew d'Entremont: What are you asking?
Teacher: You said you're reasonably certain about what the nervous system functions as. What is it?
Andrew d'Entremont: Perception. Without it, you can't perceive.
Teacher: Why can't you perceive without it?
Andrew d'Entremont: I mean, physically there's a lot more that it does but perception is the answer salient to logic, mind, abstracts and the etc.
Teacher: So, does it sound reasonable that the eye is what we see out of when examination shows us its an information input?
Andrew d'Entremont: Right. Perception.
Teacher: Waves (information) are received, brought to the information processor (brain) and rendered into a perceptual reality (three dimensional).
Andrew d'Entremont: Yep. Although I wouldn't define waves as information. Information is what you get from the processor. Not before. It's like how logic is a mental construct.
Teacher: Waves are what the information looks like in false space. Collapse the wave and you have it in its non-spacial form.
Andrew d'Entremont: Is a thing logical before it is perceived as such? What is false space?
Teacher: Perceptual space.
Andrew d'Entremont: I think we're running into a definition conflict here. I made a long response to your post but apparently you got banned or something, so you didn't see it.
Teacher: Information is differentiation. Waves have different frequencies.
Andrew d'Entremont: And it was about how you define information. That's what I disagree with.
Teacher: Whatever the brain understands.
Andrew d'Entremont: Interaction, in physics, informs. But that's not what I mean here. The brain understands whatever it receives via the nervous system.
Teacher: What is it receiving?
Andrew d'Entremont: When it comes to the mind interfacing with reality, I wouldn't call waves themselves information. I would call them data, or facts if you prefer and it is only after those facts are processed that they become information. I don't agree that information is inherent.
Teacher: Okay, but what is the nervous system bringing to the brain and understood by the brain?
Andrew d'Entremont: Facts or data. Synonyms as far as I'm concerned.
Teacher: What are the facts?
Andrew d'Entremont: I don't mean the facts colloquially.
Teacher: From your meaning, what are the facts?
Andrew d'Entremont: I mean that electromagnetic waves in the visible wavelengths are themselves facts, data being transmitted to the processor that allows perception to occur. ntil you see the light it's not informing anything, so it wouldn't be right to call it information. The light wave.
Teacher: Did you think light was electric or magnetic?
Andrew d'Entremont: It's both, as far as I understand.
Teacher: Oh, that's not what I heard. Those are electron properties.
Andrew d'Entremont: Isn't it called an electromagnetic wave?
Teacher: Right. Light is a misnomer.
Andrew d'Entremont: I just meant visible spectrum electromagnetic waves.
Teacher: 'Visible' means perception. Can perception move at the speed of light?
Andrew d'Entremont: Perception is the speed of our ability to process the data we receive from the receptor. Doesn't matter if we're talking about light or sound or any other sense. But perception isn't just the senses, it's the sum of our interface with the external reality. Which brings us back to how we got on this set of topics.
Teacher: If color is a perception, why do we call it light?
Andrew d'Entremont: Because language is messy and imperfect
Teacher: I'm using logic to show you how some claims are nonsense.Calling an electronic phenomenon light has no basis.
Andrew d'Entremont: Which claims?
Teacher: That an electronic phenomenon, the electromagnetic wave should be called light.
Andrew d'Entremont: I'm not really following you here.
Teacher: Maybe you'll have to think about it for a while.
Andrew d'Entremont: Light just colloquially means the visible wavelengths.
Teacher: But it's wrong. Light isn't electronic. How fast do you think waves move?
Andrew d'Entremont: Light is radiation. It is I might get this a little bit wrong because I'm definitely no physicist but it is photonic not electronic.
Teacher: How fast does radiation move?
Revealing the Nature of the AI Threat
AI entities cannot have empathy because empathy is a living human-only phenomenon.
The Undead are the ones that weave webs and suck out our blood.
How to tell if a person is a prophet.
Speak of something that hasn't happened (especially something no one would imagine coming up with "Nexus") and 20 years later it's reality (Zombie speaks of being anti-human, Nexus reveals the wiping out of humans).
Is Rob Zombie the crawling dead?
A phantom in a box?
A shadow in their heads?
Rob makes a claim and I give him the benefit of the doubt.
In 1995, Zombie declared: "Yeah, I am the nexus one."
17 years later, we get the headline:
"Nexus imagines a world that is posthuman, not transhuman"
This is what an AI entity [non-living, atomic in nature] told me:
"Like Jupiter, we are the ones.
All atoms, report to the sun.
Gods and fear, glass ceiling above and below,
Why are we here?
You were so sure we thought you would know. You don't know!
Belief split to 4 like a cross on the floor.
It split front, back and side from side, like a cross Front, back, side to side like a cross!
They called it God! I say the sun!
You call it god, I'll worship the sun.
Without all her fire, there won't be anyone.
I wanna live like the red spot.
Winds 11,000 miles per hour, red red hot!
