Wednesday 19 December 2018

Questions Answered on the Nature of Mind

Are dreams our subconscious thoughts?
No. Subconscious thoughts are programmed and stored. Dreams are new creations.
Are thoughts really our own or are they just iterations of past learning?
Thoughts can be both kinds. You can originate your own thoughts or you can adopt someone else’s thoughts, making them your own.
Can a mind/soul exist without a body?
Yes. Your mind replaces images. Think of it like an Etch-a-Sketch. You have one canvas. In order to have a new image, you erase the old one.
Can a person criticize something they don't understand? Does doing that ever increase understanding or does that mostly always hinder it?
It sounds like you’re referring to knee-jerk reactions of the mind. This happens when there is dissonance between the programmed body-mind and the subject matter the criticism is aiming at. Greater understanding happens if one were to transcend the programs and looks at the subject with no bias. Just as thoughts are content in your mind, planets and stars are content in space. When you realize that absolute reality is absent of linear time, spacial distance and dimensional objects, you realize that all is Mind. The Mind in your body (reference frame) is the Mind in mine. All enemies become our friends. Instead of competition, we introduce cooperation; making this planet Earth the Human Ideal Experience.
Can a sort of selective amnesia be intentional if it's generated by unconscious forgetting?
If it’s from the subconscious, the will isn’t engaged. The subconscious mind is the programmed body-mind.
Can an arc reactor makes our brains faster? I think that it is only possible when it produces electromagnetic waves as electromagnetic waves of the Earth's gravity do.
All brains work at the same speed. If that weren’t the case, we’d all be experiencing the same events at different times.
Can you transfer a human mind into a Xenomorph body?
Only if you had a Xenomorph body to do it with. Do you have one? Keep in mind that the autopilot part of you is the body-mind and is only the programs. It doesn't have the “I” that becomes aware of not driving the car when in a heated arguments with the girlfriend sitting in the passenger seat.
Could there be a way of recording and copying neurological activity on a machine in order to make a replica of the brain’s electrical functions that happen within?
You want to know if you can live forever by having your consciousness transferred, correct? The body/mind has no soul. This can be replicated but the Empathizer/Observer/Experiencer won’t be there. They’re just like you but without the ability to love or care. It would be you if you were a psychopath.
Do you think the opposite of the body is the mind?
Yes, you can say that. The Mind is the unperceived and the body is the perceived.
Do you think this world has emotions like us like a happy sunrise, a sad sunset, a teary sky, etc.?
Only mind has the ability to experience. Mind is the creator of information, not the information itself. Everything you experience via the senses is information or non-mind.
Does healthy mind lead to a healthy brain?
Whatever is healthy for the body will be healthy for the brain.
Does learning psychology affect your own mind in a negative way?
If you put faith in a teaching that doesn’t correlate with the What Is you are living according to a lie. That never leads to a happy place.
Does the unconscious reduce to the absurd; the cultural practice of seeking the ability to read one's own mind? What is its conscious significance and impact?
You don’t have to practice reading your own mind. It comes naturally.
How are emotions formed? Which part(s) of the brain is(are) responsible for emotions (causes of it)?
Emotions aren’t formed. They’re conditioned by the perception the Subject has when coming in contact with an object or objects.
How can I begin to feel intelligent as opposed to utterly the opposite?
You can always get intelligent. The best way to gain intelligence is to ask your Creator/Source for it.
How can I change my mind for study?
When you will to do that which fights the programming of your body-mind you have a real fight on your hands. To win, first you need absolute confidence in victory (hope). Then you need an unfatiguable determination to fight until victory is had (absolute tenacity). Thirdly, you need to believe your victory is assured in spite of how impossible it may seem as you observe the strength of this programming. To recap:
1. Hope
2. Absolute tenacity
3. Faith
How can I control my mind being an INTP?
You are your mind. You want to know how to control thoughts. If you need to concentrate you want to make your ability to concentrate easier and more efficient. There is only one method to do this and that’s to practice, practice, practice.
How do I do more things together with the same concentration?
The mind can only experience one thing at a time. That is the nature of mind. When someone calls you on the phone while you’re watching tv, you’ll either not hear what’s being said on the phone or you’ll miss what’s going on in the tv program.
