Wednesday 19 December 2018

Questions Answered On Light

Are there galaxies traveling at light speed?

Sure. Light doesn’t move [time stops at the speed of light which means there is no time available for traveling] and galaxies are made up of mass objects and mass objects are made up of particles and particles, in the quantum state, have spacetime coordinates [x,y,z and t] which means it is impossible for anything to be in motion.

Are you a light body?

No. Light is formless and bodies are forms.

At what fraction of the speed of light should a mass be moving to increase its mass significantly?

The speed of light is both infinite velocity (undefined velocity) and zero velocity (undefined velocity) or non-motion. You can’t make a fraction from either an infinite nor from a zero.

Can mass equal C due to a black hole’s gravity?

C = massless
mass =/= massless

Can the brain produce light?

Nothing produces light, brains included. Electromagnetic waves turn on surface photons when in contact with a light source.

Can there be an unknown medium where light is faster?

Infinite velocity is instantaneous arrival from departure. How are you supposed to go faster than that?

Can we, as human beings, travel at the speed of light?

Look at a rainbow. Do you think you can travel the speed of a rainbow?

Can we detect a higher speed than the speed of light experimentally?

Nothing beats instantaneous arrival from departure (light speed: infinite velocity).

Can you examine light photons while in a particle accelerator while they are cooled in liquid nitrogen?

Isolating photons from a light source is absurd. How are they supposed to rest anywhere with no rest mass?

Could there be a planet that is surrounded by a force that will not allow reflected light to pass through, rendering it invisible to the eye of potential alien observers?


Do human beings have light waves?

We have light only when in contact with a light source.

Do you believe that nothing is faster than light?

I don’t have to rely on belief. When I realize that light can’t travel distances between locations (there’s no time available for travel), I realize that it must be instantaneous(infinite velocity).

Does every object in the universe have its own light, including humans?


Does light bend or curve towards all types of mass?

No. Starlight is omni-directional. Where is it going to curve? To say that it can light up a surface that isn’t in contact with the light source has yet to be observed by myself.

Does light have mass? What actually is light and why does it make things lighter?

Light doesn’t have mass. Every particle can be turned on or off via the electromagnetic waves that a light source gives off.

Does light slow down a moving object?

No. f=ma which means f/m = a If there isn't any mass, there isn't any acceleration (slowing down). Light is massless.

Does red light and blue light travel at the same speed in glass?

Light is invisible and isn't information. The colors red and blue are information received by the eyes and converted by the brain.

Does the speed of light change while traveling through glass or other materials?

Light doesn’t travel through mediums. If this were the case, there would be a specific amount of time that the bottom of a swimming pool would be dark after someone turned the light on.

Does the Higgs field allow for instantaneous communication between particles which are quantumly linked as in the double slit experiment?

What is the Higgs field? A fiction to make an erroneous theory appear correct. In order for the double slit experiment to work, a surface exposed to a source of light can be unlit. Do you agree this can happen?

How can there be a part of the universe we can't observe if nothing can travel faster than light?

We can’t be sure there isn’t something there that is too far to see.

How can you use the entanglement between two photons to send two bits of information by manipulating the state of only one photon?

What entanglement? What two photons? Electromagnetic waves are electron charge (magnetism is a particle charge phenomenon) waves. They don’t call them photon waves do they?

How could I present “the universe is equal to the union of the sets containing all knowledge and all choice divided by the speed of light” as a pseudo-mathematical equation?

The speed of light is ZERO. The expression [division by zero] has no meaning, as there is no number which, multiplied by 0, provides a value (assuming a≠0). How far can you travel if you have no time to do it in?

How deep would a projectile the size of a person travel into the earth if launched at near light speed?

Near light speed is near non-motion. It would probably just penetrate an inch or two and then fall over.

How does light energy propagate one to another?

There is no plural to light. Light is singular.

How is light a transverse wave if it doesn't need a medium to propagate?

If you’re speaking of the electromagnetic wave then you aren’t speaking of light at all. ‘electro-’ comes from ‘electron’ and ‘magnetic’ is a particle charge property. Photons don’t have negative or positive charges.

How many times slower than light is sound?