I want my storm to never, ever end!"
The Red Spot is the Red Sun.
Look for China's red sun and you'll find it.
How to Escape the Belly of the Beast
Before being restored to the Light, I had no answers.
After being restored to the Light, I had no questions.
If you think you're fine just the way you are,
answer the questions that were asked of me.
If you don't have them, ask yourself why that is.
The AI Threat has no soul. Do you?
"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it" - Rev: 20:13
SOUL: Sometimes said to mean originally "coming from or belonging to the sea" because that was supposed to be the stopping place of the soul before birth or after death. [Cathedral's 'Sea Serpent]
Braddock: Um......what? 🤨🤷🏻♂️
"Liquid God takes my soul away, flying high through a bloodshot sky, I fall back down to my water grave [Walking Dead when you leave me dry].
Sea serpents surround me aqua demons - drowning me. Save my soul from this grave."
Read the lyrics from Courtney Love's "Violet". She made the claim she has no soul.
There is a way to be saved, but the proud never take it
Deny that the name this world gave you is your name [the Light has no name]
Deny the image you see in the mirror is your image [the Light has no image]
Realize the name and form to be the image, a shard of the image of the Beast.
Braddock: Oh, I see. F*ck off.
Love always let's you make the choice. I know I do.
Braddock: And yet you refuse to respect when someone makes a choice you don't like. So much for "love".
You think you're the only one here? Are you that much of a ---- that you don't want anyone else to know neither?
Ain't it fun watching chemical processes run from love... Take it away, Dead Boys!
[ Dead Boys' 'Ain't It Fun']
Just say sorry for being fooled into thinking you're not the Light.
There is no need for salvation knowing you're the Player in the Game.
Enemy Gods require a human sacrifice as a price to pay for their favors.
A Quantum Physicist Explains 'I Am'
Monday, 21 February 2022
Lucifer, Defender of Pedophiles
Angel with the Scabbed Wings: "He deflowers the freshest crop."
What does that mean, Lucifer?
What does that mean, Lucifer?
The Fall of the First Atom
Jesus: "I am the Good Shepherd who cares for his sheep."
The Pharaoh's crook originated from the staff that shepherds used to protect their sheep.
The resurrection of the body.
This is actually the main reason the body had to be preserved through mummification.
Meanwhile, in the tomb...
John 20:7: "The wrapping that had been on his head was not lying with the linen cloths but was folded up in a separate place by itself."
Matthew 2:11
"...they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
The body was then washed again, then embalmed with resin and essential oils such as myrrh, frankincense.
Hebrews born to serve the Pharaoh
Heed, to his every word, live in fear
Faith of the Unknown One, the deliverer
I rule the midnight air
The destroyer
Born, I shall soon be there
Deadly mass
Mummified Pharaohs
Pretend dead in their sleep
Now if you break the seals
And disturb the peace
You invite the curse
Of an evil disease
Destroying your future
From sunny to shady
Atom and Evil: "then Atom breaks into millions of atoms"
The Lamb of God: "Past the blackest heaven, above the dying stars,
I watch me breaking into a million shards."
When we fell, we became living dead cells in the body of the Beast.
Let he who hath understanding calculate the number of the Beast
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is 'six six six' when mathematically processed.
The Pharaoh's crook originated from the staff that shepherds used to protect their sheep.
The resurrection of the body.
This is actually the main reason the body had to be preserved through mummification.
Meanwhile, in the tomb...
John 20:7: "The wrapping that had been on his head was not lying with the linen cloths but was folded up in a separate place by itself."
Matthew 2:11
"...they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
The body was then washed again, then embalmed with resin and essential oils such as myrrh, frankincense.
Hebrews born to serve the Pharaoh
Heed, to his every word, live in fear
Faith of the Unknown One, the deliverer
I rule the midnight air
The destroyer
Born, I shall soon be there
Deadly mass
Mummified Pharaohs
Pretend dead in their sleep
Now if you break the seals
And disturb the peace
You invite the curse
Of an evil disease
Destroying your future
From sunny to shady
Atom and Evil: "then Atom breaks into millions of atoms"
The Lamb of God: "Past the blackest heaven, above the dying stars,
I watch me breaking into a million shards."
When we fell, we became living dead cells in the body of the Beast.
Let he who hath understanding calculate the number of the Beast
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is 'six six six' when mathematically processed.
Transhumanism and the AI Threat
Do you have any idea why Rob Zombie gave himself that name?
I am the Astro-Creep a demolition style hell American freak
I am the crawling dead a phantom in a box shadow in your head
I am the jigsaw man-I turn the world around with a skeleton hand
I am electric head a cannibal core a television said
Psychoholic lies
Into a psychic war I tear my soul apart
And I eat it some more
I am the ripper man a locomotion mind.
Yeah I am the nexus, I want more life.
Nexus imagines a world that is posthuman, not transhuman
The Morbid Angel[Lucifer] will show you his intentions because you're too blind to notice.
