Shakespeare has ciphers
Zane to Liba On Hochma,
In Ashtiktat, a judge from Adzhasti, Callan Pallad, was summoned
P.F.Arliterstrast Karadenz.
zeyn libe aun khkhmh,
Let me see: marry, ill, to like him that ne'er it likes. 'Tis a commodity will lose the gloss with lying; the longer kept, the less worth: off with 't while 'tis vendible; answer the time of request.Virginity, like an old courtier, wears her cap out of fashion: richly suited, but unsuitable: just like the brooch and the tooth-pick, which wear not now. Your date is better in your pie and your porridge than in your cheek; and your virginity, your old virginity, is like one of our French withered pears, it looks ill, it eats drily; marry,'tis a withered pear; it was formerly better; marry, yet 'tis a withered pear: will you anything with it?
Ism using 'T' Squiree Watt Farrellan Di Glattes Mit
Youth; Dee Ghaltten, Di Winnicher: Ewajek Meit Hashem
While this is not possible; Wrapped up in a closet.
Wierkleckkite, Wei Ann El Kartier, Trout Air, Hilt Oys
Von Schnitt: Bischlymes Sutad, Abar and Papatel: Funkett
Di Vian-Kalivan, Waa Tragan Nisht
Dina Datzte Iz Ba'azar in Dina Fahira
Keshi Wei is not enough; On Dee Woodlower,
Dina Aalt Kindsheat Wind
Pardaran Pérez, A. Kokat Kara, Asst Tilly; Marriage,
'Teiz a Paradeart Bare. With the exception of Ga'on Farir Za'ar;
Wedding, Narech Tayes Alaar Bareh: Watt Ir Afas Mittim?
Not my virginity yet
There shall your master have a thousand loves,
A mother and a mistress and a friend,
A phoenix, captain and an enemy,
A guide, a goddess, and a sovereign,
A counsellor, a traitress, and a dear;
His humble ambition, proud humility,
His jarring concord, and his discord dulcet,
His faith, his sweet disaster; with a world
Of pretty, fond, adoptious christendoms,
That blinking Cupid gossips. Now shall he--
I know not what he shall. God send him well!
The court's a learning place, and he is one-
Niet Mein and Viragin Naach
Aswat Zayin Dayan Har Haavn A Toyzenet Leib,
A muteer on a maitrasa on aprand,
A Phoenix, Capitain on Elephant,
A Fireer, A Getin, On the Hersher,
A counsellar, a tritris, aon lev;
Zane Aynewesdik Ambitzia, Stalz Ayniois,
Zane Descharing Kancard, On Zane Discard Dollset,
Zane Emunah, Zayn Suss and Maglik; Mitt Avelt
Von Schein Fand, Adapatabal Kristenamaz,
Then in Linking Cupid Gaspsip. Itzet Vet Ar -
How Wiesen Nisht Was Waking Up. GATT LOCATED IM GAZONT!
That wishing well had not a body in't,
Which might be felt; that we, the poorer born,
Whose baser stars do shut us up in wishes,
Might with effects of them follow our friends,
And show what we alone must think, which never
Return us thanks.
Gvvalt Gezont Hut Nisht, The Body of Yannit,
Wassen Zein Peltz; Aaz Mir, Dee Pourre Ghebairn,
Worms in Assar Starn Tauen Parmachan Unds Aruif in Will,
Callen Mitt Yepkes von Zei Naaggien Undzer Perint,
On Vyazen Wass Mir Muzen Trachten, Wass Quinmal
Screamer. Dinky Thunderbolt
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie,
Which we ascribe to heaven: the fated sky
Gives us free scope, only doth backward pull
Our slow designs when we ourselves are dull.
What power is it which mounts my love so high,
That makes me see, and cannot feed mine eye?
The mightiest space in fortune nature brings
To join like likes and kiss like native things.
Impossible be strange attempts to those
That weigh their pains in sense and do suppose
What hath been cannot be: who ever strove
So show her merit, that did miss her love?
The king's disease--my project may deceive me,
But my intents are fix'd and will not leave me.
Undzer Ramadis Apt In Zik Tan Legan,
Wassem Mir Bashriyevan Tzu Himmel: Di Pieted Himmel
Gundus und Pfrey Rayon, Na'ar Dan Tzurik Tzurik
Undzer Pammelach Designs Wenn Mir Zik Zanan Nodna.
Wass Mächt Is As Wass Münz Mein Liebe Azoy Hoych,
Wass Macht Mir Zaan, On Canaan Nit Fitter Maine Oig?
