Wednesday 19 December 2018

A Globetard Gets Kicked Out of Orbit

Occam's Razor proves it. All of the phenomena we see can be explained without a Gravity Theory. You tell me what you observe that you think needs gravity and I'll explain it without the need of gravity.
TM: "Tides."
The salt in the ocean interacts with the magnetic field.
"The electric current travels from the wire into the salt water. During its brief swim in the salt water, the electric current passes through the magnetic field that emanates from the magnet. The current is perpendicular to the magnetic field and hence creates a Lorentz force on the water."
TM: "A wire you say? Lol.. ok I get it. I thought you meant explain it in reality. You gave me fiction."
I gave you a science experiment. You don't like science?
TM: "Now explain tides how they actually work. In your own words if you don't mind."
When the field changes, the water with salt in it moves with that change.
TM: "What field?"
[click on link]
TM: "High tide and low tide. Not waves."
Okay, what you're seeing is the ocean body move back and forth, not up and down. When the ocean is leaving the shore you're on because of a magnetic pull, you call it "low tide. When the ocean is coming toward the shore you're on, you call it "high tide".
Let's look at your science:
"My science says that the moon has special powers to move water but doesn't like to move even one hair on my head."
Does the moon have different gravity than the earth? Earth gravity works on hair.
Does the moon have different gravity than the earth? Earth gravity works on hair. The earth doesn't fall because it isn't a round ball (that rhymes).
All objects free fall in space unless some 2D infinite plane earth world resists it, accelerating its mass to 0km/hr., then you get a force on your bathroom scale we call weight (measured in newtons).
f = ma
Toni Milner: "Ok.. what does all this have to do with tides explained with no gravity."
Why do I have to repeat the whole thing over again?
Toni Milner: "Magnetic pull? Ok.. so why do pace makers work in a magnetic field that strong?"
If your battery operated vibrator still works, why wouldn't a pacemaker?
The flat earth is the infinite 2D plane (try to find earth's border).Your science says that objects free fall in curves around round things. My science agrees with Newton's Laws of motion. They don't change course unless something accelerates it. You came up with a yo-yo string tied from earth to the moon that doesn't exist.
TM: "Its called orbit. It's ok to say it."
You call it that. I call it free fall with a parallel direction vector to the flat 2D plane.
The 2D plane, on the other hand, is...

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