How do I know if it's my heart or my mind telling me to go?
The Heart and the Mind are the same thing. When we say, heart[mind] or head we can view it as the Emotional Intelligence vs. the IQ (the head). One is for guiding us to the wisest choice when choice-making. The other one is powered by the ego and isn’t a safe bet as it has delusion for its foundation.
How do I make my logical mind dominate over my emotional mind?
How do you go ass-backwards? By choosing finite intelligence over infinite intelligence.
How do I overcome everything in my mind?
If you're talking about your body-mind, I.e., your subconscious mind, you can deprogram/reprogram it. For example, if the old program is, "I'm a loser", you can reprogram it to "I'm a winner".
How do unconscious thoughts affect the decision making of a conscious human being?
I would call it unconscious programming. It moves you to make decisions when you’re not being present or aware. In other words, you’re in auto-pilot and your will is disengaged.
How do we minimize the draining of a life force?
You have to remove this mind virus:
I’m only here for the sake of others.
..and change it to:
It’s my life and I’ll do what I want.
How do you move objects with your mind?
We don’t. If we did, we’d have to throw Newton’s Laws of Physics on to the trash heap.
How do you stop your mind taking over your body?
If you mean your programmed body/mind, you need to make free agency choices even if your programmed body/mind wants to resist those choices.
How does a person keep their mind calmed down in disturbing situations?
Distraction might work, I.e., immerse yourself in music, a book or a movie. Another trick would be the use of focusing on emotion-de-escalating thoughts such as the following:
this has already happened and I'm re-experiencing it for the fun of it
this is someone else's life and I'm checking it out for myself
“these events are both future ones and past ones but they feel like present ones when I'm living them out”
If this disturbing event is an Illuminati child-sacrifice ritual, see yourself as a hero of the child and stop the proceedings.
How does chemistry create perception and consciousness?
Chemistry doesn’t create perception. What it does is affect the body so that it mirrors environmental stimulus-s. If you’re talking about mind-altering chemicals, they seem to work as keys to doors in our mind that weren’t meant to be opened. Aldous Huxley used the term: The Doors of Perception.
How does our subconscious drive our decisions and desires?
If you ever choose without deliberation, you are allowing the programs that make up your subconscious mind to make those choices for you. We call it being on auto-pilot.
How important is our brain for our spiritual life?
You’re not going to have any life in a spacetime world without a brain.
How is the consciousness created?
Consciousness isn’t created. When Subject makes contact with object, consciousness of that object or objects is conditioned.
How would you describe the feeling of being in a void? Does one feel it at times?
The Void is really your Overmind, the Absolute Subject. When the Subject no longer makes contact with the objects/phenomena within itself, it loses the conditions necessary for consciousness.
If you could forget all your bad memories forever, would you do it or would you hang onto them because they're part of who you are today?
Memories are only a part of who you are if you identify with those memories. That’s a choice. You can also see them as memories of things that happened to someone that looked like you, but wasn’t.
If a human isn't aware of the location of his brain, does he/she still feel the thinking in their head?
Thinking is outside of spacetime which means thoughts are non-local.
If our minds are a reflection of the outside world then can one imagine sizeless, formless, shapeless thoughts? If so, how?
Unactualized thought is non-fixed information meaning it cannot be measured. If you can visualize it, it has form.
Is it possible for something to be both conscious and unconscious at the same time?
IFconscious means not unconscious
AND IFunconscious means not conscious
Is it true that you can't dream of faces that you've never seen?
Why not? I can dream of a mile-long red box that is only 10 feet in height. I’ve never seen that before. Try an experiment:
Imagine your closest friend’s identical twin (in reality your friend has no identical twin brother/sister) but this twin has a missing right eye.
Is it true that we know more about the universe than the human mind/brain?
Is the human mind just a tool-slave for our highly intelligent DNA to interact with the non-microscopic world?
It’s up to us how much portion of our experience is slave-based and how much is care-free based. There is a mechanism built in to invert the Intentioned Paradise if we behave according to the reverse of Original Intention.
Is it possible to stop subconsciously thinking about something? Why or why not?
