Wednesday 19 December 2018

New Answers to New Questions

What would you do if you had very confusing thoughts, feelings, and thinking about the future and you're 20 yrs. old?
First, find out how much mind control has affected you thus far. Then, find ways to avoid being victimized by it any longer. Once that is done, either find a hobby that you can immerse yourself in or if you want to be a cause for good in this world, help others out of their mind control.
How can I turn my mind off?
How can you stop obsessive thoughts? You focus on experiencing what your senses are bringing to you in the present moment. What are you touching? What are you hearing (etc..)?
Right now, if you could be 18 again, knowing what you know now, how would you become rich as quickly as possible?
The only way I could do that is to go back to 1984. I’d wait two years and buy 775 shares in Microsoft. That would cost me $160.00 and by 2018, I’d have close to $6,000,000 [six million dollars], becoming the Six Million Dollar Man.
According to physics, what are the differences between the past, the present, and the future?
They’re all events existing in the absolute ‘now’ but being in a relative reference frame, we can only experience one event [now] at a time.
I’ll be 74 next month and my mind is slowing down so I'm not the kid who went to MIT anymore. How can I get it back?
You are mind. The mind owns the body, the body doesn’t own the mind. There’s not much you can do with deterioration due to aging. That is something we all have to face if we don’t die before our time.
Is there any theory (other than general relativity) that predicts the existence of black holes?
Not sure why you'd want to rely on a theory when we can observe galaxies spiraling out of them.
Similar to how 2 dimensional grids (x and y) use 1 dimensional lines and 3 dimensional (x, y, and z) use 2 dimensional planes, do 4 dimensional grids use 3D cubes to represent their solutions?
Three dimensions allow for a three dimensional object. The fourth dimension allows for that three dimensional object to be perceived as moving (changing locations). That's the dimension, linear time.
Can we destroy matter with anti-matter?
The magnetic phenomenon shows us that particle charge causes either attraction or repulsion, not annihilation.
How is knowledge obtained?
By applying thought to the questions you have not yet answers for. If contemplation is sustained for long enough, understanding will be reached.
Is it possible that the muon and tau particles are electrons moving rapidly in curled dimensions? Couldn’t something similar be true in other fundamental particle “families” in which there are higher masses? What am I missing?
Electrons don’t actually move.
“In quantum mechanics, there is a distinction between an elementary particle (also called "point particle") and a composite particle. An elementary particle, such as an electron, quark, or photon, is a particle with no internal structure.”
“A point particle is an idealization of particles heavily used in physics. Its defining feature is that it lacks spatial extension: being zero-dimensional.”
Point particle - Wikipedia
According to physics, are past, present and future simply illusions?
Past and future are conditioned by the observer being stationed in one specific reference frame with reference frames being on either side. The ones before are perceived as past frames and the ones after are perceived as future frames. If the observer moves far enough, the once-future frames become past ones from the observer's pov.
What are the implications for intelligent life in the universe if it is physically impossible to travel faster than the speed of light?
Even if true, our worlds will never meet.
What is the restraint of the alteration of societies and changes?
Mass mind control inculcated from the time people are first able to learn. Television is one of the biggest tools in this process.
What is meta-mindfulness?
I'll assume you mean ‘metta’ which translates to ‘loving-kindness'. Metta Mindfulness would be being mindful of your attitude toward other beings. Are you living in a state of loving-kindness when in relation with others? If you notice yourself failing, you cultivate it with different exercises such as seeing all others as being the latest incarnation of your past-life parents, lovers or children.
What is present outside universe?
I consider our universe to be our galaxy [the Milky Way] since it has no dependent relationship with any other galaxies. With that in mind, I would say a myriad of other universes [galaxies]. Outside of all galaxies would be infinite space with no galaxies in that space.
Can the center of gravity exist outside of a huge object in space, like lets say the moon? If the moon exploded apart would the center of gravity now be outside of the physical object? Would the center of gravity be somewhere in the middle?
Force requires the acceleration of mass [f=ma]. I'm not sure why people seem to think a force can be independent of that.
What is one thing that would help the world right now?
If all law enforcement and all nations’military destroyed their weapons to be an example to the rest of the world's population so that they would follow suit. That would greatly reduce the violence in our world.
Why do we think that we will reincarnate just on Earth when the universe and beyond is so vast?