Di Guadalic Platz In Mazzal Natur Paternarps
The Order of Farbinden Wei Links on Kush Wei Gbearn Zachen.
Oh God, Glory be to God
Wass Wiesen Zeyer Fiinz Inzen Onan Ta'anak
Vas Catsch Call Nitt Zane: Was Thamid Streetwood
Azio Vayazen Ir Yachut, Wasat Parfiran Ir Liba?
Der Melech S. Crank - Mein Pruikt Kanne Farshaphan Mir,
I will not go down
The Florentines and Senoys are by the ears;
Have fought with equal fortune and continue
A braving war.
Di Palerantines on Sennaus Zaanan Dorech di Oyaran;
The stone is the father of Mit Gleich of Mazel on Parzetzen
A Warfare War.
Nay, 'tis most credible; we here received it
A certainty, vouch'd from our cousin Austria,
With caution that the Florentine will move us
For speedy aid; wherein our dearest friend
Prejudicates the business and would seem
To have us make denial.
J. Nay, Titus Rob Kaddabal; Mir Da Bakumen AS
Zuckerkeit, Wautschd von Undzer Kuzina Ostrich,
Mitt Warnen is a little flairnten watt mach undz
P.R. Geschwind Hilf; Verein Undzer Tayar Freind
Faradzshodikatas de geshapat on veal viscumen
The Order of the Ondz Machen Aplikenung.
He hath arm'd our answer,
And Florence is denied before he comes:
Yet, for our gentlemen that mean to see
The Tuscan service, freely have they leave
To stand on either part.
Ararat Unter Unter Unter,
On Pelarance Iz Geelikant Eidar Ar Komet:
Abar, Fa'adar Undzer Ghentalmen Wass Meyen Zu Zaan
Dee Tuscan Dinest, Priely Hafn Zei Parlazen
Shtein Uweff orders to hail Tile.
er khat arm'd aundzer entfer,
Friday, 29 March 2019
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
With Tanzanian zealotry, the zany zealot, Zarathustra, zaps with zeal in Zanzibar.
The Pale King bows his head
And out of his Eye speaks the great contempt.
Surpass this Emperor Ego,
This Mad Man,
This Mad Man,
This Doer of One Deed,
For indeed,
For indeed,
The exception reversed itself
From the Still Small Voice inside.
This Hero's love is their sorrow
His black and red men justify life
By slaying the pitiful;
The enemy, the invalid and the fool.
They see only nastiness and virulence,
Thus, sorrow is their ticket to tomorrow.
The enemy, the invalid and the fool.
They see only nastiness and virulence,
Thus, sorrow is their ticket to tomorrow.
The hypnotized bird has its neck outstretched;
Its weak reason so benumbed,
Its weak reason so benumbed,
So paralyzed and dull.
Unconcerned and unaware;
Unconcerned and unaware;
The wavering blade of the broad axe
Hovering above.
Hovering above.
Like wilderness beasts
Always in quarrel
Bird of disease threaten their peace;
The peace Seekers,
Birds of prey
Know it's curtains up for this play.
Monday, 25 March 2019
The Chief Cornerstone
The "chief cornerstone"
The very top of the pyramid, represents spiritual enlightenment
The Key of Hell: an 18th-Century Manual on Black Magic
vinculum maximum
Alpha and Omega
The first, who alone does great wonders, crowns the work you do
qui facis mirabilia magna solus frius coronat opus
Skull n Cross Bones
Serpent Savior
Chief Cornerstone [All-Seeing Eye :: JEHOVAH :: יהוה]
Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich, better known under his pen name Sholem Aleichem;
A leading German Jewish author and playwright..
A leading German Jewish author and playwright..

Tactical instructor while serving in the United States Air Force.
Hebrew Israelite Academy Home Schools are based upon His curriculum.
Hebrew Israelite Academy Home Schools are based upon His curriculum.
Aleichem: "The word Negro etymologically comes from the Greek word nekros, "that which is dead""

יהוה gave the IAOWORD22

"Does not the Qur’an stir the soul that comes from the attempt to experience a glimpse of, and an intimacy with, that which is INEFFABLE?" -His Highness the Aga Khan
Which Is Lying?
..the numbers or the claimants?
In Wonderland everything is reversed:
The Witch kills the christ one and claims the Christian killed the witch.
In Wonderland history is perversed:
The Jew kills the christ one and claims the Christian killed the Jew.