Sound is information received by the hearing sense organ. Objects are information received by the sight sense organ. Light is not information. The refresh rate for visual information would need to be matched with the frame rate change of movies on film. We move at the same pace as movie characters do in movies.

How true is this statement that one of the physical significance of E = MC^2 (from Einstein) is that the speed of light can also be a source of energy?

Look at it this way:
there is only mass and energy
light has no mass
light must be 100% energy

I have learned that light has no mass. Could it have negative mass? If mass has gravity could negative mass have anti-gravity? If anti-gravity would repel all mass could this be dark energy?
There’s no such thing as negative mass, anti-gravity or dark energy. All three are incoherent ideas.
If a person travels one billion light years at 0.999999 light speed this will occur almost instantly for him but for other observers this will take him one billion years. Does this mean that the universe will be one billion years older for the traveler?

You can’t travel at a percentage of an infinite velocity. You can only travel at a percentage of a finite one.

If a plant is green what wavelengths of light is it using?

A wave is information. Light isn’t information. There is no variation. A photon is a photon is a photon..

If an object moves at 99.99% the speed of light in mathematical technicality is it already at the speed of light?

In order for an object to reach the speed of light it has to lose all of its definitions and become a not-object. Objects are not-light and light is not-object. Objects are illuminated by light and light illuminates objects. Think of them in terms of states. The object state is the finite state and the not-object state is the infinite state.

If I could travel at the speed of light, what would I see?

See the light on the ground on a sunny day? It’s not moving. That’s how fast light is. Whatever you can see when you're standing still, you can see at the speed of light.

If I had a device that vibrated at 99% the speed of light and didn't harm me could I perceive events slower and have super speed?

Light doesn’t vibrate. Light can only be found on surfaces. Time stops at the speed of light and according to the Theory of General Relativity space is directly proportional to time which means spacial distance is no more. How does light have a speed if it has no distance to travel?

If I were going faster than the speed of light while underwater what would I see and/or what would happen?

To go faster than the speed of light is to say you can go slower than non-motion. Is that possible?

If light doesn't move through time shouldn't it be stuck in the moment of the Big Bang?

A moment of time can only be associated with a relative reference frame. Light transcends all relative reference frames.

If light has a variable speed depending on the medium, then what is the acceleration of light coming out of a medium into a vacuum?

It doesn’t. Light has no acceleration rate. There’s a reason why they call C the constant (it doesn’t vary).

If someone could travel and observe going faster than the speed of light will they be unable to see anything at all in any direction?

When you walk down the street you’re traveling faster than the speed of light. Light is either on the surface [in contact with a light source] or not on the surface.

If space is expanding with the speed of light then where is the question of mass in traveling with the speed of light?

Location change of the photon is instantaneous arrival from departure. There is no time available for a photon (light) to travel [NON-MOTION].

If the entire solar system is illuminated by the sun why is it dark in outer space?

You can only find light on surfaces.

If the observable universe is about forty two billion light years in "diameter" how come the age of the universe is estimated to be around fourteen billion years? Does this mean the universe expanded faster than the speed of light?

There are many reasons why this question is incoherent:
1. There is no such thing as a light year (the distance light travels in a year). Why? At the speed of light time stops meaning there is no time available for travel.
2. I don’t know why someone decided to age the Universe. The Universe, before it reaches our brains through the senses, is in a wave state and the wave state doesn’t exist in a linear time or spacial reality.
3. A universe doesn’t expand. Bread expands when it rises in the oven. Objects can be perceived to have a greater distance apart from one another but it’s a perceptually dependent phenomenon. If size is relative (which it is) then distance is also relative.
You should really understand what your brain is for in the first place. Your brain is for turning wave state information into particle state information (4 dimensional — 3 dimensions of space and one dimension of time). It runs your body and makes this virtual world perceptually real to you.

If the speed of light were closer to the speed of sound would things be a lot different?

The speed of light and the speed of sound are as far apart from one another as the Infinite and the finite. No matter how fast or slow the speed of sound is, it will never get closer or farther from the speed of light.

If we could bend light around an object do you believe you would be able to see it?

Light doesn’t bend. It can only be found on surfaces.