Some people make contracts with earth spirits. That locks them in for 1,000 more incarnations here.
Are human relationships, space, and time connected?
When you're apart, there is distance between you. When you remember times with those you had or have a relationship with or if you plan a future with someone, linear time is applicable.
How are two objects not colliding in a universe if heavier objects are attracting a smaller object in a spacetime?
Your applying thought to claims reveals the truth. There is no magic pulling force inside mass objects. If there was, objects would all come together into one mass pile (think of them as all magnets).
Which one is more important, your present or your future? Some say one should plan for the future. Some also say one should live in the present and not worry about the future. So which one matters more?
If you apply thought to your situation, the answer will become apparent. You're in a body with five sensory organs which allow you to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. You're in an environment with a plethora of things to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. The only time you can experience the sensual is in the present.
What will be the speed of light if a bike moving with the speed of light turns on its head light?
The speed of light is ‘c’. ‘c’ means constant. ‘constant’ means non-varying. The only speed that doesn't vary in a relative reality is non-motion. Infinite velocity is also non-motion because no traveling is taking place; it's instantaneous arrival from departure.
What is the nature of an organization?
Control-intended and will-produced.
You have a 5 gallon jug and a 13 gallon jug. How do you measure out exactly 12 gallons?
Pour a gallon of wet cement into the 5 gallon jug and let it harden. Then fill that jug 3 times, pouring it into the 13 gallon jug.
If it were possible to reach the end of the universe, what would one find beyond that?
You'd find a black void if there were no surfaces of mass objects to illuminate.
If the universe was made up of 80% light then how would we perceive "darkness" entering & passing? Would "darkness" eventually consume this light or would this hypothetical universe continue to surpass even darkness?
Light isn't part of the universe. Light illuminates the universe so that it can be seen.
What is light? Is it a wave or a particle? Does it have weight? What are its characteristics?
With some simple logic, we can arrive at the answer:
there is only mass and energy
light is massless [0%]
light must be energy [100%]
How long before life ceases to exist on earth?
There will always be a remnant to carry the torch..
What's the best way to just ‘let go’and move on?
Enter the Zen State. This happens when you identify with the present experience. You become the experience rather than the experiencer. The experiencer is the one that holds and doesn't let go. The experience holds nothing.
Which do you think is harder for a layperson to understand, relativity or quantum physics? Why?
They're both easily understandable if you ask the right person (me, for instance). Both can be difficult to grasp if you ask the wrong person who revels in obfuscation.
Who discovered the atom and when?
From What is the Atom?--Some Secret Doctrine Statements
The Occultists refer to elemental atoms by that name with a meaning analogous to that which is given by the Hindu to Brahma when he calls him ANU, the "Atom." Every elemental atom is ... a SOUL; not necessarily a disembodied soul, but a jiva, as the Hindus call it, a centre of POTENTIAL VITALITY, with latent intelligence in it, and, in the case of compound Souls -- an intelligent active EXISTENCE, from the highest to the lowest order, a form composed of more or less differentiations. It requires a metaphysician -- and an Eastern metaphysician -- to understand our meaning. All those atom-Souls are differentiations from the ONE, and in the same relation to it as the divine Soul -- the Buddhi -- to its informing and inseparable Spirit, or Atman.(I, 566-567.)’
What's the speed at which our universe is expanding?
Knowing that the first alphabet was created from star maps and that we can see these constellations to this day tells us that star configurations are fixed. This isn’t an observation compatible with an expanding universe.
When a body is at rest which velocity is 0?
How does one figure out what to do with her/his life (vocation)?
Your interests and your strengths/gifts/talents would be good indicators. Where those two dovetail would give you an ideal indication.
What dangers are there for humans as a spaceship approaches the speed of light?
How are you going to move out of the way during a potential head-on collision with a large object?
Is it possible that our universe is a mathematical object?
When I look at the evidence, that’s what I conclude. Computer science is a science based on understanding the way our reality is constructed.
Can we feel Mercury's gravity from Earth?
Wouldn’t our hair be raised if any planetary bodies were exerting a gravitational force on us?
Is there another way of discovering the theory of relativity besides the way Albert Einstein did it?
Certainly. One could notice the differences in heart-beat rates and limb speeds of smaller and larger mass-bodied observers. Can you see a directly proportional scale?
How do the duped atheists who believe that matter is accompanied by its antithesis justify the eternity of matter/energy?