"Almost without question the people being accused were Christians who went to their deaths proclaiming their faith in Jesus Christ. They were not accused of consorting with other gods, but with Satan himself, and often confessed to sexual acts with him while under torture. Virtually every religious aspect of the witch hunts was centered very firmly in Christian, not pagan mythology."
According to the World Almanac the world population of Jews, between 1933 and 1948 increased from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German government under Adolf Hitler had murdered six million Jews, those losses should have been reflected in the Jewish population numbers quoted in the World Almanac.

Who died in the ovens if it wasn't the Jews?
In the decades since Adolf Hitler’s death, the Nazi leader’s ancestry has been a subject of rampant speculation and intense controversy. Some have suggested that his father, Alois, born to an unwed woman named Maria Schickelgruber, was the illegitimate child of Leopold Frankenberger, a young Jewish man whose family employed her as a maid.
(She subsequently married Johann Georg Hiedler–later spelled “Hitler”–whose surname her son adopted)
Others have claimed that Alois’ biological father was also the grandfather of Hitler’s mother, Klara Pözl, making Adolf the product of an incestuous marriage.
As Mulders put it in the Knack article, “One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised.”

His Scheme
מזמור >> מזמו
1 ואויל איז ד ענטש וואס גייט ניט אין דעם אַדוואָקאַט פון די רשעים, און טוט ניט שטיין אין די וועג פון זינדיקע, און טוט נישט זיצן אין די אַוועקזעצן פון די ווייטיקדיק.
1 Woe is the angel who does not stand in the counsel of the wicked, and does not stand in the way of sinners, and does not sit in the seat of the sore.
2 אָבער זיין פריי איז אין די געזעץ פון די האר; און אין זיין געזעץ וועט ער מדי טאָג און.
2 But his freedom will be in the Law of the Lord; And in his law he will kill the day.
3 ן ער יי י אַ בי ווס ז געוא דורך די ריוור פון וואַער, וואָס ברענגט זיין פרוכט אין זייַן צייט; זיין בלאַט וועט אויך נישט פֿאַרמאָגן; און וואָס ער וועט טאָן, וועט מויכל זייַן.
3 ן ער יי י אַ בי ווס ז געוא דורך די ריוור פון וואַער, וואָס ברענגט זיין פרוכט אין זייַן צייט; זיין בלאַט וועט אויך נישט פֿאַרמאָגן; און וואָס ער וועט טאָן, וועט מויכל זייַן.
He was the son of a believer in the Rev. Vader He is a beekeeping man who saw through the prey of water that brought fruit for a season; His song will also not fail; And what he will do will be pardoned. He is the bee that causes the ravens of water to bring his fruit in its season.
3 ן ער יי י אַ בי ווס ז געוא דורך די ריוור פון וואַסער, וואָס ברענגט יין פרוכט אן צייט; זיין לאַט וועט אויך נישט פֿאַרמאָגן; און וואָס ער וועט טאָן, וועט מויכל זייַן.
He is a beekeeper, saying through the rapist who rears fruit for a time; His butt is unavoidable; And what he will do will excuse her.
3 ן ער יי י אַ בי ווס ז געוא דורך די ריוור פוןוואַסער, וואָס ברענגט יין פרוכט אן צייט; זיין באַט ווטויך נישט פֿאַרמאָגן; און
וואָס ער וועט טאָן, וועט מויכל זי.
4 Jesus is not so; As the cleaner, the wind blows.
4 י שעים יַנען ניט אַזוי; אבר י זייַנען ווי די ריין וואָס דער ווינט טרויווט אַוועק.
4 Yea, men are not as clean as the wind that casteth away the wind.
4 י שעים יַנען ניט אַזוי יי יַנען ווי די ריין וואָס דער ווינט טרויווט אַוועק.
4 Ain't so like the pure rider of the wind.
4 עים ינען ניט אַזוי יי יַנען ווי די ריין וואָסדער ווינט טרוט ווע.
4 It is not so that you are like the pure beast?
4 נע ניט אַזוי יי יַנען ווי די ריין וואָסדער וויט טו.
4 It is not so that you are like the pure whore?
4 נ ניט אַזוי יי יַנען ווי די ריין וואָסדער וויט.
4 Nothing is like the pure suppressor Vt.
4 נניט אַזוי יי יַנען ווי די ריין וואָסדער ווט.
4 You are like the pure ones.
4 וי יי יַנען ווי די ריין וואָסע.
Other phrases hidden in 1:3
Hidden in the Schemes (Psalms)
But he was the only one who saw through the Prince of Uzer"
אבער ער איז געווען דער בלויז איינער וואס געזען דורך די פּרינס פון וזער
Image result for Prince of UzerSalik Uzer is the son of Akhun, and Emete Uzer making him a member
of and the long time lord
and patriarch of House Uzer.
