Friday 17 September 2021


Materialist: "We do everything that we can to avoid subjective views. That is why we require that the mechanisms involved need to be shown. It has already been shown that altering the chemical and physical processes taking place in living brains has direct effects on reported “subjective emotional states”.

Me: "How do you make someone surprised?"

Materialist: "You just stimulate the right portion of the brain with electrical and/or chemical agents and you can force “surprise” in the conscious mind."

Me: "Cool. Link me to a video of the experiment."

Materialist: "Not sure why you are asking for a video. Scientific findings are typically published in written form.
Like this:
What makes surprise special? Do you think it differs fundamentally from other emotions? Do you have evidence that it is different? Surprise typically involves dopamine like many other “good” feelings, including some drug use, but can also have the opposite effect, causing less than favorable responses."

Me: "It’s not all that special. You think chemical processes can be depressed or angry, as well. All you have to do is make the question absurd, and yet, consistent with what you’re arguing for:
“Why can’t chemical processes be surprised?”
What surprises chemical processes?
A biological brain alteration can give an experiencer an experience. That doesn’t equate to “chemical processes can experience emotions”.

Materialist: “Surprise is centered in the hippocampus”

Me: "Even before you’re surprised, surprise exists? Interesting theory, lol."

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