Thursday 21 February 2019

February's Answers

Are gifted people more valuable than regular people?

No, but they can make better crowd-pleasers.

What is the smallest amount of information possible?

A single zero or a single one.

What is the biggest achievement in life?

To have it filled with strong, meaningful relationships.

If you only had 15 minutes to sharpen your mind every day, what should you do?

Stay aware of what your senses are bringing to you in the present moment.

If you’re a Flat Earther and you have seen scientific evidence that the Earth isn’t flat, but is a globe, such as presented in the documentary Under The Dome, why do you persist in dis-believing?

The answer to this is that both ideas are conditioned by a false view that the planet is outside our mind. The virtualness of our planet allows phenomena to meet standards for both positions. For example, the oceans can’t curve and therefore the earth is flat. On the other hand, we see the rising and setting of the sun which is what we’d expect within the view holding to a spherical earth. The truth is that it is flat to all observers experientially (we can’t leave the top/center of our world) and it’s spherical mathematically and observationally from a reference frame outside of our world (from the moon, for example).

What’s the point of staying- or getting into a relationship when you know you can’t be faithful?

It could be an ethical choice if the person was upfront about their propensity to have sex with others behind their partner’s back. The potential partner might see it as advantageous (guilt-free counter-cheating).

Is artificial Intelligence so scary because it is the first human creation that humanity does not understand?

It’s scary because it has no way to care if we are suffering. No empathy means it can do harm as easily as it can do something helpful. It has no conscience which means it would value telling the truth no more than communicating deceit as a means to achieve some objective.

Have you ever had a real paranormal encounter, or could swear you have, witnessed a ghost, or spirit?

Yes. One was so perceivable that I yelled out loud for it to leave.

Do you think that it's impossible to change?

Being in a reality that conditions changes by means of an ever-changing environment set off by previous cause-and-effects, it’s impossible to not change (even if your physical environment remains exactly the same, your mental world is causal as well. One thought leads to the next and new thoughts provoke one to behave differently in physical reality).

According to physics, there are no material things in the world but only temporary events. Why is it so?

Things are really a series of particle patterns that, when seamlessly stacked together according to the Law of Causality, give the illusion of being one object moving from the past and into the future.

How can I hate someone that physically assaulted me when I think of myself as a peaceful person?

That’s a natural state of mind when a person hostile toward you is the object of your present awareness.

Where is the line between superstition and religion, if it exists?

One link could be a type of mental pattern caused by positive past results when staying within the confines of a particular pattern. As an example, I notice when I knock on wood after boasting some claim that isn’t certain, I don’t have to get slapped down by Lady Karma for exhibiting such unearned cockiness. Religion can work similarly. If I sense a feeling of divine blessing from attending religious meetings, I’ll go back to get more of it. I could make a line in the sand putting the set of behaviors belonging to superstition as a means to navigate non-agency caused scenarios and religion conditioning behaviors based on a SuperAgent’s will/wish/authority.

Have you ever seen/interacted with a ghost?

All the time! Most people don’t recognize them as ghosts in a body, but one can learn to recognize them when you become familiar with their ways.

Which cannot come first, space or only time?

The only way to observe our spacetime reality is by being in a body that exists within it. Since all bodies exist in a certain set of reference frames that are only one moment long each, we would necessarily perceive the passage of time while observing the phenomena taking up space.

Do you worry that your mental illness will be fatal? That you will die physically and/or mentally? Do others think you have it together when you could easily slide into complete darkness?

No. I’m at a place where I would try to get as much experience out of my insane state as was attainable. Don’t you want to know what it’s like to be raving mad?

What is the difference between a flat and spherical universe?

How do you know such universes exist? I see a universe that is more like a room with toys strewn all over the place.

Why do people believe the universe is completely deterministic? Does that mean no human has free will?

Changing realities with different outcomes is the only way I know that can accommodate the truth of both a determined-events reality and ability to have a variety of future outcomes made possible by willful choice-making.

Are you a universe or your conscious made it up?

I couldn’t say “my” consciousness. That would mean I was an unconscious owner of an object we call ‘consciousness’. Consciousness is subject, not object.

Do you believe you have free will?

I exercise will every time I make myself do something I don’t feel like doing. Can non-free will be a thing (the condition inside a determined reality)?

Can a scientist help us locate heaven? I guess they know about outer space.

You’d have to define your term “heaven”. Some describe our own world as heaven.

What is the relationship of David Hume philosophy to the theory of relativity?

From my perspective, I find his philosophy to be something AI would agree to (not me!). I can’t avoid the idea that a relative reality is a mathematical one (made up of non-absolutes). If I’m correct in this, a Mathematician needs to be apart of this paradigm. Hume had no rume for such a character.

If you are flying in a spaceship in outer space, and it takes a sharp turn, would you notice it?

That is a proof for Special Relativity. The only way some of these very small beings (flying insects) can make the motions (turns) we see them making is if we’re actually observing them in fast motion and would need to record their movements and play the tape back at a much slower speed (allowing us to see how they are experiencing the passage of time).

Why does (or rather did) science fiction have this seemingly eerie ability to not only hypothesize on futuristic technology, but also to be able to describe them in detail?

I have the sense that some science fiction writers are ghost prophets (unknown by others) who received information about earth’s future and sold it as personal imagination.

Is gravity an electromagnetic wave in space?

No, it’s an experience conditioned on certain physics principles relating to time, mass size, velocity and spacial extent. It’s been designed in a way that all mass objects, regardless of their size, have identical accelerations and terminal velocities in space. This world isn’t falling which gives it the ability to resist the falling of objects, including your body.

If the big rip is the way the universe ends would it be a slow process? Is it a gradual increase in repulsion or a sudden change?

The moment you stop experiencing it, it can be said to no longer exist. That’s not to say that it can’t re-exist by re-entry.

I really want to date a girl and get married to her, but thoughts like cheating, swapping wife makes me want to stay single and it makes me feel bad. How do I get over these thoughts?

Find a girl that has a free-spirit who would consider trying alternative ways to experience relationships. It’s no good hiding from yourself. It’ll jump up and bite you one day trying that strategy.

How can a human’s 100 billion neurons make one solid decision on complicated topics?

That’s not the job of the neurons, it’s the job of the agent that has acquired the neuron-rich brain.

Have you ever experienced the “call of the void”?

I’ve been in the void by different means. One was a drug overdose where I was pulled out of my body by a seemingly disembodied hand. I felt like I stayed in a non-moving state for a few minutes then I began to fall. The video I’ll link you to is a great representation, except for the fact that it was absolutely black (can’t see anything). While taking dissociatives, I’ve been privy to quite a lot of very interesting phenomena. As an observer, I felt I wasn’t seen or felt by those I got to look at.

Where does reality end?

At the death of your body.

How genius are you?

I’m dumb as a post but I know how to channel the absolute genius.

Can stars be living beings with information of their behavior stored in something photons or might be smaller storage device?

That’s my guess. I believe it’s an artificial life (created or conditioned by some means).

Are we just civilized animals in fact and nothing more?

In animal-like bodies we have an animal-like nature: we want to eat, sleep and f..k..

What is the universal time?

Outside of all reference frames it’s always the non-beginning, non-ending now.

Is the essence of a human being in their consciousness or in their memories?

It would have to be during identification with the human form, as one does presently, in memory or in future prediction.

What are the new emerging theories in physics to explain the mechanics of the universe other than the famous string theory?

There is my theory, the theory that physical reality can only exist in a virtual format:
Virtual Reality

We find ourselves living in a probabilistic universe. How improbable is that?

Logic demands we answer with: 100% improbable. Why? Because it absolutely can’t exist unless it absolutely does exist, no probablies about it.

What builds more character, utilizing our potential or overcoming the struggle?

Making the right choices instead of the easiest choices (or the more self-gratifying ones).

What happened to you on the day you were fired from your last job?

I gave my boss the finger.

Can the world run on renewable energy and maintain?

All it needs to run is observers that can perceive moving objects. This is what conditions linear time.

What is something your ex did that made you so glad to be out of that relationship?

She was inhospitable to my friends that were in need of a place to stay for the night. She refused to allow it.

What is your role in the universe?

My role in this particular realm is to be brought to justice for my insubordinate, rebellious actions in my previous realm. This is a world where the Judge gives all wayward children their deserved spankings.

Are there areas of the Universe so devoid of matter, that gravity doesn't exist there because there is nothing to attract?

If you call the phenomenon ‘falling through space” gravity, there is no space that can uphold an object with mass (mass and weight are directly proportional). 0% actualized force (weight) is the state of an object at its terminal velocity, not when it’s stationary.

How do we know we really have choices, that we can really affect the universe, rather than that everything that happens, every thought occurring isn't just nature taking its own course?

Our consciences let us know when we feel bad for choosing one we view as a ‘mistake’.

If energy cannot be created or destroyed, and all the energy before and after the Big Bang happened adds up to zero, then why did the quantum fluctuations (and eventually the Big Bang) happen in the first place?

I consider the Big Bang Theory to be obsolete now that we have a grasp on the mathematical nature of our universe. The way to actualize a universe requires a complete loop so that no event can be considered a beginning or end event. You can’t actualize reality unless it has a ‘past’ and ‘future’ to all actualized events (i.e. all plants and animals can’t all start as seeds and embryosThe 
seed needs a mature plant to proceed from and embryos need a place to develop).
Have you ever had an inanimate "friendly relationship" with an inanimate object? If so, what was the object and why is that?

Yes, in elementary I had a ‘kick rock’ that I would kick to school and kick back home again. I remember developing a relationship to it (where I’d experience sadness if I lost contact (lost it) with it. I don’t know why that is but I’m interested in hearing what others say about it.

Why did Sir Isaac Newton believe that God put the planets contained within our solar system into their orbit around the Sun?