But he was the only one who saw through the Prince of Uzer"
אבער ער איז געווען דער בלויז איינער וואס געזען דורך די פּרינס פון וזער
Image result for Prince of UzerSalik Uzer is the son of Akhun, and Emete Uzer making him a member
of and the long time lord
and patriarch of House Uzer.

-Rev. of Wass
-He was the son of a believer in the Rev. Vader
-He was the son of a believer in the Rev. Vader

-He is a beekeeper
-The water of revival
-His butt is unavoidable
-He is the only one to survey the water's prey
-He was a bee then that saw through the revelation of water.
-Sea beasts are not as the pure whale-guard.
-The water of revival
-His butt is unavoidable
-He is the only one to survey the water's prey
-He was a bee then that saw through the revelation of water.
-Sea beasts are not as the pure whale-guard.
Blowing into a seashell,
Calls a whale to defend,
And swallow the enemy whole..
Calls a whale to defend,
And swallow the enemy whole..
-And the hills are not like the pure pillar of wood.

It is not so that you would like to be a pure wanderer.
You are like the pure warrior.
You are not like the pure adder.
You are like the pure warrior.
You are not like the pure adder.
Psalm 1:4
Single words:
Wintry Trut
Wintry Trut
Winging the Good Ship
Through the baffled wave,
Bore on its motion
To these distant seas,
Devoted hearts
To find a lonely grave.
Yea, they are gone,
And bosoms' not at ease.
Oft blame the truant
That could so behave
With silence cruel.
Knew they the trees moan
O'er the tombless one,
Their hollow stave,
That Wintry Trut might well
The warm life freeze,
And bid the throbbings
Of the faithful cease.
Through the baffled wave,
Bore on its motion
To these distant seas,
Devoted hearts
To find a lonely grave.
Yea, they are gone,
And bosoms' not at ease.
Oft blame the truant
That could so behave
With silence cruel.
Knew they the trees moan
O'er the tombless one,
Their hollow stave,
That Wintry Trut might well
The warm life freeze,
And bid the throbbings
Of the faithful cease.
Voodoo Honeymoon
From Louisiana French voudou, from a West African language
(spirit, demon, deity)
Vandoo: the name of an African deity.
Vodun: "fetish connected with snake worship"
Vo: "to be afraid"; "harmful."
(spirit, demon, deity)
Vandoo: the name of an African deity.
Vodun: "fetish connected with snake worship"
Vo: "to be afraid"; "harmful."
Clinton Honeymoon in Haiti and the Voodoo Affair
"In her new book, Hillary Clinton says that the private-server scandal during the election was so frustrating “that she was ‘tempted’ to construct voodoo dolls in the images of ‘certain members’ of the news media and Congress, and then ‘stick them full of pins,’” according to Breitbart. Read the rest here...
Beauvoir gave them a “brief course in voodoo theology” as Clinton described it. Later that afternoon, the ceremony began. Clinton wrote:
“After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground.”
Clinton wrote that his “brief foray into the world of voodoo” furthered his fascination with “the way different cultures try to make sense of life, nature, and the virtually universal belief that there is a nonphysical spirit force at work in the world.”

Say you don't know me, you'll burn
You can refuse, but you'll lose, it's by me
Say you don't want me, you'll learn
Nothin you do will be new, 'cause I'm through
Call me a liar, you knew
You were a fool, but that's cool, it's all right
Call me the Devil, it's true
Some can't accept but I crept inside you
So if a stranger calls you
Don't let him whisper his name
'Cause it's Voodoo, oh!
Fade into shadow, you'll burn
Your fortune is free, I can see it's no good
Never look back, never turn
It's a question of time 'till your mine and you learn
So if a stranger sees you
Don't look in his eyes
'Cause he's Voodoo!
Say you don't know me, you'll burn
You can refuse, but you'll lose, it's by me
Say you don't want me, you'll learn
Nothin you do will be new, 'cause I'm through
Bring me your children, they'll burn!
Never look back, never turn!
Cry me a river, you'll learn Voodoo!!
Sunday, 24 March 2019
Breaking the Spell(ing)
break the spelling he-brews..
