Thursday 23 August 2018


With the initial turn to apostasy by the Church through Kabbalism in the 15th and 16 centuries, it’s no surprise that churches today, particularly the American evangelical movement, are continuing this anti-Christ tradition.

Following the Jewish subversion of the Universal Church in the 15th century and the ensuing Protestant movement, which was a direct result, Kabbalism became the fiery pit between sound doctrine and full on heresy and apostasy that gripped Christendom.

Today, this Kabbalistic-Illuminati tradition has been championed by evangelical organizations in the United States of America, which have been deceiving and thieving in the name of Christ since the 1960s cultural revolution, when the Illuminati decided to step up its revolutionary activities under the guise of Christian revivalism and Jesus-rock.

It’s not hard to spot this Illuminist infiltration of Christianity. It basically works on the foundation of Christian Zionism (dispensationalism) under seductive doctrines promising riches and rewards (prosperity gospel or word of faith movement) to lure sleeping and unwitting masses to disappointment, and ultimately to heresy and apostasy. The other dead giveaway is the charismatic movement’s emphasis on signs and wonders, which is nothing more than the serpent spirit of the Kabbalistic Kundalini parading around as manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

There are currently hundreds, perhaps thousands, of evangelical organizations operating in the world. I am not claiming that all of them are agents of the Illuminati, but certainly the big players are.

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