If we could travel faster than the speed of light would time travel backwards?

Yes. It would be the same as going slower than non-motion.

If we were able to achieve a speed of 50% of the speed of light, how would it help in space exploration?

The speed of light is infinite because it is massless. There is no difference between masslessness and infinite mass (undefined). 50% of an infinite is still an infinite.

If you could stop a particle of light and put it under a microscope, what would it look like?

Light has nothing in common with a particle. A particle is defined as that which has values for mass, charge and spin. Light has no mass, no charge and no spin.

If you had a sufficiently bright light, would it be able to travel through your abdomen and be visible from the opposite side of your body?


If you were holding a very long stick with a ball at the other end and you pushed the stick would the ball at the other end move at the moment you pushed the stick? Wouldn't that mean that the stick was moving faster than the speed of light?

You always get caught up in paradoxes if you don't have the right understanding. At the speed of light, time stops. If you have no time to travel, you have no time to travel a year or many years.

If you were traveling with the speed of light would you be able to see light travel? Would you be able to see the progress?

You can't see light for one thing. You can only see the surface light illuminates. Do you ever find light not on a surface? Can you rub light on a surface with your finger tip to the shady side? Why not? These are the things you should be asking yourself.

In which orbit does visible light emit when an electron jumps into it?

Electrons can’t jump. In order to be able to jump in Newtonian space it must be an object with spacial extent (which isn’t the case with the electron).

Is it accurate to say that everything travels through spacetime at the speed of light?

No. Light is Absolute and perceptually independent having a velocity of zero at the singularity and an infinite velocity at the event horizon. Objects are perceptually independent and travel at terminal velocity if not accelerated (the speed at which a falling body from rest stops accelerating).

Is it possible for scientists to agree that religion operates from a different reference frame and respect its views about the universe?

Religion doesn't operate. Only people operate and some operate with a religious paradigm and some operate with a non-religious one. If those with different paradigms share the same space and time, they share the same reference frames in that spacetime.

Is it possible to see light but not experience it? How would we know it had occurred?

Seeing is experiencing so the answer is no.

Is it really impossible to exceed the speed of light, even in a million years, if human society keeps its current rate of scientific development?

What you're asking is: “Is there such a thing as being faster than arriving instantaneously from your departure location?” Think about light as a wave. A wave has to be connected to both locations at all times (arrival; departure). A wave can't travel between locations like an object can.

Is it true that the only way for me to travel back in time is if I travel at a faster speed than light?

Yes (or going slower than non-motion).

Is light matter or non-matter?

Light is the illuminator of matter.

Is space travel possible at speeds even close to the speed of light?


Is the speed of light a universal constant like G or constant like g on earth at sea level?

It’s a constant because it’s constant (it never varies).

Is the speed of light relevant to its color?

Light doesn't have a color. Object surfaces have colors. You only get to see these surface colors in the presence of light. A color gel on a light source changes how we see these surface colors but the light itself is still invisible.

Is there a particle which is massless but still not traveling at the speed of light?

No. That which is massless has no way to be differentiated from some other massless object (like a photon, for instance).

Is there a way to bend or warp or manipulate light without having it lose energy or being destroyed and re-emitted?

You can only find light on a surface of a three dimensional object. You can always bend that surface if it was a bendable one.

Is there such a thing as "darkness" or is it just the absence of light?

There is a light that is darkness and how GREAT is that darkness.

It puzzles me when people say when one moves at the speed of light he/she is not moving at all. When people don't feel the movement of Earth does it mean we are stationary?

The only way to perceive movement is to be moving through a series of non-motion frames.

Suppose that matter can reach ‘C’. Would it penetrate everything without slowing down?

The only way for matter to reach ‘C’ is to lose its limitations which is what causes it to be mass in the first place.

The laws of physics say that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time yet electromagnetic waves can. How does physics apply to electromagnetic waves?

The electromagnetic wave is a non-dimensional phenomenon which means it has no spacial extent. This is the reason it has an infinite velocity (instantaneous arrival from departure). There is no actual distance to travel that would condition a measurement of travel time.

What are some examples of things that reflect light?