Revelations 1:1-3 >> Regulations 1:1-3 תגלות << תגלות
1. Things that must come to pass soon; and he sent and drew it through his angel to his clown boy.
2. Who recognizes the Word of God, and of the Witnesses of Joshua, and of all things he said.
3. Blessed is he who knows, and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in him, which is the matter of man.
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells
Genesis 2 גענעסיס >> Genes 2 גענעס
ימלען און די ערד זענען פאַרטיק, און אַלע די באַלעבאָס פון זיי.
1. Myself and the land is finished, and all the host of them.
און אין זיבעטן ט ג געענדיקט זייַן אַרבעט וואָס ער האט געמאכט; און ער האָט איבערגעגעבן אויף דעם זיבעטן טאָג פֿון אַלע זייַנע ווע וואָס ער האט געמכ.
2 And in the seventh day he finished his work which he had made; And he delivered on the seventh day all the sons of Zayneh, which he had consecrated.
" He travels and expatriates ; as the bee From flower to flower, so he from land to land, 'J'he mannprs, customs, policy of all. Pay contributions to the store he glean? ; He seeks intelliponce from every clinic. And spreads the honey of his deep research At his return, — a rich repast for me.' "
Writing for my own sex, my greatest ambition was to have offered , this first attempt to the noblest and most beloved of our sex, our Nation's Idol, Her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales. I hope that the daily jottings of my privatejournal will yield a sketch of the inner life of the Holy Land in general, and of Damascus in particular.if thisbook proves to be the humble instrument that launches and prospers any one of my philanthropic projects for the Land of my heart, I shall have lived for some good purpose.Then a horror ofthe common groove, of the cab-sliafts of civilization, of the con- tamination of cities, of the vulgarities of life, takes its hold of me.I yearn for the desert to recover the purity of my mind andthe dignity of human nature — to be regenerated amongst the Arabs.where you are wrapt in the solemn, silent mystery,the romantic halo, of pure Oriental life.Dragomans know what pleases their victims,and they have a jargon of their own.Mr. Disraeli. the innerlife of the harini.Ishall go to the fountain head of my religion, founded by my Hebrew Saviour, where the magnetic influence lingers still, and learn the theology of thousands of years gone by. I had a " bee in my bonnet,"Shelooked like a " lame duck" All night Paris was like the " Land of the Sun." France appeared in her greatest pomp, luxury, and glory. Theilluminations were unequalled.All the columns, the Place Yendome, andthe hundred squares, had serpents of gas-lamps, twining from top to bottom,to exchange theblowing, damp, cold, rainy, foggy winter of England, and our angry little channel, for a mother-of-pearl sea, and the balmy breath of the sweet South.the unpleasant fogwhistle was our meet like a broken halfmoon,*' grass widows," If you loved a stoneI would put it in my bosom, and if you hated the moon I would not sit under its rays."The harim was numerous. They all had brown faces, tattooedblue, and their lips dyed blue. From them I learnt the " skeleton of the camp,"I want thee not, O life ! in this strange land.The longing eyes find not their lover."TheCave of Pan is large, and has a fig tree growing out of a crevice.
Surah 2 'Bugs'
Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim
Fibonacci (12th) 144
Alice enters a fantastical world by climbing through a mirror.
1 Corinthians 13:12
Now we see through a glass darkly...There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed,
including logic and language.
1 Corinthians 13:12
Now we see through a glass darkly...There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed,
including logic and language.
Language native to Wonderland is written in reverse:
I removed characters from each verse of surah 2 of the Qur'an
to see how the text would change.
Chapter heading The Cow becomes Bugs
to see how the text would change.
Chapter heading The Cow becomes Bugs
Qur'an; Surah 2 'Bugs'
Qur'an; Surah 2 'Bugs'
That book is undoubtedly a guidance to the Mottaki
[Mottaki is an Iranian politician and diplomat. He was the Iranian minister of foreign affairs]
Those who believe in the unseen, and establish prayer and our sustenance and those who believe in what was revealed to you and what was revealed by your brother.
Those who are guided by their Lord are those who will suffer.
The disbelievers are either warned or not.
God has sealed their hearts and their hearing.
Their eyes are blind and they have a great nation.
And my believers do not say,"I am in God," and "I am in the others".
They will fear Allah.
Those who believe and deceive themselves, God will not hear.
His heart is a disease, and Allah has provided him with his sickness.
And it was said unto them, "Thou shalt not perish in the earth."
They are the spoilers but they do not feel.
As men believed, they said, "Believe as the unbelievers believe but they are the fools and you are not."
Those who believe, say, "Believe!" And when their demons were free, they said, "We are with you, but we are mockers."
He does not mock them.
He extends his tyranny to those who bought the misfortune of the Lord and the profit of their trade and what they have earned.