Do you know how to erase the information before it enters your brain?
If I could somehow be alive as the universe was ending, what would I see?
Worlds don't end. They're cyclical.
If remnants of black holes from a previous universe are visible today could a powerful civilization have used them to transmit information into our universe? Information encoded in distance and intensity of these remnants, for example.
Remnants of a black hole? Can you have remnants of a donut hole?
Acceleration depends on mass. Why is it said that the acceleration of two freely falling bodies doesn't depend on mass?
In a vacuum, all mass objects, regardless of their mass size, will reach the same terminal velocity at the same time.
Can information be defined as a constraint over space-time?
Information needs neither time nor space to exist.
Are human emotions necessary? While emotions are what makes people human, they also cause us to make bad choices.
If you don’t have emotions, your soul is missing.
Does money really lead to a more satisfying life?
To answer that, I’d look at the statistics of the wealthy and their use of anti-depressants.
People say that space is a void. But does it not have time? Is that not what separates the outside of the observable universe and the inside?
If you exist, you require ‘now’ (absolute time) whether you exist in a complete void or in a world.
What is space-time?
Spacetime is a reality with moving objects and bodies where observers can experience linear time (remembering past events and expecting future ones).
Which is the smallest unit for measurement of time?
The observer with the largest mass body would be moving at the slowest linear time frame rate. You'd have to know all of the observers in the universe to know which has the largest mass body. In our world, some whales live to over 200 years old from our pov.
How does general and special relativity work?
General Relativity: Space and time are directly proportional. This is proven when an object moves. The longer an object moves the longer the distance it moved. The faster an object moves, the less time it takes to reach a specified distance.
Special Relativity: The closer a mass object approaches the speed of light the less spacial distance, the greater the increase in mass and the slower the linear time it moves in.
Does time have limits in the universe?
Your relative reference frame will limit your perception to which events are past ones and which ones are future events.
Why can't we walk in space?
You can’t walk out of space. If you weren't in space, you wouldn't be able to move.
What happens if you go past the edge of the universe?
Have you ever tried to move from top/center of your world? Once you do that, you can start thinking about arriving at the edge of the universe.
If time stops at the speed of light, how does light travel (traveling takes time)?
Very good! You applied thought to a claim and found that claim coming up short. In order for a claim to get into Club Reality it first has to get past the Bouncer, Logic. At the speed of light, time stops. How does light get to different locations then? Instantaneous arrival from departure is done via infinite velocity. Light doesn’t have a finite speed. If it did, its travel would necessarily require a measure of linear time.
Why are Americans debating the curvature of the earth?
I think what they're debating is the idea that ocean basins with vertical floors can hold oceans and that birds learned how to fly upside down on the bottom of a sphere earth.
What is the difference between spacetime and quantum spacetime?
In the dimensional realm (perceivable), space can be measured between locations and time can be perceived to pass us by as we head toward an unknown future. In the dimensionless realm (imperceivable), space is immeasurable and in a timeless ‘now'.
Can you explain infinity?
That which can't be measured.
That which has no limits.
That which has no beginning nor ending.
That which cannot be perceived by the senses.
That which causes that which can be measured, has limits, has beginnings and endings and can be perceived by the senses.
How is the creation of the universe related to the study of physics?
Knowing that the electron has a very specific value for mass and for charge and these values are always the same, it has to be answered for.
What can you compare silence to?
An undecorated white room without any object in it.
Do you want to hide from the world that you are inept/incompetent?
No. There is no shame in announcing that which I lack.
How can something as small as a human go in space and not gravitate towards the Sun?
Applying thought to claims can reveal the lack of coherence that claim has. Good for you!
What is the difference between brain and mind?
The brain converts imperceivable information received from the senses and converts them into a dimensional, perceivable format. The mind is the perceiver.
What happens if a black hole comes to earth?
Holes don't have the nature to change locations.
What is quantum physics and what does it really study?
It is the study of mass in the information state.
Is it best to avoid fear or go for it?
If you meet up with that which conditions fear, there is nothing you can do other than to experience it. Courage is when you act regardless of being in a state of fear. Courage is respected, cowardice is not.
What is one thing that has always stayed consistent in our society that you think needs to change?
Secret agendas are running the Powers-that-Be. I think this would be a good time to give the power back to the people.

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