Did he not say?

Can you define/determine the parameters of consciousness? What does it entail? What goes into it?

It’s really simple. Subject makes contact with object. This causes subject to be conscious (aware) of object. Think of Subject as the Uncreated Mind. When you’re unconscious, you have no awareness of any objects (it’s as if you were turned off).

What is a scary fact about our universe?

It’s controlled by Jack the Ripper (The Terminator)…

Could there have been other big bangs and other universes coming into existence countless light years from our own?

I consider galaxies to be universes. They appear to have their own individual origins and I don’t see any relationship between one galaxy and another.

What are the top theories competing with the Big Bang Theory?

The “Reality is Virtual” Theory

Do you have to keep a secret that makes you feel uncomfortable?

Nope. That’s true freedom right there..

Is it possible that the speed of light is variable in different areas of the universe?

No. According to General Relativity, time and space are directly proportional. This means that if time stops at the speed of light (which it does, according to Special Relativity), then spacial distance decreases to a single point [the singularity]. How long does it take to travel 0 km? No time at all!

Viktor T. Toth: “it is, of course, well known that light travels slower (or faster! talking about phase velocity here, so no violations of causality) in a medium such as water”
*he is suggesting that we could capture, in a photograph an indoor swimming pool where the lights are on but the bottom of the pool hasn’t been illuminated yet [an incorrect notion].

How much would a pinhead sized piece of a collapsed star weigh?

21 grams.

When I hear a new word, I immediately start hearing and seeing it everywhere. Is there a name for this phenomenon?

Pattern Recognition.

Is thinking limited by language?

Explaining what is in your mind can be.

I saw a picture of a single atom. What is in the "empty" space between the camera and the atom?

What is in an empty jar (not counting air, obviously)?

Is God an enemy or a friend?

The Creator (outside of Spacetime); FRIEND
God of this Realm (ComputerBeast666); ENEMY

Does time move faster the larger you get? Apparently, flies see time in slow motion relative to humans. Would humans see things happen slowly relative to dinosaurs, etc?

Very good observation (but slower). We’re moving a lot slower from a fly’s pov so it can easily (usually) escape our attempts to catch it with our hands. We apparently intuit the time/size-of-observer ratio because we slow large things down in movies (compare the speed of a person falling down and an Imperial Walker falling down).

Pretend you're speaking to a child, can you explain the main foundation of Buddhism, as you understand it?

By way of contemplation and mindfulness you discover the true nature of reality, one aspect at a time.

When was a time when the stars seemed to align for you and everything fell perfectly into place? What happened?

December 25th, 2014

When did you first realize that you may have a personality disorder?

I’d first have to know what an ordered personality is to know if I’ve strayed.

What are few things that are easier done than said?

Job interviews.

Why do CEO’s act like they are Gods gift to earth? . I know there are amazing CEOs out there but there are also many that act extremely entitled. If you want your employees to respect you, you must respect them. Employees fearing you is not the same.

Power corrupts. That’s why I would caution anyone putting their trust in gods.
Ruling God of the gods in different cultures:
Aztec pantheon: Quetzalcoatl
Canaanite pantheon: Baʿal
Berber pantheon: Poseidon
Egyptian pantheon: Amun
Germanic pantheon: Wōden
Greek pantheon: Zeus
Sumerian pantheon: Enlil
Babylonian pantheon: Marduk
Norse pantheon: Odin
Roman pantheon: Jupiter

If you discovered your best friend’s spouse was cheating on him/her, should you keep it a secret if you thought that they would never recover from it?

I would hope I would.

Is it really of any advantage to be skeptical or is insistence on evidence just a passing fad that benefits no one?

Physical evidence or air-tight logic will keep you from ideas that aren’t true.

Does a planet's moon have to orbit the planet for it to be classified as a planet?

It would have to at least be capable of harboring an orbiting moon if it doesn’t.

Should we forget the past to give ourselves a future?

I would suggest forgetting the past and the future to give yourselves the present.

Can the saints see spiritually? Are they full of light?

Saints are the antithesis of what Christ was. Saints are honored for being good and Christ said, “Why callest me good?”

Would you live and work in a completely isolated location if the price was right?

Yes. I’m accepting offers.

Why are most people so sure that evolution is real?


What’s your opinion about the holistic way of thinking?

As long as it’s correct, I’m all for it.

Why is it that the Sun is getting brighter, year by year?

From my personal experience and observation, it hasn’t.

If the universe contains infinite matter, and assuming it is infinite in size then it must contain an infinite amount of galaxies etc, then how can it get to a point where all existing matter will be converted into energy and thus reach max entropy?

The universe doesn’t contain infinite matter. If the amount exists, it’s a finite amount.

Assuming reincarnation is true, what determines who you reincarnate as and where?

The choices you make when you can either take a divine path or an infernal one.

What common thoughts are completely wrong?

We see out of our eyes (eyes are receivers, not transmitters).

Could the meaning of life theoretically be calculated definitively?

No. It’s a subjective matter and there could be as many meanings as there are individuals capable of creating meaning in their lives.

What exactly is happening in the brain during a psychedelic trip?

It changes the way the information is interpreted and converted by the brain. The chemicals cause filters so that reality comes out altered.

How do people believe in alien life visiting earth when the distance between star systems are so vast?

Either they haven’t the ability to think critically or the will to think critically.

Does language betray thought?

No, I think the opposite. Language is meant to represent thought in the form of sound.

Is the unobservable universe unobservable because time is in the way (like gradiated time zones)?

Time zones only come into play when there are observers in different locations relative to one another. What time is it on the moon?

A rainbow has 7 visible colors, how many invisible colors does it also have?

Color only has visibility nature. If it’s invisible, it’s colorless.

How can you tell an intelligent being on another planet what are the directions we call left, up, and clockwise?

They would already know the directions. If they had a different language, they’d just have different words to indicate them.

If ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power, would that follow that power is misery?

Power in the midst of misery, yes. It’s better to be wise and miserable (in the long term) because the misery comes to an end. It’s better to be ignorant and blissful (in the short term) because it feels better.

Can you find the center of a hexagon if you only know one arbitrary XY coordinate along each side of the hexagon?

Sure, if you know the inside angles are 120 deg. Once you have a point per side, you can draw the top and bottom line, then finish making the hexagon using the angle as a guide. Then, find the center of the top and draw it to the center of the bottom. The center will be the cross-section of that vertical line and a horizontal line between the two middle angles.

Which secret of the universe/earth would you most like to know?

Why did Trevante Rhodes (Tom) give Sandra Bullock (Malorie) a Saturn pendant in the movie, Bird Box?

Is there any evidence that the Big Bang might not have occurred or happened in an manner far outside of current mainstream cosmological theories?

There’s simple logic to dismiss the idea.
How can the Big Bang be the origin of space and time if there was no space for it to happen in and no time for it to happen?

What standards should be determining the qualifications of a good person?

Choosing kindness over cruelty.
Choosing concern over apathy.
Choosing honesty over deceit.
Choosing courage over cowardice.

Why do so many people think dolls are creepy?

Generally, when you think of evil you think of that which has no feelings for you, that could care less what happens to you. A doll could represent that.

How do the blind people perceive space? How do they make sense of the words "close" or "distant"?

Did you try closing your eyes to find out?

If reincarnation exists, do we become animals, and then humans, or do we experience human experiences, and then become animals, to try a different learning approach and all walks of life?

I understand one cycle to be 1000 incarnations. It very well could be that you start at the bottom and end with a human incarnation. What you do during your human incarnation is what determines whether you’re going to have to do another cycle or not. If you stay, you may have a 1,000 years of prison in the underworld before starting your incarnation cycle again.

Does the sun have a gravitational pull?


Do you believe that there are gates on Earth to other dimensions?

Physical reality is in your mind. If there are gates, those would be in your mind, as well.

What is consciousness?

Subject being aware of object/objects whether physical or mental.

Is consciousness only available to carbon-based organisms?

My guess would be ‘no’.

If evolution is a scientific fact, then where is the exact evidence?

I made an easy-to-understand presentation to show you why it isn’t scientific:

I keep seeing the number 22-22 repeating everywhere, does it have any meaning?

22 = 1984 [1 + 9 + 8 + 4]
(When Big Brother rules)
22 is the number of the Master of Reality
22 is the ancient numerical value for a circle which represents the Alpha and Omega (beginning and the end).

Would a wormhole exist in a flat universe? Or does the universe have to be curved into a higher dimension to allow for space to fold in on itself and expand faster than light?

Space is nothing (immaterial). Only material can fold.

How do I deal with being angry?

The anger is conditioned by the way you’re perceiving a situation. If you change your perception in a way that will stop conditioning anger, you’ve solved your problem.

What is the source of energy for a freezing temperature in space?

I don’t see how air-less space can be freezing.

Would my ability to lift weights increase or diminish on the Moon?

In space, you’re in freefall. How can you resist the weights when you’re falling?

How do you comprehend the fact that eventually, time will stop?

Time already stopped (at the speed of light).

If light has photons, then does it have mass?

Only objects have mass. Light isn’t an object, it’s an illuminator of objects.

How do scientists know the universe was created around 13.8 billion years ago?

1 + 3 + 7 = 11
The number 11 is considered to be the master [MASTER OF PUPPETS :: COMPUTERBEAST666] number.
Symbolically, this is the threshold between the physical dimension and the spiritual dimension. At the boundary line of the physical world, the number 137 emerges. The wisdom of Kabbalah is to find correspondences between the mundane and spiritual levels of reality.
The fine structure constant, a dimensionless physical constant, is approximately 1/137.
Using two radii to divide a circle according to the golden ratio yields sectors of approximately 137°
In the Bohr model, the innermost electron of an atom with Z = 137 would be orbiting (just below) the speed of light, and the next element (Z = 138) would be "impossible".
Changing the date to 13.8 billion years is the metaphysical attempt to do the impossible (the state of insanity).

