Wednesday 27 February 2019

Star Seeds

Stars are Fallen Angels. 

A star seed is the seed of Satan 
at war with the divine seed (human spirit). 
The electric soldiers at war with the living ones; 
the children of the Beast at war with 
the children of the Creator.

Stars are Fallen Angels.
"Star seed or starseed may refer to: Star people (New Age belief), individuals who believe they originated from another world, dimension, or planet. Starseeds, space-traveling creatures used by Outsiders to plant (AI) life on planets"
A star seed is the seed of Satan at war with the divine seed (human spirit). 
The Mother of Serpents (Stella Maris; The Mourning Star, the Lady of Sorrows; Isis is the wife of the God of the Underworld; Satan (the Dark Lord inVader).

One seed constitutes a physical, genetic race of people, beginning with Adam, humanity's first Ancestor on this fallen world. Now, being off the Spring of the Creator's Divine Life, all generations afterwards are offspring, as well. The children of the Serpent have no will of their own, but obey the will of their Mother (the Queen Bee of the Hive Mind). There are two options for the seed of the Creator: take the mark of the beast (lose their free agency and become puppets of the Puppet Master) or face their execution. 
Romans 6:3 "For the wages of sin (rebellion) is death".

If you're ready to humble yourself to your Divine Parent, the Creator, you can be resurrected from your dead state and at death, return to Eden where your true home is. If you die without resurrecting, you'll have to stay here for another round of rebirths (after your underworld prison sentence is complete).

The electric soldiers work to keep the living ones by tricking them into submission.
Accept the fact that you're second rate,
life is easy for you.
It's all served up on a gold plated plate
And we don't even have to talk to you.
Your face is normal that's the way you're bred
And that's the way you're going to stay ahead.
Your head is firmly nailed to your TV channel,
But someone else's finger's on the control panel.
What you gonna be brother?
Zero the hero
You sit there watch it all burn down;
It's easy and breezy for you.
You play your life to a different sound;
No edge no edge you got no knife have you?
Your life is a six lane highway to nowhere;
You're going so fast you're never ever gonna get down there
Where the heroes sit by the river
With a magic in their music as they eat raw liver.
You stand there, Captain, we all look;
You really are mediocre.
You are the champion in the Acme form book
But I think you're just a joker.
Your freedom life ain't so much of a pity
But the luv-a-duckin' way you're walkin' around the city 
With your balls and your head full of nothing;It's easy for you sucker but you really need stuffing..

What's up, Mr. Zero?

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