Wednesday 19 December 2018

The False Flag of Syria

Between the beginning of Spring [March 22nd] and its mid-point [May 1st] is the best time to watch out for False Flag events whether they are staged [hoax] or whether people actually died during these events: [no]problem-solution events ~or~ problem-solution events. Those are the two types, the first being where people are actually harmed and the second being presented a perception of people being harmed when no one was actually hurt or killed. Just the perception itself can obtain for them the reaction they desire so that they can implement the solution [problem-reaction-solution].
The people who are capable of causing these events want to do it in the most horrific way imaginable; in a way that maximizes the death. They're looking to make a huge impact with death and blood. They believe that a certain amount of blood is required to be spilled. Enough people have to die during this time period. All through history, there are planned events done during this time period that does not conform to random statistical probability.
The purpose of a False Flag Ritual is to manufacture consent. This is an act of Chaos Magick. It's the influencing of people's minds so that they will support what the people in power want them to support. A good example of this is the conflict in Syria. The Intelligence Agencies around the world who want to dethrone some Nation Leader will go in and kill many of that Nation's people and blame it on the Nation's leader. This will obtain consent they desire from the public they're lying to. In Britain, over 50% of the public support the aggression happening in Syria."
Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent

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