Allah, like a fire, drew fire and when the light around him was lit up, God went out with their light and left them in darkness so that they could not see.
They are not returning.
The words of Cassie from Heaven was that which darkness and piety and lightning put their fingers in their ears.
[Cassie: Greek myth a daughter of Priam and Hecuba, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated never to be believed. anyone whose prophecies of doom are unheeded]
Lightning is death.
It is almost lightning that snaps their eyes whenever they light their walkers and it is darker on them, even when Allah wills to go by their hearing and their eyes.
Do not serve your Lord who created you, and those who are before you. May you be baptized.
[There is no baptism in Islam]
Who made the earth for you and built a bed and brought down water from the sky and brought forth fruit from it for your sustenance?
If you are in any doubt that we have descended upon our servant, they will come in a manner similar to him, and proclaim to your martyrs from the Lord.
Be true to me.
And if you do not do it, then let the fire be done to us whose fuel is for us and the stones prepared for disbelievers.
And those who believe and do righteous deeds, they have gardens that are drawn under the rivers whenever they earn life from the fruit of their livelihood.
القرآن. سورة 2 'البق'
ذٰلِكَ الكِتابُ لا رَيبَ ۛ فيهِ ۛ هُدًى لِلمُتَّقي
أولئك الذين يسترشدون بربهم وأولئك الذين سيعانون.
وَالَّذينَ يُؤمِنونَ بِما أُنزِلَ إِلَيكَ وَما أُنزِلَ مِن قَبلِكَ وَبِالآخِ
أُولٰئِكَ عَلىٰ هُدًى مِن رَبِّهِم ۖ وَأُولٰئِكَ هُمُ المُ
خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلىٰ قُلوبِهِم وَعَلىٰ سَمعِهِم ۖ وَعَلىٰ أَبصارِهِم غِشاوَةٌ ۖ وَلَهُم عَ عَظيمٌ
الَّ كَفَروا سَواءٌ عَلَيهِم أَأَنذَرتَ أَم لَم تُنذِ
يُخادِعو اللَّه وَالَّذي آمَنوا وَم يَخدَعون إِلّا أَنفُسَهُم وَم يَشع
وَ النّاس مَ يَقولُ آمَ بِاللَّهِ وَبِاليَو الآخ وَ هُم بِمُؤمِني
وَإِذ قيل لَهُم لا تُفسِدو فِي الأَرضِ قالوا إِنَّما نَحنُ مُصلِحونَ
ف قُلوبِهِ مَرَض فَزادَهُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا ۖ وَلَهُم عَذا أَلي بِما كانوا يَكذِبون
أَل إِنَّهُم هُمُ المُفسِدونَ وَلٰكِن لا يَشعُرونَ
الَّذينَ آمَن قالو آمَن وَإِذ خَلَو إِل شَياطينِهِم قالو إِنّا مَعَكُم إِنَّما نَحنُ مُستَهزِئونَ
كَما آمَنَ النّاسُ قالوا أَنُؤمِنُ كَما آمَنَ السُّفَهاءُ ۗ أَلا إِنَّهُم هُمُ السُّفَهاءُ وَلٰكِ لايَع
اللَّ يَستَهزِئ بِهِم وَيَمُدُّ طُغيانِهِ يَعمَهونَ
صُ بُكم عُم فَهُ لا يَرجِعونَ
أُولٰئِ الَّذين اشتَرَوُا الضَّلال بِالهُد فَما رَبِحَ تِجارَتُهُم وَما كانوامُهتَدي
مَثَلُهُ كَمَثَ الَّذِ استَوقَ نارًا فَلَمّا أَضاءَت ما حَولَهُ ذَهَبَ اللَّهُ بِنورِهِم وَتَرَكَهُم في ظُلُماتٍ لا يُبصِرونَ
يَكادُ البَرقُ يَخطَفُ أَبصارَهُم ۖ كُلَّما أَضاءَ لَهُم مَشَوا فيهِ وَإِذا أَظلَمَ عَلَيهِم قاموا ۚ وَلَو شاءَ اللَّهُ لَذَهَبَ بِسَمعِهِم وَأَبصارِهِم ۚ إِنَّ اللَّه عَلى كُ شَيء قَدي
