Saturday 18 September 2021


Student: "Absolute division between body and Buddha Nature seems too dualistic."

Teacher: "Reality is dualistic. You can't get away from it.
Show me a laugh without a laugher.
Show me a swim without a swimmer.
Show me a house without a house-builder."

Student: "There have been a number of spiritual thinkers who have said that this is precisely the actual state of affairs:
Krishnamurti: "the thinker is the thought; the knower is the known"
Nisargadatta: "there is no 'I am aware' in awareness"

Teacher: "Just because they said so, doesn't make it so.
Do you accept the words of others or do you realize the truth yourself?"

Student: "There are people's intelligence and experience I will always give credence to and they may well know more than I."

Teacher: "You won't know until you realize that one hand [non-dualism] can't clap to manifest sound."

Student: "When there is no thought, where is the thinker?"

Teacher: "After the theft is complete, where is the thief? Did the thief disappear?"

Student: "A thought IS thinking, that's what thought is."

Teacher: "We can test that.
Your thought: "I'm staying in bed"
What is "I'm staying in bed" thinking?"

Student: "You are proposing yourself as an existent entity which performs all these various actions, the central I around which all revolves.
Doesn't Buddhism explicitly reject that notion?"

Teacher: "Can you leave Here and Now?
Who is it that cannot leave?"

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