Saturday 5 January 2019

Age of the Baphomet

Halla is an anagram for Allah
Sanat is an anagram for Satan
Letter U represents the uterus of Isis
"The letters Q and U are different "views" of the same organ. The majuscule letter Q represents the vulva of Isis. The majuscule letter U represents the uterus of Isis. This is the wellspring of life from which we all sprung."
The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Isis and her Son.

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The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Isis and Amulets symbolizing the uterus and the mechanics of the womb offer divine protection for pregnancy and childbirth. They display engravings of Egyptian deities such as Anubis, Chnoubis, Harpocrates, and especially Isis, the goddess of fertility and motherhood.

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According to the Rastafarians (Bob Marley, for instance), Jah is the incarnation of the God of the Law [Old Testament God - Thoth/Hermes]. Mercurius ter Maximus in Latin, is the syncretism of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian Thoth.

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Venus is Aphrodite. Her attributes include a dove (holy spirit?) and the apple (offered to Eve?).

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The offspring of the Mother/Father (A male :: B female :: AB BA) god is the Hermaphrodite.The Hermaphrodite is the Baphomet.

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Baphomet is a deity that the Knights Templar worshiped.

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During the Crusades, the Knights Templar stayed for during extended periods of time in Middle-Eastern countries where they became acquainted with the teachings of Arabian mysticism. This contact with Eastern civilizations allowed them to bring back to Europe the basics of what would become western occultism, including Gnosticism, alchemy, Kabbalah and Hermetism. The Templars’ affinity with the Muslims led the Church to accuse them of the worship of an idol named Baphomet. The name "Baphomet" is a deformation of the Latinised "Mahomet".

'Mahomet' is a five-act tragedy written in 1736 by French playwright and philosopher Voltaire based on an episode in the traditional biography of Muhammad.

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According to the Rastafarians, Jah is the incarnation of the God of the Law. You can see the King being born from the Yoni (Vulva) of the Star (6 triangles, 6-sided hexagon, 6-pointed star; each triangle has three angles of 60 degrees: 60 60 60 [equilateral triangles]. This is Stella Maris/Isis, the Bright and Morning Star in who the Prophet/King is the Root and Offspring.

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Solar Mass 2.02 = 22
1+9+8+4 = 22
1984 (When Hiram the Big [Exalted] Brother reigns)

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Image result for Surah 5:33'hallelujah' is 'Allah U Jah' or The Law of God born from Isis as the incarnation of the Prophet of the Law (the Baphomet or Mahomet).
'sanat kumar' is 'Satan U Karma' or The Law of God born from Isis as the Judge in human flesh.
The woman most highly honored in the Qur'an is Mother Mary (Maris).
Surah 53:49 in the Qur'an, the Lord of Sirius is Allah or Halal (The Lawful)..

Image result for Surah Lord of Sirius

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