أَ كَصَيِّ مِنَ السَّماءِ فيهِ ظُلُماتٌ وَرَع وَبَرق يَجعَلون أَصابِعَهُم في آذانِهِم مِ الصَّواعِقِ حَ المَوتِ ۚ وَاللَّهُ مُحي بِالكافِر
أَيُّهَ النّا اعبُدوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذي خَلَقَكُم وَالَّذينَ مِ قَبلِكُ لَعَلَّ تَت
فَإ لَم تَفع ولَ تَفعَلو فَتَّقُوا النّا الَّتي وَقودُهَا لنّا والحِجارَ ۖ أعِد لِلكافِري
الَّذي جَعَلَ لَكُ الأَرض فِراشً وَالسَّما بِناءً وَأَنزَلَ مِنَ السَّماءِ ماءً فَأَخرَجَ بِهِ مِنَ الثَّمَراتِ رِزقًا لَكُم ۖ فَلا تَجعَلوا لِلَّهِ أَنداد وَأَنتُ تَ
وَإِن كُنتُم في رَيبٍ مِمّا نَزَّلنا عَلىٰ عَبدِنا فَأتوا بِسورَةٍ مِن مِثلِهِ وَادعوا شُهَداءَكُم مِن دو اللَّ إ كُن صادِقيوَبَشِّ الَّذين آمَنو وَعَمِلُو الصّالِحا أَنَّ لَهُم جَنّات تَجر تَحت الأَنهار ۖ كُلَّما رُزِقوا مِن مِن ثَمَرَةٍ رِزقًا ۙ قالوا هٰذَا الَّذي رُزِقنا مِن قَبلُ ۖ وَأُتوا بِهِ مُتَشابِهًا ۖ وَلَهُم فيها أَزواجٌ مُطَهَّرَةٌ ۖ وَهُم فيا خلِدو
Lost In Translation
Copy & Paste Game
Black Goo: Strange Dark Substance Is A Living, Paranormal Crystal
Mentioned in Hebrew Text below..
Mentioned in Hebrew Text below..
Evidence that Black Goo can argue unintelligently:
"Hey, Black Goo, is there no downhill on a curved ocean surface? Show me a picture."
[JPEGS or it didn't happen]
To see text in English use this link:
2 ער איז געווען אָן פאָרעם, און פּאָסל; און די פינצטערניש איז געווען א דעם טיף. און דער גייַסט פֿון גאָט אריבערגעפארן אויף דעם פּנים פון די ווא.
3 א גאט האט געזאג, זאל עס זיין ליכט, און עס איז געווען ליכט
4 א גאָט געזען די ליכט, אַז עס איז געווען ; א גאָט צעטיילט די ליכט פון ד פינצטערני.
5 גאָט האט גערופן די ליכט טאָג, און די פינצטערניש ער גערופן נאַכט. און די אָוונט און דער מאָרגן זענען דער ערשטער טאָ.
6 און גאָט האָט געזאָגט: זאָל עס זיין אַ הימל אין מיטן וואַסע, און דאָס וואַסער ווע צעטיילן פֿון די וואַסערן.
7 און גאָט האָט געמאַכט דעם הימל, און צעטיילט די וואַסערן וואָס זענען געווען אונטער די הימל פון די וואסערן איבער די פירמא; און עס איז געווען אַזוי.
8 א גאט האט גערופן די הימל. און די אָוונט און דער מאָרגן זענען ד.
9 או גאט האט געזאגט, זאל די וואסערן אונטער דעם הימל ווערן אלנגעזאמלט צוזאמען צו איין אָרט, און די טרוקן ערד וועט דערשייַנען, און עס איז געווע.
10 גאָט האָט גערופֿן די טרוקן ער; און די זאַמלונג צוזאַמען פון דיוואסע גערופן ער סיז: און גאָט געזען אַז עס איז געווען גוט.
11 או גאָט האָט געזאָגט: לאזט די ערד אַרויסברענגען גרא, און די קרייַטעכץ פון זוימע, און דער פרוכט בוים וואָס פראָט אין זיין זינ, וועמענס זוימען איז אין זי, אויף דער ער; און עס איז געווע.
12 או די ערד האָט אַרויסגעבראָכן גר, און קרייַטעכץ געגעבן זוימען נאָך זיין מי, און דער בוים געבראכ, וועמענס זוימען איז געווען אין זיך, נאָך זיין מין: און גאָט געזען אַז עס איז געווען גו.
13 און די אָוונט און דער מאָרגן זענען די דרי.
14 א גאָט האָט געזאָגט: זאָעס זיין לייץ אין דעם הימל פו הימל צו טייל טאָג פון ד נאַכט; זיי וועלן זיי פֿאַר צייכנס, און פֿאַר סעאַסאָנס, און פֿאַר טעג,
15 און זיי וועלן זיין פֿאַר ליכט אין די הימל פון די הימל צו געבן ליכט אויף דער ערד: און עס איז געווען אַ.