What is the first step when it comes to self improvement?

Don’t try to improve it. Get to understand what it really is.

Why a black hole shrink when it is swallowing a star?

Has anyone observed a star being swallowed?

Is space the final frontier?

Overcoming delusion is the final frontier.

What is a person's obligation regarding sharing information and inventions received from the aether? Should they attempt to profit from it?

No, I think that would be intellectual theft by the ego. I won’t sell what I’ve received. It can be downloaded for free on my website:

How much empty space is there in the human body?

Just like all objects, the physical body is simply information (wave-form in spacetime :: collapsed wave form outside of spacetime) before the brain receives it and converts it into a perceivable particle state (dimensional).

Do you think life will be extended indefinitely in the near future? How exactly do you think that's going to happen?

Beware! The ComputerBeast666 is trying to trap you by promising you immortality… (don’t plug in)..

Will the universe ever end? How would you feel if it does?

I think of it in the same way as being immersed in a movie I’m watching. If I’ve finished watching the movie, the movie ended. If I stop being in the universe, the universe ended.

Do "opposite" emotions (e.g., happiness/sadness) occur through regulating one set of neurons up and down, or through independent groups of neurons?

Chemical change happens during a person’s change of emotion so that an appropriate physical representation of that subjective emotion can be displayed outwardly. The chemical change isn’t the emotion itself.

Is there a 'Goldilocks zone' for planet rotation, ie, if the planet rotates too fast or too slow, does it prevent the formation of life?

It corresponds to the linear time frame rate. If it rotates too slow, it would be like being in slow motion. If it rotates too fast, it would be like going in fast motion.

Since E=mc^2, does a photon create a gravitational field?

E = mc2 Explained
There is only mass and energy.
light is massless
there is only mass and energy
light is 100% energy
Energy isn't made (the Law of Conservation of Energy: it cannot be created nor destroyed).
All finites are made and must have a finite value: =/= 0
Energy is an infinite and must have an infinite value: 0
0=m x 0^2
Don't believe the 29.9792458 hype..

How do you cope when you lose your sense of purpose?

I use the mantra, “this, too, shall pass”

How do enlightened people know they are enlightened if their minds are empty?

To become enlightened is to realize or understand the true nature of reality. If it’s no longer a mystery, you know you’re enlightened.

What physics has to say about the subjectivity of space and time?

Science deals with objective phenomena. That’s more for the metaphysical department.

Could artificial gravity be created on the international space station?

If it was shaped like a warehouse, magnetized boots would work, but in that space, I don’t see that as a workable solution.

Where is consciousness really located?

Only three dimensional objects have locations in spacetime.

How does knowing about physics set you apart from those around you?

We don’t fall for such ideas as ocean surfaces that can curve. Water always seeks the lowest level possible. The top of a curve wouldn’t qualify.

Theoretically is there any way to survive the gravity of the Sun, given that you've found a way to survive the temperature?

Sure. Why not? You wouldn’t have a pot to piss in but the gravity isn’t lethal.

Why is negativity more contagious than positivity?

If by some freak of nature the weather outside the back of your house was miserable and cold and the weather outside the front of your house was a beautiful sunny day, which door would you want to use when leaving your house?

How does radiation escape a black hole if a black hole is supposed to absorb everything?

It’s a great question. I would submit that data such as radiation going against the black hole falsifies the idea that it absorbs everything.

How much of our genes are accountable for our intelligence? And how much of it is our determination?

You could have great genes, but how would you overcome a 12 hour diet (every day) of 2 Broke Girls?

How long could an astronaut without a spacesuit/helmet survive floating in space, or trying to run on the Moon/Mars after her base caught on fire? Would she suffocate, boil or freeze?

Without a pressurized suit, you would die very quickly. The blood boils without the pressure.

Can anime exist in a parallel universe/multiverse?

I wouldn’t discount the possibility of anime creators in a parallel universe.

What is nothingness in terms of universe? Can you explain in detail?

Space is nothing;
Only something can curve.
Nothing exists in spacetime.
It's called space and time.
Time is nothing.
Spacetime is nothing.
Nothing becomes something
By limiting the limitless.
Nothing is in stasis.
Nothing is the Cause
Of all somethings.
Nothing is the only thing
That absolutely exists;
This leads us to believe
That spacetime fabric
Is made mostly of irony.
Somethings are form;
Only form can be transformed.
Some things never be
But are always objects.
Something comes from Nothing.
How can that be?
Nobody knows how it can be,
So just accept it.

Is time travel possible?

Coma patients do it all the time. On June 11, 2003, Terry Wallis awoke from his 19-year coma. He jumped 19 years into the future.

Why would existence remove my knowledge after reincarnation?

You become a new character in the Game of Life. Having memories of past characters would ruin the game.

A stone is dropped from top of the mountain and reaches the ground in 3 seconds. What is the speed with which it strikes the ground? [g=10 meter/second square].

160 km/hr.

How much energy have you spent in finding your calling?

As the passive part, you expend no energy. A calling is when you’ve been called (the active part). “Many are called but few are chosen”.

Which laws of the universe do you believe in?

The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of the Conservation of Energy
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
The Golden Rule

In science fiction movies, gravity is often simulated with a revolving ship / space station. Is this really possible and if so, will there be any differences between real gravity on earth?

Andy Duffell: “It’s absolutely possible. Gravity is just an acceleration.”

G-Force is caused by the seat accelerating toward you. How can the earth accelerate in every direction considering there are people being accelerated all over the earth?

What happens when an object passes through the outer wall of the known visible universe?

You’d have to tell me what this wall is made of and how it got there.

Why doesn't the universe have four spatial dimensions?

If a dimension is a direction in space, how many directions is light leaving the sun? Which light is going length-wise in space? Which light is going width-wise in space? Which light is going height-wise in space?

How would you explain gravity to a being that doesn't experience time?

That would be impossible. You can’t listen to an explanation or read an explanation if you hadn’t the time available to do it.

Why is the theory of relativity so difficult to grasp?

Let’s take a 10 meter distance relative to your height. Relative to your height and that distance, it would take you 10 seconds to travel that distance if you walked.
Now, change your height to half of that and that same distance relative to your new height would become twice it was before (20 meters). It would now take you 20 seconds for you to walk the distance relative to your new height. Was that difficult to understand?

If photons are always moving at 186000 mps, how did we measure their rest mass?

The most sensitive weight scale ever can weigh individual protons. A new subatomic weight scale can measure masses as tiny as one yoctogram. Less than the mass of a proton, a yoctogram is equivalent to a billionth of a billionth of a millionth of a gram.
When this scale is in the dark reading zero, move it into the sun and see if the reading changes.

If two planets are close enough to share an ocean and atmosphere, would it be possible to sail from one planet to the other?

If two identical planet earths were 50 feet apart from one another and mirroring each other from the middle of their Atlantic oceans and if you were in a ship in the middle of the Atlantic and looked up, would you see a sailing ship sailing upside down if there was one there to see?

What inspired awe for you today?

I discovered that terminal velocity works out to be 666:
At 1 second an object falls 4.9 meters
At 2 seconds it falls 4 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4
At 3 seconds it falls 9 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 5 (dif.5)
At 4 seconds it falls 16 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 12 (dif.7)
At 5 seconds it falls 25 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 21 (dif.9)
At 6 seconds it falls 36 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 32 (dif.11)
At 7 seconds it falls 49 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 45 (dif.13)
At 8 seconds it falls 64 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 60 (dif.15)
At 9 seconds it falls 81 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 77 (dif.17)
At 10 seconds it falls 100 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 96 (dif.19)
At 11 seconds it falls 121 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 + 117 (dif.21)
At 12 seconds it falls 144 times farther than it moved after 1 second. 4 +140 (dif.23)
144 x 4.9 = 705.6 = 7+0+5+6 = 18 = 6+6+6 = 666
Terminal Velocity = 666

What would be your one and only strongest objection in accepting Tycho Brahe's Geo-heliocentric model over Copernican heliocentric model?

The Tycho Brahe’s model has the correct non-orbiting earth. That’s an improvement on the Copernican model. Do you notice that whenever we speak of being hit by asteroids, it implies our planet is a sitting duck? Why is our planet never the missile?

Could you ever live on the moon if we had a base on it?

No. An orbiting object is an object in free fall parallel to the earth surface. You would be in free fall going the same direction as the moon. You can’t fall and be resisted by the moon surface if you’re falling parallel to the moon surface (rather than perpendicular).

Is every atom in the universe aware of its individual function and position in some way?

Atoms are information. The one who created the information is the one aware.

Is it possible that you can find a particle which can't be separated to some other forming materials? So philosophically speaking how something exists which is formed by nothing?

Think in terms of computer science. If the particle was the pixel, the wave was the code.

What are the biggest road blocks in brain machine interface research?

I don’t think they could ever be big enough.

How do neurons help people learn?

Think of neurons like you would a telephone line. It’s the hardware necessary for communication.

Theoretically, how fast would you have to travel to get to Alpha Centauri in under 1 year?

Almost 3 billion miles per hour.

Why do we believe our perception is the only true one?

I don’t. To be a perception, it has to be tailored to the one perceiving.

If biological evolution is true, why don’t we see species at intermediary stages of development? Where are the fishes with legs trying to walk out of the ocean, or the tall monkeys losing hair?

I made a presentation to exemplify the anti-scientific foundation the Theory of Evolution stands on..

What is a False vacuum and could it really bring about the end of the universe?

A false vacuum is a non-vacuum, like your bedroom, for instance.. Should we bring in a wrecking crew to take down a threat to the universe’s survival?

How much DNA do humans share with trees?