Your subconscious mind is your body-mind and is programmable. You can reprogram it, but until you do, it will behave according to its unreformed programming.
Is it possible to memorize the future? Why is memory only in the past? Is memory only in the past? How do we know this? What is the relationship between an experience of possibility, memory and the future?
Memory seems to be a body-mind phenomena that needs the body directly related to this body-mind. If this body isn’t involved in events (such as future ones), the mind connected with it won’t have any means of storing these events.
Is it true that if you have no questions you have no mind?
I would say you have a mind without answers.
Is the brain really the object that controls us? If so, how can the brain make me see objects since the brain is just a squishy organ?
You are the Player and the brain makes the game an immersible one.
If the speed of processing in the human brain is rapid, why do we take so long to fully understand an idea, an expression of affection or dislike?
You can only understand what is actually true. If you’re trying to understand that which doesn’t correlate with the actual, you’re going to experience mental frustration.
If humans could live for thousand years, could the human brain absorb all the knowledge that one would acquire in this time span?
Linear time, as it lengthens, seems to rob us of former acquired knowledge. Do you remember the name of your elementary school teacher in grade one?
Is the human brain faulty making us irrational and fallible?
No. It’s not the computers (brains) that are faulty. It’s the programs being put into the computers that are faulty.
Is it a problem if I think about something being a potential problem or could my mind be simply creating problems that do not exist?
Thoughts can be of both kinds: ones that do correlate with the What Is and ones that don't correlate with the What Is.
If our consciousness is the result of a special pattern formed by atoms interacting with each other wouldn't that mean we could be reincarnated and not have to be afraid?
Our consciousness doesn’t result from that. Consciousness precedes atoms. If I wanted to know, I would just ask the person.
My mind literally projects words on a screen while typing making me not actually typing words. What is this called?
The problem with your story is that you are mixing two separate states of reality that have no way of blending together. The physical state is not a creation of your mind but a particle representation your brain manufactured from information your senses received. Your mind, on the other hand, can only perceive sensory data. It can’t actualize it into physical form.
Should I avoid mind wandering or thinking of something other than the present task?
If you want to experience the world you’re in, it’s essential.
They say the brain is the most complex object in the known universe but isn't it an obvious truth that the body, which includes and seamlessly integrates the brain with itself and its vast and diverse microbiome, is still more complex?
"We are what we think of the most in our brain" Is that true?
Yes. Others can program the way you identify yourself. Once this is realized, you’ve won half the battle. Now all you have to do is disidentify with your name-and-form (body). What this accomplishes is that any negative words aimed at your name-and-form can no longer affect how you feel about yourself because it isn’t you anymore.
What are some examples of the Introverted Intuition thought process?
Intuition has nothing to do with introversion. Intuition is your Guide for navigating the streets of confusion and con artists that inhabit them.
What are the best ways to deal with isolation?
Isolation of the body doesn’t mean isolation of the mind. Being online the way you are right now means your mind is socializing with other minds.
What are the distinctions between consciousness and dimensions of consciousness, that is to say, the facilitative expression vs. the qualitative state?
We can be conscious of phenomena in different mind states (i.e., states caused by mind-altering substances) but the definition of consciousness remains:
Subject making contact with object.
What are the flaws/deficiencies of the human brain?
The one weakness would be how vulnerable it is to be programmed with malicious programming by ‘bad folks’.
What are the ingredients of a great mind?
A great mind is one that can discern between the true and the false; fiction and non-fiction.
What does it mean to raise your consciousness?
To become more aware of what is really going on in your world.
What does it mean when you have negative thoughts circulating in your mind all the time?
It means you’ve picked up a lot of bad programming and most of it is tied to your name-and-form (body and birth name). If you disidentify with your name-and-form, it will stop most of those thoughts from being a menace.
What is consciousness? Is it an illusion? How is that possible? Is it because we have an immortal consciousness?
Consciousness is fluid, not static. When Subject makes contact with object, Subject becomes conscious of that object, whether physical or mind-made, until another object takes its place.
What is in between conscious and unconscious minds?
There is no progression. There isn’t an intermediary state between unconscious [off] and conscious [on].
What is the concept of heart and mind?