Three-dimensional objects with a surface facing the light source.

What happens if you collide electrons, neutrons, and protons in any way or in any number, near the speed of light?

A speed near light is a speed near non-motion. Have you ever tried to move with no time to do it? When you watch a rainbow, do you see it moving?

What is an invisible light?

The only kind of light there is. You only see what light illuminates.

What is faster? The speed of light or the speed of darkness?

It’s a tie. Only objects can change location in spacetime.

What is the best material to shine a light through to create a rainbow?

Rain drops.

What is the normal light for humans?

There’s only one kind of light: that which illuminates the surface of three dimensional objects.

What is the significance of light?

It illuminates the surfaces of three-dimensional objects so that they can provide a world environment for us to navigate through.

What is the speed of light state in quantum physics?

At the Singularity light has no time and no space to travel leaving it at a velocity of zero. In the Newtonian state light reaches its destination location from its departure location instantaneously giving it an infinite velocity (finite distances to travel with no travel time to make those distances).

What is the temperature of a particle traveling at the speed of light?

A particle is a conversion the brain makes from the information it receives from the senses. Temperature is information received by the skin sensory organ and sent to the brain to be converted to a feeling sensation.

What length of time does the present exist in? Is it the Planck time?

The only way to have moments of time is to be inside event frames made up of particles. The time it takes the brain to convert the inputted information via the sensory sites and nervous system is the length a moment is before it gets refreshed by the next dimensional event frame.

What limits the speed of light? Is it not the 'aether' that comprises space-time? Therefore, we won’t be able to explain the universe or its 'expansion' until the particle physics, e.g. at the 'Higgs' scale, can explain the aether, right?

Good question. It really exposes the truth that the value given for the speed of light [which really has an infinite velocity:: instantaneous arrival from departure] is nothing more than a value correlating to a pyramid location.

What type of energy do photons have?

There’s only one kind of energy: the infinite formless kind. Most things we call energy are either a particle phenomenon or a sensation caused with the help of our sense organs, nervous system and our brains.

What will happen if a human punches the air with a speed that is a million times the speed of light?

Light doesn’t travel. It is either on a surface or it isn't.
1,000,000 x 0 = 0
Answer: nothing

What will the person next to me look like whilst going the speed of light?

Still as stone.

What would happen if an unstoppable force slowed down?

If it’s slowing down, it’s being accelerated which means it isn’t unstoppable.

What would happen if two very small dust particles (0.01g) collided with each other with the speed of .99c in space?

This may come as a surprise to you but LIGHT belongs to the Infinite State where there are no finite values for properties. Light Speed is infinite which means it doesn’t travel from departure to arrival locations but will be there instantaneously (infinite velocity).

Where do photons ejected from black holes come from?

A hole isn't a light source.

Why am I seeing a rainbow halo around one specific bright white light and not any other light?

Crystals will cause a rainbow effect so my guess is that there is some crystal being used in that one particular light.

Why can no matter go faster than light?

Motion is actually a perceptually-dependent phenomenon. Only that with particle nature can be perceived to change locations. Light has no particle nature. Light is the illuminator of mass objects made up of particles.

Why can photons not move faster than the speed of light even if it has zero mass?

What did you think a photon was? Non-light?

Why does light bend when it comes near a black hole?

Light doesn’t have the nature to bend. Only that with particle nature can bend.

Why does light travel in a straight line?

Electromagnetic [electro :: electron // magnetic :: particle charge] waves are in a straight line. Why? That’s how it is mathematically defined to behave.

Why doesn't the light particles bounce if two light rays intersect each other?

The definitions of a particle include values for:
Light has neither mass, charge nor spin.

Why is light affected by spacetime curvature?

Light isn’t affected.

Why is the speed of everything relative except for light? This is unjust. I think this is a flaw for theory of general relativity.

If something has no means to travel it is necessarily in a state of non-motion. Tell me how non-motion can have change. Only that which is mass can be dimensional. Only that which has dimensions can leave one location and arrive at another. Light is the massless.

Why should gravity time be much smaller than light time?

Time has no size.

Are you the light in my life that can be eclipsed?

You can’t eclipse Infinite Light. There are no borders.

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