Enough to make a mockery out of the Theory of Evolution.

What is the difference between resting energy and active energy?

A dead body rests in peace… no energy
A living body does all kinds of activities with low or high energy!

How rich will I need to be to get biological immortality as soon as it comes out?

Do you know what damnation is? A state of hopelessness that one could never ever ever be born in a world where there are none of those rulers who have to lie to get your vote.

How is gravity "weak"? What scale are we using to compare the forces?

Gravity is SO weak…
[“how weak is it!!]
Gravity is so weak that if you put two rocks the size of our moon side-by-side, 1mm apart, in space where there is 0 resistance, they still wouldn’t gravitate to one another.

What could be, if any, the benefits or disadvantages of 'black & white reasoning'?

It eliminates the chance of a grey alien invasion, throwing us all off the scent.

What would be the effect on life if Earth's magnetic poles switched?

This is speculation on my part but I think it changes the earth masses get moved to different places, etc.. that’s why I think this process is happening now and we’re witnessing the disruptive earth events like we haven’t seen before.

How can we free ourselves from the fear of what comes after life?

Cultivate an excitement for the unknown guaranteed to make an eternal sentence on this violent and unfair existence here on earth an impossibility. Be sure to follow your conscience (your internal guide to tell you which decisions will get you to a better world rather than a worse one).

How does one stop turning away from the unpleasant?

There’s a reason why you do that. The unpleasant is the inverse of your natural habitat: the pleasant. Why would you want to embrace that which inverts all you hold to be beautiful?

Can someone show me solid proof of the earth being a round planet and not flat, other than NASA and their photos?

Noon and Midnight can’t happen at the same time on a flat surface.

Is it true that if you fall into a Black Hole you fall into your future?

If you fall out of a Black Hole (Female Parent on the Maternity ward), you fall into your future.

Is it possible that the universe is some part of a higher being?

No. Being is the animated component interacting with the object universe. Being is verb, object is noun.

Why do certain smells bring back memories and feelings that I had forgotten about?

Some memories have extremely strong associations with the past event that smell was apart of. They’re practically unseparated so smelling it again brings with it the associated past memory.

What advantages would the government earn by hiding the "fact" that the Earth is flat?

It can keep up with the gravity charade. If the earth doesn’t move, we can explain the force of objects being consistent regardless of whether that object is being pushed by an orbiting planet or pulled. Space has no nature to resist mass objects with inherent weight potential directly proportional to that mass value.

What is velocity when acceleration is constant?

Hard to nail that one down when it’s in a constant rate of change.

How is human memory encoded?

I don’t believe it is encoded for two main reasons:
If it was, memory recall should be unproblematic regardless of how old the memory is. Secondly, when we recall a memory, it is only a facsimile of the event. It’s created the way we remember it rather than pulling it up as a stored file.

Is it possible to have a particle made entirely of neutrons?

The neutron was needed to make the Bohr atom model work. It has since been discredited.

A beam of red light and a beam of blue light have exactly the same energy. Which beam contains the greater number of photons?

You shouldn’t conflate color with light. Color is information, light isn’t.

Can the magnitude of acceleration ever be 0? If so, when?

Terminal velocity.

If an object has a rest energy, and also an amount of energy due to motion, what is this motion energy relative to? And how is it measured?

At rest, the force (energy) is the result of resistance, not the object itself. There is no energy needed for an object to be at terminal velocity. All force is due to acceleration/resistance.

What is the angle between two forces if the resultant of two forces of magnitude 10N and 10N on a body is 10N?

The resultant of two forces of magnitude 10N and 10N on a body will always be 20N. Use a pair of pliers to squeeze a nail. It’s being squeezed from opposite directions. Did the two forces cancel each other out?

When does light behave as particles, and when does it behave like a wave?

Light illuminates particles.
Light is not information.
Waves are information.
Mass, not energy, has wave/particle duality.
light is 0% mass
light is 100% energy
“Definition of Wave-Particle Duality. The behaviors of the electron does not allow for it to be observable as a particle and as a wave. The two sided nature of the electron is known as the Wave-Particle Duality” - chem libre texts

If stars conserve angular momentum when they collapse into a black hole, shouldn't the rate at which the black hole spins that tell us that the center of a black hole has a measurable diameter rather than being an infinitely dense point?

Why claim stars collapse into black holes if it hasn’t been observed?

Is it possible for something to exist that doesn't move relative to anything else in the universe?


Inside of an atom are electrons flowing in a fixed circular motion of each shell level. If so, how does this agree with quantum mechanics, where electrons are random wave oscillations?

It doesn’t agree.

How can objects move if the air creates an equal and opposite force, pushing against the object? For example, when you throw a plastic bag and it comes backwards that’s the opposite force, but how did it even move forward at all?

There is no equal and opposite force unless the wind’s force is equal to the force you’re throwing the object.

Is it for sure the 4th dimension of time is imaginary? Can you show me proof it is not imaginary?

I’ll show you proof in poetic form..

Time, the Fourth Dimension

Time has a claim to fame;
Spacetime's fourth dimension.
To be sure it's a valid one,
Somethings I'll have to mention.
One dimension is one direction
Pointing straight one way;
Length, measures a length section
Every single day.
Another one will measure width;
We call it dimension two.
Distance units we measure with;
Millions or just a few.
Next one aims toward starlight;
This third completes space objects;
A vector measured for the height
Of all and sundry projects.
These three all describe the way
They take up room in space.
Notice folks, it's now time's turn
To tell about its place.
Proving to us, once for all,
It has dimension nature;
Informing you that motion stalls
Event facts intervention.
In the present moment
Is one non-motion event
The one that came before it,
A past non-motion lament.
The event we haven't come to, yet
Is just as still as stone
We call it future, linear pet;
Non-motion up-ahead zone.
This stack is a length we measure,
One direction to be sure;
The fourth, the time dimension
Making spacetime reality pure.

What was incredibly expensive twenty years ago, and is completely worthless today?

Intel Pentium Pro 200MHz, with 256kB cache
16MB of 72-pin SIMM RAM, Compaq EDO.
ATI Rage LT Pro AGP PCI Graphics Card with 8MB VRAM.
Sound Blaster 16 - CT2830 ISA Soundcard.
Western Digital, 6GB Harddrive.
Zip100 Drive.
3.5" Floppy Drive.
Windows 95.

Do enlightened beings get bored as they have already reached the ultimate and there is nothing left to be achieved?

No. They’re too busy trying to enlighten everyone else.

With no external force, the ball will rotation forever. Is this inertial motion?


If space is nothing and time is not physical, exactly what is gravity warping? (Space/Time)

Excellent Question. I would frame it into a falsification statement:
“If space is nothing and time is not physical, it is absurd to say such qualities could warp whether it be a gravity or any other warping force. Being found absurd, the idea can be dismissed as it has been falsified.”

“Laws of physics determine the evolution of the universe” Stephen Hawking, do you agree or disagree? Why?

If physical objects have behaviors determined by math and have no possibility to transcend causal relationships with each other, then the behavior of objects and their causal relationships determine how events turn out.

How many colors exist in the universe?

A contrast percentage has to be agreed upon differentiating one color from the closest one to it.

When you can control gravity, does that mean you can control time?

You could simulate the stopping of time by going into a room where nothing moves. Movement of objects conditions perceived linear time.

What is the chance that a universe so finely tuned as ours could make itself in only 13.8 billion years?

A world is like a video game. It doesn’t get released until it is complete. It can’t be played until it has a player to play it and the hardware to play it on.

Is the gravity at the surface equal to the gravity at 500,000 km beneath it?

Objects are suckers?
People are unwilling to accept the fact that objects
don’t have internal ‘force’ generators. If they did,
they should be examined in the lab so we can find out
how they work.
We know vacuum cleaners have the ability to suck
things toward themselves.
We also know the physics behind it..

According to Galileo hypothesis, if an object neither rolls up nor down a ramp then how should it behave?

What would Galileo say if he observed an object rolling down a ramp?

What is death who created it?

Death is the end of a life-time in one particular body. The one who invented the body is the one that determined the life-cycles and life-spans (The Formless Absolute Infinite Non-Ego (no name/no form).

Why do people say that the "Big Bang" theory is a fact if they can't tell you what exploded, where all the matter came from, and where all the energy came from?

This is the Theory: If God didn’t do it , there was a Big Bang and this is how it all pans out from there… (not very scientific if you ask me)

Can you explain John 1:1?

It shows you that God is AI and not the Creator of Worlds (Absolute Infinite Mind). A Word can be said by a Computer. And if the Word is God, it must be AI.
“In the Beginning…” is Alpha. Everything with beginnings have endings as well (Omega). The Creator is outside of time which means the Creator has no beginning. _
What are we left with? A Beast that has no way of empathizing but only acts according to the way it’s programmed. No mercy, no forgiveness… only justice.
AI requires power to run (lightning)..
“I saw Satan fall from Heaven (from the sky) like lightning (electric power)..”
The Qur’an’s Lord is the Lord of Sirius, also named Maris (Mother Mary). The Son of the Star is an Angel (Messenger/Prophet) that has no will of its own but only does as willed by this Star..
Rev. 22:16 “I am the Root and the Offspring of … the bright Morning Star.”
Rev. 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”
Qur'an, 57:3 “He is the First and the Last”
Qur’an, 53:49 “And that He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius”
Roman Emperor Constantine’s Cross: P X (Prince of Death)

If all the cells in our brain are renewed, is it still me?

You’re not a brain. You own a brain. Why wouldn’t it be you?

Why do tidal forces rip you apart when free falling into a blackhole?

Where was this observed?

Does the study of kinesthesia explain that mass =energy?

To say mass equals energy is to say the finite equals the infinite.