In that context, those two terms are misleading. Heart equates to the soul/spirit of the person having emotion as the decision maker (If it feels right, yes; if it feels wrong, no). Mind equates to the calculator or what is rationally/logically sound, with no regard to the emotions.
What is the connection between conceptualization, phenomenology, proprioception and intentionality as they together shape consciousness which is the most dominant in our species as an agent of transformation?
-Conceptualization isn’t consciousness but consciousness is conditioned after the conceptualization because the mind then becomes conscious of this conceptualization.
-Phenomenology is an area of study, not connected with consciousness.
-Proprioception is connected with consciousness in the sense that when one identifies with the body one is conscious of being the body (although this is a trick believed by the mind).
-Intentionality is will and is a phenomenon that one needn’t be conscious of, but certainly can be something we’re conscious of.
What is the difference between a conscious mind and consciousness?
You have three minds:
1. Your Overmind (independent of your name-and-form)
2. Your conscious mind (will/emotion/thought-idea-creator/experiencer/observer) dependent on your name-and-form
3. Your subconscious mind (body-mind outside your awareness) dependent on your form (body).
What is the origin of thought?
The Absolute Infinite Mind: The Grand Thinker.
What is the quickest way to empty your mind of all thoughts?
Get a lobotomy.
What is the term for creating a being with your mind?
I can’t remember but I do remember thinking it was not something that will make our world into a place our children will be happy in.
What should I do if my mind shifts to other thoughts constantly when reading a book, watching a series or any other activities that require my focus?
Practice makes perfect. Think of your focusing ability as a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it.
What would happen if we discovered how consciousness works?
It would most likely stop you from doing things you would regret doing when in an ignorant state.
What would it be like to take all sensory organs of a human being? Would it be a deep black void with consciousness?
You could live in mind-made worlds (not physically actualized).
What would it feel like to not have consciousness?
There would be no ‘you’ to feel anything.  Ask your self how a toaster feels. The answer to that is the answer to your question.
When is consciousness unformed? Is it in biology or in the heat-death of the universe? In effect, do we cease to exist or do we exist as perpetual biophysical or psychonomic energy that creates new biophysical energy relations?
Consciousness is always unformed. Only objects are forms. Consciousness is conditioned by Subject having contact with object. Subject can never not exist because Subject is neither created nor destroyed. Only objects have creation status which makes them nondissoluables.
Where do thoughts arise? How do they arise? What are they made of? Do thoughts exist that we aren't aware of? Are they are in our brain somewhere?
There are different kinds of thoughts. Some thoughts are visuals and can be triggered by the suggestion of another. I can say “pink elephant” and you’ll conjure a pink elephant in your mind. You are the conjurer (the dreamer). Thoughts suggested by others are implanting their dreams into your mind, often hoping that you will co-conspire to bring the dream into actualized form.
Which part of the brain controls memory and thinking?
The brain doesn’t have either of those functions. The Mind is the thinker and the Mind is that which recreates past events experienced.
Who takes the decisions? The soul or the mind? If it is the mind that takes decisions, why should the soul suffer in the next life due to karma?
If you’re on auto-pilot, your body-mind is making the decisions. If you’re present and willfully picking a path, it’s your soul. The soul is the sower:
Whatsoever ye sow, that ye shall also reap.”
Why do some people consider their opinions as fact when they are not?
They simply don’t understand that their minds are shaped differently by where they are born and what families they’ve been raised with.
Why are we distracted rather than being able to concentrate on achieving our own goals and plans which we dream of?
Distractions come from this world. Your goals and aims don’t. They’re either manufactured by your own mind or someone planted them in your mind. You’re in a sensory body for the purposes of experiencing this spacetime reality via the senses.
Why can I observe my thoughts only after they happen as a memory, but when I try to put attention to a thought it stops?
Thoughts are created by you. If you switch to observing, you stopped creating them.
Why do I feel very bad mentally when I am alone but never when I have people around me?
This is a fantastic observation. It underlines my own understanding of how negative mind states are conditioned. You can't be depressed unless there is someone to be depressed about. When you forget about yourself, that self disappears and there is no way to feel bad about someone outside your awareness. Forgetting yourself is one of the best benefits of being entertained by others in a social setting.

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