Saturday 12 January 2019

Alpha and Omega

If you serve the Alpha and Omega, you serve the God of Islam
Surah 53:49 "
And that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius"

Alpha (Α or α) and omega (Ω or ω) are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet

The Qur'an gives al'Awwal (الأول), meaning "The First" and al'Akhir (الآخر), meaning "The Last" as two of the names of God.
Qur'an: Surah 57:3 "He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing."
Jews run together the last words of the Shema, "the Lord your God" with the first word of the following prayer, "emet," to affirm, according to the Talmud, that "the seal of the Holy One is truth."

Allah is regarded as encompassing both masculine and feminine characteristics.

The Talmud and the mystics use the "Holy One Blessed Be He" as the masculine phrase, and "Shechina" (presence) as the feminine phrase. 

Islam cannot be conceived without the heritage of the prophets of the Bible. At the beginning of Islam, Jews and Muslims, united in the faith in the same God, prayed to Him while facing the same direction.They held in common many other beliefs and rituals such as the monotheistic creed, the belief in revelation, prophecy, and the afterlife, the practice of circumcision, specific dietary laws, even sharing certain fast days, such as that of the ashuraThe Andalusian Jews meditated and commented on the Muslim philosophers and applied Muslim theological notions to the Torah and Talmud. Throughout the generations Jews and Muslims have acknowledged they serve the same God. The identity of the God of the other religion as an “other” God has never been a serious option. Jews and Muslims have long recognized each other as worshiping the same one God and have attributed many similar qualities to that God.Consequently, God instructs humans in the proper way of living. God also judges humans according to their behavior and to how they follow His instructions.Both traditions have a vision of the importance, universality and ultimate hope of establishment of complete justice, in accordance with God’s revelation (Sharia [God's immutable divine law] Law). While Islam also perceives itself communally, as evidenced by the designation of all believers as umma (a word identical in Hebrew and Arabic, designating “nation” for the one and “community” for the other), it is in fact a global religion, rather than a national one. 

In Greek mythology, Hermes (LAW) and Aprodite (EROS) merged two forms into one an androgynous form. Because Hermaphroditus was a son of Hermes, and consequently a great-grandson of Atlas, he is called Atlantiades (GreekΑτλαντιάδης). Atlantis is the civilization ruled by the root and offspring of Atlas; the Risen Savior.
Metallica's 'Atlas, Rise!'

Statue of Atlas (45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10111, USA)

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