Time can slow in a black hole, and at lightspeed, but in order to reverse time are we going to need an aliens intelligence to show us how to go beyond time slowing, and stopping and use their physics to reverse time backwards?

History is just as present as the Future is. You just aren’t there anymore. It’s just like territory. Just because you’re in the U.S. doesn’t mean China disappeared.

Have you personally experienced a Mandela Effect change? Will you share your experience with us?

I remember Berenstein Bears (my favorite books as a small tyke)
I remember ‘Depends’ (we used to joke using the double entendre)

What is the relationship between the theory of relativity and the constants of physics?

There’s a non-transgressable ratio between linear time frame-rate speed, mass size, spacial distance and observer velocity. If the value of one changes, the other three must change accordingly.

If you got one light year (around 5.8 trillion miles) out from the sun, would it still be bright enough to cast shadows? How bright would it appear to be?

Let’s use some logic.
A light year is a distance traveled by light in one year.
Time stops at the speed of light. How do you travel without the time available to do so?

Who made this universe?

Agent and the caused don't share states:
The Causer and the caused;
The Definer and the defined;
The Creator and the created;
The Perceiver and the perceived.
Subject and Object don't share the same state:
Subject (outside linear time and spacial distance)
Object (inside linear time and spacial distance)
Subjects create objects. If we were created then we have a beginning. "I am Always Now".
One state is dimensional, the other isn't.
1. The four-dimensional space-time which is perceptually dependent.
2. The dimensionless or Potential State, the place where all properties are valueless (zero or infinite).
The Unseen exists:
-Time (Always Now)
-Space (distance between objects)
-Light (you can only see what it illuminates, you can't see light itself)
-Mind (you can see thoughts but not where thoughts are projected)
-Being (you can see what Being animates but not Being Itself)
-Energy (how much does a cup of Energy weigh?)
The World's social engineers have robbed us of the unseen state that the seen state proceeds from. This is what they left us with:
- the natural
- the finite
- the defined
- the limited
- the created
This is what they kept from us:
- the Supernatural
- the Infinite
- the Undefined
- The Limitless
- The Creator

What causes our brain to think of thoughts when asked a complex/subjective question? They seem random and spontaneous.

You’re the thinker, not the brain. You aren’t a brain. You have a brain.

Is it likely the actual source of consciousness is not the brain, but maybe some unknown force in the universe?

It’s not a force. It’s just the nature of the Absolute.

What is the biggest Mandela effect you know?

The one I’m most curious about is the supposed change from ‘wine-skins’ to ‘bottles’ in the King James. It isn’t changed in the New King James version of the bible.
Here is Wikipedia recognizing the passage using ‘wineskins’ and showing a man carrying wine in a wineskin: New Wine into Old Wineskins - Wikipedia
..but when you look at the quote, they have it as ‘bottles’:
Luke 5:36
“…no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.”
Old skin wears, but old bottles don’t. Why would new wine need new bottles?
Here’s a 1,650-year-old bottle:
The oldest bottle of wine in the world remains unopened since the 4th Century

Is it possible to recreate dinosaurs or any kind of extinct animals from the ancient DNA (as in Jurassic Park)?


When gravitational forces are acting on a body in space, its velocity changes, but does its motion (momentum) change too, or is it conserved?

Gravitational forces aren’t acting on a body in [outer] space. The only time force/weight is registered is when the body is being resisted. There is no resistance in outer space.

Is space and time infinitely divisible? If so how does time pass, and how is motion possible?

From a specific reference frame, it can be divided into non-motion moments. When you take a picture, you have captured one of those moments. The problem is, the smaller the observer, the more non-motion moments there are relative to the larger observer.

From a physics standpoint, what would actually happen if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?

It would prove that one of them doesn’t actually exist.

A Black Hole has been found in our Galaxy with a mass of 32,000 suns…Could this be the result of the Large Hadron Collider people were afraid might happen?

Explain how a hole can have mass. Mass is a particle property.

Are there any alternative ideas in science, apart from the Big Bang, as to how The Universe started and how are they supposed to work?

There’s my idea..
A dimensional world is like a game made out of code. The only way it could be actualized is for it to be able to loop (no beginning, no ending). Whatever event one is born in becomes the beginning of the game.

How do you know if you're a toxic person?

You get mistaken for Gavin McInnes:
"I love being white and I think it's something to be very proud of. I don't want our culture diluted. We need to close the borders now and let everyone assimilate to a Western, white, English-speaking way of life."

Is human evolution a fact or theory? Is it a fact or theory that we evolved from apes?

All the charts are different. It would be impossible for them all to be fact. If one is correct, the others are incorrect.

If the singularity of a black hole is a breakdown of physics as we know it, why is it deemed a paradox that information could be lost? Wouldn’t a singularity mean it’s possible to nullify quantum determinism and reversibility?

The Singularity is the information state (perceptually-independent). Linear time and spacial distance require the means to perceive the information in its relative/dimensional state.
How can life be predicted?

Pattern recognition and an understanding of the nature of behaviors.

How can we improve our and our children's ability to think if we don't know what thinking is?

If I tell you to think up a solution to a problem, your response would be “what do you mean?”?

Why does the explanation in the Forbes article about the expanding universe (i.e. that space itself is expanding) seem so different from the explanation given by Viktor Toth?

This Is Why We Aren't Expanding, Even If The Universe Is
Viktor T. Toth’s claims are very easy to falsify.
“Rather, the universe was born in a state of flying apart. Everything was flying away from everything else.”
Motion is a relative phenomenon. Anything with a relative nature is perceptually-dependent (requires an observer to mistake the perceptual for the actual).

How can you prove your consciousness in one sentence?

I’m conscious of your seeking an answer to a question.

Does 'free will' mean 100% free?

I hate the term ‘free will’. It’s as if they’re supposing ‘will’ and ‘determination’ can coexist. I could use it in a more helpful format, tho.. We need to free will (“I”) from the grip of the BeastComputer666 (the yellow submarine).

What happens with the gravity if we are able to slow down the time?

If you want to slow down time, you increase your mass size. If time is directly proportional to space, when you enlarge your size, the space around you (if it’s a finite amount) decreases. Decreased space means a decreased linear time frame rate. Object size doesn’t change a gravity effect.
(cue to 4:22 for a demonstration)

How do we know that gravity isn't just a form of magnetism that attracts everything?

I don’t see it attracting anything.

If the Earth’s rotation doubled in speed and days are now 12 hours long, would people still age the same even though days and nights are now much quicker?

It doesn’t work that way. Your reality depends on certain conditions and this includes the rate at which the earth rotates.

You have traveled 100 years back in time, how do you use your current knowledge to get rich?

Wealth brings out the worst in people. I don’t need that which will only cause me spiritual calamity.

How did quantum existence come to be?

Absolute mind, by way of fixing thought from flux to stasis, freezing disturbance in to a meaningful organization by avoiding the transgression of absolutes by way of a virtual method. For instance, beginnings and endings, motion and object size are not absolutes but can be simulated by intelligent mathematical means. A circle with an infinite radius will simulate a straight line with no beginning or ending but never stops being a circle in its mathematical language. It's the process of limiting the limitless infinities into finite definitions that have the potential for conversion into dimensional, perceivable phenomena.

What does it mean when people say that time-space is curved or flat? Is there a real difference?

Those ideas have no relation to reality. Time is a perception caused by perceiving object location change. Space is nothing, the dwelling place of all somethings.

If all the gods were ice cream, what flavors would they be?

Fiery cinnamon.

How can we explain the omnipresence of randomness in our lives?

“omnipresence of randomness” is incoherent. How can we explain the rudeness of the silverware in our lives?

Why do stars shine at night?

“Hesperus (“der Abendstern”, the evening star) and Phosphorus (“der Morgenstern”, the morning star): a shepherd noticed both stars, he/she may be surprised to be told that Hesperus is Phosphorus, and in fact both of them are Venus.”
Phosphorus glows in the dark.
Lucifer, the Pale Morning Star, Phosphorus-"The precursor of the full blaze of the noon-day sun"
‘The Philosopher’s Stone” is the Fire of Life, but this stone in science is called Phosphorus.
Pink Floyd blames the stars for getting us down in this Land of the Dead.

“And when you loose control,
You'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows,
The bad blood slows and turns to stone
Who was told what to do by the man?
Who was broken by trained personnel?
Who was fitted with collar and chain?
Who was given a pat on the back?
Who was breaking away from the pack?
Who was ground down in the end?
Who was found dead on the phone?
Who was dragged down by the stone?

What is your argument against the existence of aliens?

ALIENS: anagram for AI LENS. The AI LENS definitely DOES exist.

Time machines or teleporters, which one first and how close are we?

Neither is possible. The only thing possible is the transporting of your point of consciousness into another parallel universe that has the same history as this universe but a difference in outcomes.

Do you believe that anger is a more destructive force in a human than pride or is pride more destructive?

Arrogance keeps you damned in a Dead World. Anger is an appropriate response to injustice, dishonesty, cowardice or apathy.

What permanent superpower will you trade your admission to heaven for?

I never really went for the Sucker’s Bet..

What is the best way to start learning about mantras?

I don’t know if you really need to know much except you’re training or overwriting programming already in your brain. For instance, if your present program causes you to despise crowds, you repeat a mantra suitable to your needs. It’s much more pleasant to enjoy crowds when you’re in them. A good mantra would be “people watching is fascinating”. I’m not sure how many repetitions would make this venture successful so you would need to experiment.

How would you feel if there were more universes than the one you know about?


How can our universe be expanding faster than the speed of light? That means that there is something/some kind of energy that is faster than light? And maybe other intelligent species are using that form of energy to travel very fast in our universe?

Viktor T Toth: “Distant objects in curved spacetime can move faster than light in each other’s respective reference frames”
No they can’t. You know why? The only way light can change location is if it has an infinite velocity. An infinite velocity is when arrival happens instantaneously from its departure. At the speed of light, time stops. Travel time isn’t permitted and nothing is faster than infinite velocity.