16 א גאָט האָט געמאכט צוויי גרויסע ליי; די גרעסער ליכט צו הערשן דעם טאג, און דער קלענערער ליכט צו הערשן די נאַכט: ער געמאכט די שטערן אוי.
17 און גאט האט זיי שטעלן אין דעם הימל פון הימל צו געבן ליכט אויף דער ערד,
18 א געוועלטיג איבער דעם טאָג און איבער דער נאַכט, און צו טיילן די ליכט פון דער פינצטערניש: און גאָט געזען אַז עס איז גו.
19 די אָוונט און דער מאָרגן זענען דער פער טא.
20 אוגאט האט געזאָגט: זאלן די וואסערן ארויסגעוואונטשן די מארקן באשעפעניש, וואס האט לעבן, און פויגל וואס קען פליען איבער דער ערד אין דעם עפענען הימל פון הימל.
21 או גאט האט באשאפן גרויסע כוואליע, און אלע לעבעדיקע באשעפעניש, וואס מוועט, ווא ד וואסערן זייַנען געוואונען א , או זייערע פליי, און אַלע פליי פויגל נאָך זיין מין; און גאָט געזען אַז עס איז גו.
22 {dn גאָט} האָ זיי געבענטשט, אַ צ זאָגן פרוכטיק, און מערן, און אָנלאָדן די וואַסערן אין ד סעי, און פליי מער אין דער ער.
23 און די אָוונט און דער מאָרגן זענען פינ.
24 אוןגאָט האָ געזאָגט לאָמיר די ערד אַרויסברענגע די לעבעדיק באַשעפעני נאָך זיין מי, י, און קראַפּינג זאַך, און חיה פון דער ערד נאָך זיין מין: און עס איז געוו אַז.
25 גאָט האָט געמאכט דאָס חיה פון דער ערד נאָך זיין מי, בהמות נאָך זייער מין, און אַלע זאכן וואָס קריכן אויף דער ערד נאָך זייַן מין: און גאָט געזען אַז עס איז געווע.
26 גאָט האָט געזאָגט: לאָמיר מאַכן אונדזער מענטשן אין אונדזער בילד, לויט אונדזער געשטאַלט. און זיי האָבן געוועלטיקט איבער די פיש פון דעם י, און איבער די פייגל פון די לופט, און איבער די פיך, און איבער אַ ערד, און יעדער קריפּ זאַך וואָס קרעעפּעטה אויף דער ערד.
27 אז ג באשאפן מענטש א זיין בי, אין די בילד פון גאָט באשאפן ער אים; זכר און
28 א {dn גאָט} האָט זיי געבענט, און גאָט האָט צו זיי געזאָגט: זייט פרוכטיק, און פאַרטיליקן, און פאַרריכטן די ערד, און דאנקן אי, און געוועלטיקן איבער די פיש פון דעם ים, און איבער די פייגל פון די לו, און איבער לעבעדיק זאַך וואָס מאָוואַהעט אוי דע ע.
29 און גאָט האָט געזאָגט: זע, איך האָב דיר געגעבן אלע קראנצונגען, וואָס זייַנען אויף דער ערד פֿון דער גאַנצער ערד, און איטלעך בוים וואָס דער פֿרוכט פֿון דעם בוים וואָס פֿאַרלענדט זאָמען; צו איר עס וועט זיין פֿאַר פלייש.
30 צו אַלע בהמות פון דער ער, און צו יעדער פויגל פון די לופ, און צו אַלע זאכן וואָס קריכן אויף דער ער, ווו עס איז לעבן, איך האָבן געגעבן יעדער גרין קרייַטעכץ פֿאַר פלייש: און ע איז געווען א.
31 און גאָט האָט געזען אַלץ וואָס ער האָט געמאַכט, און זע, עס איז געווען זייער גו. און די אָוונט און דער מאָרגן זענען די ז.
Saturday, 23 March 2019
Please notify your Church that the Infiltrator has been caught.
The Church can now be restored to the rightful owner:
Our Blessed Immaculate Mother Mary
The Church can now be restored to the rightful owner:
Our Blessed Immaculate Mother Mary
A Mingling Goddess
..and pirated Our Pure and Blessed Mother's Church
GODDESS METIS; first wife of Zeus
-her name originally connoted "magical cunning"
-It had been prophesied that Metis would bear extremely powerful children: the first, Athena
Athena is the Ancient Greek Goddess of Science
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