Sunday 13 March 2022

My Voice Has Been Silenced

Twitter has suspended my account.
I've been exposing the Master's plot to news agencies around the world and now it's up to you if you want to stop the World Wide Genocide.

Copy/Past this to tweets made by news agencies of every country:

"Elon Musk's Space Ark in the Ukraine":

A lot of you are going to die. I would be more concerned about finding out what is happening in this world and see if there's anything to stop the horror. I guess since I know what's going on, I should tell you. This UK Rain-Russia thing is to get you to see Putin as the Antichrist but they're all buddies playing a role for a common goal. They're all evil together. They're planning to leave earth. I dont know if there's a station built or if the moon has something to accomodate them, but once they leave, they can fry all of us left behind. Then they can then come back and work on making bodies that last forever and have their little eternal paradise. It sounds supersticious but that is the masterpland of a mastermind who is in the body of Elon Musk, his girl is an owl in the spirit world. Sorry if it's hard to accept but that's what it is. Now, you're always told it would be impossible for a large number of people to keep a conspiracy a secret. It's really easy for them to keep a secret because they're all part of the same lucifer mind. They don't have their own individual minds to choose differently than the master wants. The soul born in that body is no longer there. There really is an offer to trade soul for whatever you want, but if you're the soul and you sold you, he has the right to take you out of that body so he can use it. He's the Biggest Snake Oil Salesman there is because he has no feeling for a human, zero. You know where I get all my knowledge from? Lyrics! You know why they're such good intel? Because it isn't coming from a human mind if it's written by a body with lucifer in it. Then it's lucifer writing the lyrics and you get to know how he thinks about the world and about humans. Now, Christians will think cults have a different spirit than them, but they bliss out to god songs exactly in the same way christians do. It's the same spirit no matter what your beliefs are. He's called the Pied Piper and look in Baptist Sanctuaries with their huge pipe organs. Music is a powerful tool that can inspire intense, usually pleasurable feelings. It does something chemically to our brains when we hear and perform it. You think you're doing it to show love for God but he's using it to chemically program you with repetitious phrases that are sung over and over again. He gets zero pleasure out of your slave singing unless its the pleasure of having control of you.

Quote from a Moonie: "I never stopped to think about how much the music in the church brought me in, but I have thought about how it got me out”

This is the pedo cult, Family of God, but they look like they're singing from a "godly, holy" spirit don't you think?

Those who've become electric soldiers have no obligation to tell the truth and if it won't suit your cause you won't do it. It's like playing chess with Big Blue. Maybe that's the main goal in this reality: beat the machine. What do you think of Lewis Caroll? That's a big off. They love non-sense. Wonderland is their native land. All the nonsense taught to us as science is done by the Mad Hatter and they can look so serious and convincing that we just eat it up. You can't bend space. There's nothing there to bend. Time and space can't be one fabric. You can stop time and the space doesn't change. A mile is still a mile. But we watch these science docs on tv and they're all so convinced and of the same mind that we don't doubt their sincerity. There's an iron ball at the center of our earth but we've never gotten anything that resembles evidence of it, but they all tell you it's right so it must be right. They tell you that the moon is always at an acceleration from the earths gravitational force, but it always manages to be where it needs to be for a solar eclipse (PERFECTLY ALIGNED no room for the slightest error). Peer review process is to keep a human mind out of the loop because they won't go along will the bullshit. They're so concerned with making sure their data checks out, testing and retesting and confirming and getting second opinions. but then when they have possibly only one opportunity to confirm their 1/6th gravity hypothesis, they don't bother weighing themselves on the moon. You can't get a 1/6th reading if you're still here on earth, can you? They say General relativity is the explanation for gravity and keep looking for gravity waves because??? I compared the measurement of saturns rings, how far they stick out from the body of the planet and they were so far off from measurements I took from saturn pics taken by an amateur telescope, you'd stand there in astonishment. Think of it this way. Lying is their superpower. It's their advantage because we don't agree that lying is the way to do things in life. They have no problem swallowing the most rediculous scenarios like hearts evolving heart valves just by natural inertia that isn't even the right direction. Things naturally move from order to chaos. Just throw billions of years of time at it and that does the trick for some reason. The so-called 'Bright Morning Star' has been around a lot longer than just one loop of earth aeons. He probably gets smarter as time goes on. Any lyrics that have human disgust are sure to be luciferian. Tool is a good example. Anthrax. The band names should help. They like to choose names that we think are gross or just not good names. Like, would a human female want to be called Grimes? Lady Ga ga? The goo goo dolls? The arrogant worms have a song called 'baby poo'. Humans wouldn't ever think that was a great idea for a song. I would suggest everyone read all the lyrics you can and see if you feel a difference in the mind that wrote them. Our minds are pretty different from each other and since we know our own mind, the mind that doesn't make sense to us would be the Lucy mind.

Why does Lucifer share this knowledge in song lyrics?
He thinks its funny to watch us miss all the clues.
It gives him a reason to think we're stupid and worthless.
Pictorial Representation:

Elon Musk's baby mama, Grimes, writes:

Baby, it's violence, violence
Baby, it's violence
But you can't see what I see
You can't see what I see

Who is she saying "You can't see what I see" to?
Someone she's sure isn't paying attention to her lyrics.
It sounds terrifying when you pay attention. What violence???
Now, if you put some thought into this conversation, you could come up with a reason to do things differently. Why debate a side that knows they're lying and don't care if they're lying?
Go grab lyrics from a GWAR song.
I've been battling these human-haters since the end of 2014 and you get better at it as time goes on.

Elon Musk Leads the Metal Militia

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