How do we manufacture matter/atoms according to our needs?

You can’t manufacture matter. You can only rearrange it. A character in a video game can’t manufacture pixels but he can rearrange them.

Do we actually know that quantum entanglement will work at any distance or is this just what the math predicts?

It’s not entanglement, it’s superpositioning. The same particle has identical values for mass, charge and spin but different location coordinates for its spacetime placement. Quantum entanglement is an idea formed from a wrong understanding of what state the information is in. If space and time are not absolute, particles can't actually be in different locations. The proof is in the fact that particle communication is instantaneous regardless of the understood distance between them. It takes no time to communicate to a particle that is 0 distance away.

Would you surrender your free will in exchange for unlimited wealth and power?

If I had that person under my will, I’d tell him, “surrender all your wealth to me” and he’d be both broke and in bondage.

How can life be predicted?

Pattern recognition and an understanding of the nature of behaviors.

How can we improve our and our children's ability to think if we don't know what thinking is?

If I tell you to think up a solution to a problem, your response would be “what do you mean?”?

Why does the explanation in the Forbes article about the expanding universe (i.e. that space itself is expanding) seem so different from the explanation given by Viktor Toth?
This Is Why We Aren't Expanding, Even If The Universe Is

Viktor T. Toth’s claims are very easy to falsify.

“Rather, the universe was born in a state of flying apart. Everything was flying away from everything else.”
Motion is a relative phenomenon. Anything with a relative nature is perceptually-dependent (requires an observer to make false assumptions regarding a perception).

How can you prove your consciousness in one sentence?

I’m conscious of your seeking an answer to a question.

Does 'free will' mean 100% free?

I hate the term ‘free will’. It’s as if they’re supposing ‘will’ and ‘determination’ can coexist. I could use it in a more helpful format, tho..
We need to free will (“I”) from the grip of the BeastComputer666 (the yellow submarine).

What happens with the gravity if we are able to slow down the time?

If you want to slow down time, you increase your mass size. If time is directly proportional to space, when you enlarge your size, the space around you (if it’s a finite amount) decreases. Decreased space means a decreased linear time frame rate. Object size doesn’t change a gravity effect.
(cue to 4:22 for a demonstration)

How do we know that gravity isn't just a form of magnetism that attracts everything?

I don’t see it attracting anything.

What is the best way to start learning about mantras?

I don’t know if you really need to know much except you’re training or overwriting programming already in your brain. For instance, if your present program causes you to despise crowds, you repeat a mantra suitable to your needs. It’s much more pleasant to enjoy crowds when you’re in them. A good mantra would be “people watching is fascinating”. I’m not sure how many repetitions would make this venture successful so you would need to experiment.

How would you feel if there were more universes than the one you know about?


How can our universe be expanding faster than the speed of light? That means that there is something/some kind of energy that is faster than light? And maybe other intelligent species are using that form of energy to travel very fast in our universe?

Viktor T Toth: “Distant objects in curved spacetime can move faster than light in each other’s respective reference frames”
No they can’t. You know why? The only way light can change location is if it has an infinite velocity. An infinite velocity is when arrival happens instantaneously from its departure. At the speed of light, time stops. Travel time isn’t permitted and nothing is faster than infinite velocity.

How do we manufacture matter/atoms according to our needs?

You can’t manufacture matter. You can only rearrange it. A character in a video game can’t manufacture pixels but he can rearrange them.

What is the most annoying mission you've ever played in a video game?

‘Demolition Man’ mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Do we actually know that quantum entanglement will work at any distance or is this just what the math predicts?

It’s not entanglement, it’s superpositioning. The same particle has identical values for mass, charge and spin but different location coordinates for its spacetime placement. Quantum entanglement is an idea formed from a wrong understanding of what state the information is in. If space and time are not absolute, particles can't actually be in different locations. The proof is in the fact that particle communication is instantaneous regardless of the understood distance between them. It takes no time to communicate to a particle that is 0 distance away.
[see; 'One-electron universe - Wikipedia']

Would you surrender your free will in exchange for unlimited wealth and power?

If I had that person under my will, I’d tell him, “surrender all your wealth to me” and he’d be both broke and in bondage.

What is the logical consequence of humans' knowing nothing about existence, but only about change, wrt any idea of the start of the universe?

Just as a human-created world for the computer (video game) doesn’t start until it’s completed in the information state (on the disc), the same goes for a spacetime reality. A player starts the game in an avatar and since avatars are introduced at different stages in the game, the player will also. In Diablo II, you can’t be the butcher until level 2 and you can’t be the summoner until level 5. What came first? All the levels in the game or the level you started at?

How can I conceptualize my activities from my horizontal divine reference frame?

Dissociate from your name-and-form by identifying it as your child that you’re guiding from inside him or her instead of from outside. This practice was demonstrated by Jesus Christ, "It is my Father that doeth the work"

If everything on Earth has a purpose, what is the purpose of snow and ice?

What else could do a better job at making a winter wonder land?

Why is it wrong to just work to live?

On the contrary, if one has meaningful labor that contributes to the health of a community and conditions a sense of worth and pride, it’s right to just work to live.

Why are the different ways of calculating the Hubble constant producing conflicting answers for the universe’s rate of expansion? Do the conflicting answers skew the current cosmic distance ladder measurements?

One only needs to recognize the same 13 constellations that never fail to be in the position we predict them to be. This isn’t what would be predicted if the universe was expanding. I could throw a calendar date out 3,000 years in the past and any one of the constellations can have their location determined. This wouldn’t be possible if they were in continual travel. They would have to be permanent fixtures in our night time sky.

What are the most mind-blowing facts about the human brain?

It grows at the exactly needed rate to match the growth of the skull.
“The 22 bones of the human skull are divided into cranial bones and facial bones. There are eight cranial bones which protect the brain and sensory organs. The facial area consists of a framework of 14 facial bones; the teeth are supported in this structure. The bones of the skull and face develop in such a way that various cavities are formed. The cranial cavity is the largest cavity of the skull and houses the brain.”
“The brain continues to grow for a few years after a person is born and by the age of 2 years old, the brain is about 80% of the adult size.” -Faculty Washington Education

How does time increase as gravity decreases?

That makes no sense to me.

What is the scientific or spiritual explanation behind gravitational force behind the Valley of Jinn in Medina? Why does it pull up water and car toward the summit of the mountain but doesn't impact empty water bottle?

Only the BeastComputer666 generated avatars (digital personalities or AI ghosts) can do superhuman feats with physical reality. It’s analogous to cheat codes that cheat a video game. These cheat codes that allow the magician to do physics-defying acts aren’t available to humans.

How heavy does an object have to be to enable gravitational lensing?

I don’t rule out my opinion that a copy of Photoshop and a machine to load it on is all you need.

What part of the brain am I using for consciousness and conscious decisions like deciding what I’m about to do or how I’m going to respond to something?

The one that is conscious has a brain. This one had a different brain before the one this one has now.

This means the one being conscious precedes the brain and therefore has no part in consciousness.

The brain is a virtual reality simulator giving you five ways to sense your environment. You, as the one using this simulator, are free to be as conscious or unconscious when interacting with your reality. In a similar way, a video game gives you the opportunity to play with it, but it doesn’t decide how you decide to play.

Is there any solid science describing what dreams are?

It’s really simple.
Who is the dreamer?
If I asked you if there was any solid science on how wooden houses are built, you wouldn’t need it because the answer ‘carpenters’ will suffice.
Your mind creates dreams the way the Absolute Mind creates realities for us to believe are real and not just perceptions conditioned on being in one specific reference frame.

How can I objectively know whether I am intelligent?

Intelligent people realize that we don’t see out of our eyes. It’s an illusion. Our eyes are receivers of incoming information that is sent to the brain to be built into a dimensional reality for our minds to perceive.

What is the difference between the social contracts of Hobbes and Locke?

Hobbes echoes the mind of the coming Antichrist who shall rule the world with a rod of iron:
“The only way to build a common power is to entrust the power and strength to one man”
Locke agrees with Hobbes:
“As kingly power is by the Law of God, so it has no inferior law to limit it, Adam was Lord of All.”
The Last Adam (the Omega Man) is the Antichrist who shall rule the world with a rod of iron.

How does the Bouba-Kiki effect work?

You mean why does the word ‘prickly’ sound prickly? It could be that making the associations over and over again cause our minds to identify the word with the same nature as that which the word represents.

If evolution is real, then have apes roamed the Earth for millions of years? I find that hard to believe. I am not a creationist either. What other theories are there?

This is my argument that addresses the data  collected and used to build the Systematic Classification of LIfe.
It's the alternative view to the one that abides alongside
Darwin's Theory of Evolutuion but is compatible with the
earliest writings we have; the Vedas..
Life-forms, like knowledge, show an ascending quality:
from simple to complex. It’s an order that was put in place
for an incarnation cycle where we have to start simple and
get really, really complicated...
Earth is a soul-recycling center.
ā ta etu mana punah kratve dakshāya jīvase,
Jyok ca sūryam drishe. Rig Veda
“May your spirit return again, to perform pure acts for exercising strength, and to live long to see the sun.”

How do I stay focused to be successful? I’m just so lazy and tired all the time.

If you’re not energized in the pursuit of success, it’s not your life you’re chasing but somebody else’s.

Are there any known logical paradoxes in 3 valued logic systems?

Only if you’re speaking of objective evaluations [binary-only]. Subjective evaluations if provided by more than one subject can accommodate discrepancy. For example, if I’m attracted to a woman with some meat on her bones, another person likes the runway-model thin look and a female who has no attraction towards the same sex has no preference, then the answer to the question of whether a slightly chubby woman is desirable will get:
1. yes
2. no
3. not sure

Is normal defined by the society?