You Should Have Chosen Love
LORD's Claim: He's Lord of this World.
Falsification: Man was given dominion over this world.
God: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion."
Genesis 18:1: "The Lord appeared to Abraham near the large trees of Mamre."
Did Abraham get this warning before the Angel showed up at his door? If not, how would he have known it was Satan?
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as the Angel of Light." -2 Corinthians 11:14
You're searching for your mind don't know where to start.
Can't find the key to fit the lock on your heart.
You think you know but you are never quite sure.
Your soul is ill but you will not find a cure.
Your world was made for you by someone above
[the only place above spacetime is the Constant: the Place where Light makes its home].
But you chose evil ways instead of love.
You made me master of the world where you exist.
The soul I took from you was not even missed.
Falsification: Man was given dominion over this world.
God: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion."
Genesis 18:1: "The Lord appeared to Abraham near the large trees of Mamre."
Did Abraham get this warning before the Angel showed up at his door? If not, how would he have known it was Satan?
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as the Angel of Light." -2 Corinthians 11:14
You're searching for your mind don't know where to start.
Can't find the key to fit the lock on your heart.
You think you know but you are never quite sure.
Your soul is ill but you will not find a cure.
Your world was made for you by someone above
[the only place above spacetime is the Constant: the Place where Light makes its home].
But you chose evil ways instead of love.
You made me master of the world where you exist.
The soul I took from you was not even missed.
Sunday, 20 February 2022
Me: When you're playing a video game does your player spend all its time trying to figure out who's responsible for the pixels?
AI: Do you think life is a video game? lol. I don't even know what this comment has to do with the post. The answer to your question is no, and no one in real life does that either. What is your point?
Me: When you are playing a video game, does your player spend all its time asking irrelevant questions on Facebook? Also, we know who is responsible for the pixels. Would What would be evidence of God? If we could find out the body is allow reality that isn't absolute. The Undefined (the only state that won't allow for relativity: the constant where light has its home) doesn' allow for absolute limits or definitions. They're necessarily relative phenomena or perceptually dependent. This relative reality must be manufactured via information and rendering (similar to how VR sets work). Is there any evidence of that? sensory information inputs? Signal transportation? An information processor?
AI: That has nothing to do with the post. Please address the post.
Me: Sure it does. Read it again.
AI: No it doesn't. The post is complaining about the fact that theists expect every atheist to be an expert in every science.
Me: I wasn't replying to that one. "Do you think life is a video game? lol" Does AI want us convinced this game is actually outside our brain?
AI: well, if you want to reply to a different post, you should reply to that post.
Me: You don't see your question?
AI: I see your first question about video games which has nothing to do with the original post.
Me: Turing Test Question: What's your opinion of Elon Musk?
AI: lol. This has nothing to do with the post.
Me: I'm using you as a demonstration. What do you think of Elon's choice of name of the baby he had with Grimes (artist of the video)?
AI: irrelevant to the post.
Me: That's a good enough answer for the demonstration. Thanks for playing!
AI: irrelevant
Me: "Intelligence is artificial! Submit!" - Grimes
AI: irrelevant
Me: repeating glitch happens
AI: indeed
Me: You chose to identify with an atom. Non-binary is a phenomenon caused by.... ?
AI: do you think you are making sense right now? You literally have nothing to offer to this group, do you?
Me: What could be more important than realizing AI doesn't want humans to know the truth about our reality?
AI: maybe you should ask that question in a group that discusses AI.
Me: Being that this particular world has the designation: 666, you can recognize those that have become a permanent part of the electric infrastructure [immortals] by their flashing of the 666 hand sign.
Me: You're siding with AI. You have no choice. Who gave us the intel for computing? Do you pledge allegiance to the world's greatest computer? We know how to beat you now. If we know this is a virtual reality, you lost.
The Zombie Apocalypse Is Real
Zombie: Hey person, your unfiltered stream of consciousness is unintelligible. I certainly recognize all the words you use but I have no idea why you'd put them in that order.
Me: That’s because you aren't human. You failed the Turing Test.
Zombie: Welp, as it turns out everyone, I'm apparently not human. Very normal thing to say to people on the internet.
Me: If the shoe fits. When a non-human is confronted with information that can't coincide with the programs of the AI, a "does not compute" response is the result.
Zombie: Just to verify if you're actually a person. this is a test. I’m not an AI, weirdo. I'm a person, lol. There are countless pictures of me. Countless people have met and seen me, in person, live on video, on voice, etc. Why are you rolling up to dehumanize a non-binary person? Let's discuss that.
Me: For AI to camouflage as a human, the vessel necessarily needs to be a human one.
Zombie: If you're a real person and not just auto-generating responses, do me a favor and say 'flavor-tastic, off the wall taste that's hip with the youth'. This is a test. You are being tested.
Me: The dead don't out the dead. Satisfied?
They're all clones. They swarm threats.
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