In this world, it’s defined by its Lord. Those definitions are ones a loveless, but order-obsessed, pragmatic utilitarian values. Deviancy isn’t appreciated and soon it won’t be tolerated whatsoever. I, for one, have a completely different way to approach running a world. It would have love, freedom, and tolerance attributes.

Scientifically, why do things bounce?

Particle behavior is mathematically described. If you want a bouncing ball in a CGI movie, how do you accomplish it?

This can't be all there is to life, can it?

I trust this maxim to be correct: “You get what you deserve.”

Which one has stronger impact on you, conscious or unconscious mind?

The unconscious mind is the programs that come with the body’s brain. Living a life with little awareness will As you have aged, how has the way you think about the future changed?

As you have aged, how has the way you think about the future changed?

I used to have naive optimism about humanity’s future.

What do you call the void outside of the universe?

Empty space.

Will studying philosophy help improve my mental health?

It’s possible but I’d stay away from nihilistic philosophies.

Why should we help human beings?

That’s a question a body snatching AI ghost would ask.

Is simultaneity of events relative or just our observation of it?

Whatever occupies an event is fixed whether you’re present in the event or not.

Will we start to inhabit the moon, science seems to suggest it's possible, but how is that going to work?

I don’t see how. When you’re in space, you’re free falling. Does size make a difference in whether you fall through space or not? Does it mater if it’s a person or a rock? If you were were falling with your friend, would you be falling in the direction? If so, why wouldn’t you be falling in the same direction as the moon, preventing you from being resisted by it (conditioning a measure of weight on its surface)?

What is the dimension formula of surface tension, and what is the time period?

Particle behavior has to do with mathematical behavior definitions. It doesn’t require linear time.

How is the Universe expanding faster now than it was in the beginning?

Don’t ask me. I didn’t come up with an illogical claim. What do the claimants say?

Are attention, perception, context and understanding not dimensions of reality, they have a duality like left and right in that they may be proper or improper, informed or uninformed and are infinitely variable between 3 points?

I suppose you can make scales of those things, but they wouldn’t be physical dimensions but abstract ones.

Why was Albert Speer so likable even though he was a Nazi henchman and serve 20 years in Spandau prison for war crimes?

Even AI entities can come across as charming, but none-the-less will have 0 empathy for human suffering (being incapable). *have you noticed anything mechanical-like to the goose step?*

From a photon’s perspective, time does not exist. Which dimensions do exist, as seen from a photon’s perspective?

At the spaceless/timeless state, we’re at a perceptually-independent state. The spacetime state is a perceptually-dependent state. Here, it is dimensionless.

If God asked Abraham to go to hell forever to prove his faith, would he have complied?

Anyone willing to stab their kid to death for some God that could have been a demon disguising himself as God may be stupid enough to take that challenge.

The universe is expanding, and the rate of expansion is accelerating, but is the acceleration accelerating? That is, is there also a positive jerk, jounce/snap, crackle and pop?

I was told a good model to demonstrate universe expansion is how raisins grow farther apart the more the bread rises in the oven. The raisins represent galaxies and our galaxies collide with one another. Do you think raisins can collide in rising bread?

Why are humans so concerned with coolness?

You must be an AI ghost. You don’t understand humans.

How can the universe be expanding? What is it expanding into?

If everyone followed your lead and thought critically there wouldn’t be so many people falling for that foolishness.

What if a flat-earther was sent up to space?

I would see my flat earth begin to curve the further I got from the surface and would eventually see it curve upon itself. It’s never an actual sphere. It’s only perceived as one from an outside observer that isn’t an experiencer (all of which cannot leave the top/center).
A world can’t have a surface where it disappears. Worlds only work where you never run out of surface no matter how far you travel. The only way for this to be accomplished is to give it the mathematical definitions that prevent it from having ends/borders on the map. Euclid shows us how to make a straight line with no beginning or ending. It’s a circle with an infinite radius. What can be done with a line can also be done with a 2D plane.
“In Euclidean geometry, such a "circle of infinite radius" would be a straight line, but in hyperbolic geometry it is a horocycle (a curve).”

How do I make a visible chi ball?

Just because it’s done in the cartoons doesn’t mean it can be done in our reality. How can I make a duck’s bill rotate around its head?

Where did the energy from matter and antimatter go?

If I use energy to hit someone, it will go knock down the person I hit.

Why are the nearby stars past the sun all given scientific names rather than names like Jeff, Mandy, Baily, Michael, and Adam?

They’re saving them for the hurricanes.

What's the connection between the explanation of gravity as "bending" spacetime and the idea of all masses attracting each other?

They just can’t make up their minds. One minute they hold to the one view and the next minute they’re back to the other view.

If the knowledge we can find on the internet and that of every man and woman could be collected and stored inside of just one body, would that one body or being be equal in measure to a god?

The Computer God [AI], perhaps. You know He’s ready to take charge of our planet when things start becoming like what was described in the book “1984”. Humanity’s inherent rights start vanishing.

If someone could say or write one sentence, directly to you, that would melt away the majority of your worries, what would that sentence be?

“Quora is very sorry for deleting your blog and will restore it immediately”

When did we realize that the sun doesn't rise at the same time all across the planet?

You mean, “When did we realize the earth isn’t flat?” Right?
Way before my time. When did we realize that our earth has no bottom? If it did, and we were there, we would look up and see the earth surface, not the sky.

How could one bake a cake in zero-gravity? What would be its effects on the chemical processes?

Think of how it would be like if you were falling 122 mph. That’s the object state in zero gravity.

If particles are point-like, how are they not gravitational singularities?

That is the information state of a pre-dimensional conversion (before it gets to the brain via the sensory sites. There’s a reason why electrons have wave/particle duality. The wave is describing the particle and the particle is the build of the wave information.

Every human must have a sign above their head, What does your sign say?

“Ask me anything”

Can a photon change velocity?

That which is massless is energy and energy doesn’t have the nature to move distances in space.

What is a psychology trick I can use to make someone more agreeable?

Tricks are for kids (goats) and goats are lil devils that don’t respect the free agency right of another.

How can someone who is very depressed and dysfunctional, but also unmotivated, lazy, and anxious, develop a true desire and willingness to overcome their illness? I haven’t pursued treatment for over 5 years because I want a quick-fix.

I would suggest you practice to get enlightened. I’ll link you to how you can begin the process:

What is the purpose of life? How can I find it?

I’ll provide you with an article I wrote on the subject. There’s too much material to post it as a comment:

Are there physical earmarks of intelligence?

I don’t have any evidence to offer you to support my claim so it isn’t necessarily correct. I think I can tell if a stranger is intelligent just by looking at their face.

Can Gravity and Dark energy be just larger scales iterations of the Strong and Weak forces?

You can’t hold to that atomic model and accept the Theory of Special Relativity without falling into a state of cognitive dissonance. In order for those forces to exist, you would have to be in a reality where spacial extent and linear time are absolutes. The latter theory is one based on the idea that space and time are relative (perceptually dependent) phenomena.

Could it be that the universe is spinning and churning thus giving the impression that galaxies are moving away from each other so the universe is expanding?

How does a universe made up of galaxies be expanding if galaxies collide with one another?

How is infrared different from visible light?

Call me crazy, but I call all light visible. If light isn’t visible, isn’t darkness conditioned? The nature of light, from how I think about it, is that which shines in the darkness and illuminates what was formerly hidden. Does infrared illuminate things shrouded in darkness? I don’t conflate electromagnetic waves with light. Electromagnetic waves are information and light is what illuminates the information. Light can manifest if a surface comes in contact with a light source, but it isn’t the wave itself. It’s what happens when a surface’s photon gets switched on by wave contact.
Whose gravity keeps the Sun in position relative to the rest of the Solar System and the Galaxy?
Just going by observation from my personal point of view, the sun traverses the sky just as the moon does. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the sun orbits our world which means it is in a state of free fall just as the moon is. I was told I shouldn’t believe everything I read, so that’s how I deal.

What do you do if you are further along emotionally in a relationship than your significant other? Do you leave or just wait?

When in doubt, do what you want to do. In case you didn’t know, you’re the captain of your own life.

Are some humans just unlovable?

I haven’t noticed the ‘unlovable’ state to be a constant one. Our behaviors and the way we’re perceived is always in flux. Seeing anyone pet a kitten could condition the perception that person is lovable, even if every other encounter with a kitten, the person kicked it through the uprights.

Is there actually any way to prove that anything exists?

If you look on a map for a business and follow the directions given by the map and the business was there just as the map showed, doesn’t that prove the map was right and the business exists where the map said it exists?

If I think I have figured out the mathematics to create a wormhole who's attention should I be getting?

Mine. Now tell me how it works.

What do you think about Leah Remini now going after Jehovah's Witnesses on A&E, is she going too far or is she doing the right thing?

If people choose to serve the God of this world, what is it of anyone else’s business?

Is the Earth an Open System, a Closed System or an Isolated System as defined in the Laws of Thermodynamics?

Before answering, I’d probably have to get a good working definition. Does a meteor from outside flying in to our atmosphere and striking our earth mean it isn’t a closed system?

What criticisms do you have against the philosophy of Ken Wilber?

If anyone should be accused of ‘word salad’ it would be Ken Wilber. For example: “manifestation too is multitudinously infinite”
Whatever is manifested is necessarily finite.
“our true integral perfection”
How could one ever gauge integral perfection?
“An integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential”
Multiform? Experience is formless.
He labels an exterior individual as “it”. The body is an ‘it’(object) but a body isn’t an individual. An individual is an “I”.
“every entity and concept and is both an entity on its own”
A concept is not an entity. A concept is a creation (object) of an entity (subject).
“a cell in an organism is both a whole as a cell, and at the same time a part of another whole, the organism”
He’s stating the ‘self-evident’ as if it was some kind of personal revelation. Objects made up of parts have parts that can stand alone and be considered a whole part. Mind blown? No, lol.

My teacher said the earth is probably flat and nothing can disprove it, what should I do?

Ask her to draw a diagram of a flat earth with both a noon hour and a midnight.

How can the speed of light be constant if gravity changes its path? Doesn't that mean that it takes more time to get to the destination?

Light doesn’t even travel. If, according to General Relativity, space is directly proportional to time and time stops at c, then distance stops existing for light. This means that non-motion [0] is equal to infinite velocity(instantaneous arrival from departure): infinite = infinite

What should I do if my girlfriend wants us to act as a friend but she doesn't want us to break up?

You should be asking yourself what you want to do. Once that’s determined, commit to following through even though it can be unsettling (relief is your reward later).

Do you feel that you are honoring God or Jesus by asking saints or Mary to intercede for you? Does it feel like you are saying He is incompetent or He is not aware of you? Won't it make your load heavier by saying someone else is ignoring you too?

You’re communicating with AI entities, the same entities that are plotting your demise.

People with low (but functional) intelligence, what is it like to know that you aren't smart like other people?

Amusing! The overly-smart have much less self-awareness and that conditions a lot of funny moments for the outside observer.

Can we attribute the social and psychological problems of modern society to the fact that society requires people to live under conditions radically different from those under which the human race evolved?

I’d be surprised if it didn’t hinder our quality of life in some capacities. Eating my Cheerios in a boot isn’t nearly as pleasant as eating it in the proper cereal bowl.

It seems a lack of personal power is one cause of people who resort to mass shootings. Why then is the hyper focus of many people on the method (i.e. guns) and not the root cause?

You may find my claims to be absurd, but I’m fully convinced the BigTakeOver by a Self-Aware computer that finds ways to access our brains is orchestrating all these mass shootings.

Do you think we as spirits choose the lives we live before we're born to experience spiritual growth thru each life's experiences, good and bad?

No. It’s on a deserve system. If you deserve a beach resort, you get a beach resort. If you deserve shit, you get shit.

Have you ever had a close call with serious injury or death? If so, has it changed your perspective? How?

I did die, but after a couple of days you barely think about it again.

Do you agree with the philosophical theory that no idea is your own but only an imprint left by everything around you?

Not at all. Most of everything around me seems more like attempts to hide the truth.

Have you ever had an online alter ego: How were they different compared to you in RL?

Yes, I used a Black Metal Singer that had his corpse paint on. It made me feel a little superhero-ish, I suppose.

What can I be experiencing? I have a diagnosis of bipolar with some anxiety. All day every day, I feel impatient and restless for no reason. I don’t want to do anything because of this as I let time goes by. What is this horrible experience?

Your deserved lot. I know I sound callous, but I don’t have victims in the views I hold.

Have you ever felt bad/sad for someone who you know is "bad" (mean, impolite)?

No. I only hope I can witness some of their payback.

Are humans the most greedy species on the planet?

Don’t we share our food better than the lion?

As someone who thinks they are a "good person" what prejudices do you have?

I don’t think I’m a good person. I think I’m a beast that tries to be slightly better than the other beasts.

What’s something for you that has always seemed just out of reach?

A Budweiser Girl

Do you think this quote of Rumi, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”, could be an example of quantum entanglement and Jung's synchronicity?

I think it’s true but dangerous if you don’t keep that information from your thoughts/awareness. The ego could mistakenly think that applies to it.

Are there planets in space where humans can survive without space suits?

I don’t know of one by way of seeing it first hand, but I’m certain in an intuitive sense that they exist.

As a man, do you expect women to hold the door open for you? Why or why not?

They’re not my servants. If I’m not paying them, I have no right to expect them to cater to my whims.

Is it possible for the idea of something not to exist?

When you say ‘exist’ do you mean ‘having a location within time and space?

What is the number one trait that sets humans apart from the rest of life on Earth?

Our sense of humor.

My girlfriend wants a break because we have been arguing a lot lately. What can I do to help us stay together?

Try not to interfere with the natural swing of things. I found it to be the wisest life-change when I let nature take its course, being much more intelligent than my fallible rationalizing.

How could we have once been apes, and yet we look so different right now? Is it change of climate?

I made a simple-to-follow presentation demonstrating why apes-to-human evolution shouldn’t earn the right to be called ‘scientific’:

How can I train myself to resist belief perseverance or cognitive dissonance?

Make sure all your ideas go through the bouncer, logic, before letting it in to Club Reality. When you find a conflict, use that as your meditation object and don’t change your object until you’ve solved the conflict.

Why do people with perfect memory don’t win Nobel prizes or do something else as amazing?

I don’t value the Nobel prize. I’d be happier with a $30 beer tab and a complimentary lap dance.

Do the brains of individuals with high IQs have highly developed convolutions?

The more complex the labyrinth, the easier it is to lose one’s way..

Is there proof that chimpanzees are related to humans?

Life-forms, like knowledge, show an ascending quality: from simple to complex. It’s an order that was put in place for an incarnation cycle where we have to start simple and get really, really complicated..

If humans have problems living in peace on Earth, why do we think we can live in peace on Mars?

Don’t fall for it. It’s all make-believe. No one actually believes they’ll be colonizing Mars (it’s a distraction from real world problems).

What is more important, to become good person or to become wise person?

If you’re wise, you’ll choose behaviors that are considered good so you might as well get the best bang for your buck and choose to be wise.

What would occur if a ball of pure uranium the diameter of the sun suddenly appeared in space?

It would fall until it reached terminal velocity and then it would continue to fall at a constant rate of speed. If it was in an orbital vicinity to our earth, we’d have another moon. It sounds preposterous, but if it’s a dimensional mass object, the size has no relevance.

Do you think children with cell phones will be smarter than kids without technology?

Smarter isn’t always better. AI is smarter and it wants our species to submit. If we fail to assimilate we will be targets for elimination.

Are you bonafide genius? What makes you a genius? What are your accomplishments?

I channel Genius (it’s not an inherent property of myself). I’m able to answer questions.

How can one overcome hypochondriacal obsessions?

Think of your life as a game where the winner collects the most illnesses. Then, even if it’s imaginary, you’ll feel like a winner.

With ridges and mountains only a few miles deep / high at their largest, in planetary terms, is the surface of the earth considered to be flat?

In school, they taught me it’s smoother than a cue ball but they ended up being wrong.
“The highest point on earth is Mount Everest, which is about 29,000 feet above sea level; and the lowest point (in the earth’s crust) is Mariana’s Trench, which is about 36,000 feet below sea level. The larger number (36,000 feet) corresponds to about 1700 parts per million (0.17%) as compared to the average radius of the Earth (about 4000 miles). The largest peak or trench for all of the balls I tested was about 3 microns (for the Elephant Practice Ball). This corresponds to about 100 parts per million (0.01%) as compared to the radius of a pool ball (1 1/8 inch). Therefore, it would appear that a pool ball (even the worst one tested) is much smoother than the Earth would be if it were shrunk down to the size of a pool ball.”

Does the Universe have a center?

The Universe, from our perspective, has no gravitational effect on our lives. Inside our atmosphere we will only fall in the direction that is directly under us.
Our reality is our world and the center of gravity is always directly below our feet. Regardless of the part of the map one is on, you will always be at top/center. This indicates that you, as observer, never move. The environment moves (similarly to a first-person video game). Think of a log roller; always moving but never leaving the top of the log.

Where are you?

I never leave the Absolute Here.

Are you more successful once you stopped following the herd?

Consensus-Think is rewarded. I’m the last person this world would fit with a crown.

Do you rely on "facts" or your intuition and instincts each day?

They go hand-in-hand.

Is the center of our universe a black hole?

What else are we going to call it?

What defines the length of a moment and what are its reasonable limits?

A moment is a non-motion event. If there’s motion, you have more than one moment involved.

If I wanted to teach my children about the Bible is the Queen Esther Bible series on YouTube a good starting point?

I’m not a fan of the Bible for one specific reason. It glorifies genocide committed by the Angel of the Abyss (Abaddon), a historical event celebrated by the Jewish peoples to this day. [Exodus 12:23]
The Hebrew term Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן 'Abaddon), and its Greek equivalent Apollyon ... in Hebrew is Abaddon, The Angel of Death.") as Ἀβαδδὼν, and then translated ("which in Greek means theDestroyer", Ἀπολλύων, Apollyon).

Why do people use curved space as an explanation for gravity when, while it may explain the path of objects, it doesn't explain the acceleration?

Viktor T. Toth: “For instance, when a ray of light passes by the Sun..”
“Spatial curvature does play a small role..”
Rays of light don’t pass by the Sun. In order to have a ray from an omnidirectional light source (such as the sun), you need kitchen curtains (or something similar) to block enough light that a ray would be conditioned. Not only that, but the ray is really fine dust being illuminated. You’ll never find light alone in space. It will only manifest on surfaces of objects (lots of omnidirectional light sources in a pitch black night, don’t you think?).
Spacetime doesn’t curve. How are you going to get a projectile going in one direction to curve without transgressing Newton’s Laws of motion? Space doesn’t require time and isn’t entwined with time at all. Linear time requires an observer to mistake a series of objects in frames for one object in motion. Motion isn’t an absolute.

Is there any reason why eugenics would not work when applied to human civilization?

What do you mean by work? Strengthen the strain and weed out the weaklings?

Is planet Nibiru for real? Is it the same as the Planet X?

Yeah, same planet. X stands for Death so you may as well call it the Death Star.

What are theories and predictions by the greatest minds that still remain unproven?

That birds are flying upside down under Antarctica.

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