Thursday 21 March 2019


If you're a Follower of Jesus... 
...follow his example.
Two flags;
  1. White Flag [Team Life]
  2. Black Flag [Team Death]
The game of Capture the Flag has roots to the battle field.

During a battle, soldiers knew that the war was over when the enemy’s flag was captured.

The amount of casualties or prisoners of war was not the determinant of the winning side.
The war was declared over when the opposing team’s flag was secured.
The Just and the Unjust are the civilians in this civilization.
There is a war between the LAW-abiding and the out-LAWs.
During the Civil War, soldiers were known as color bearers.
Some even risked their lives to save their Battle Flags.

Color Bearers that successfully captured the enemy flag or protected their own flags
were awarded the Medal of Honor.
The White Flag is the Flag of Surrender to Lady Justice. 

Galatians 6:7
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death"
Luke 17:33 
"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it."
In this game, to secure the Territory of Life (The Garden of Eden), one must plant the White Flag
of Surrender, accept the judgment: a sentence of Death.
BLACK WHITE flags; White Flag  - zteph | ello
The Black Flag is the Flag of the Cheater

...a fugitive from Justice;
...a person who is convicted of a crime and hides from Law Enforcement.
Planting the Black Flag is planting one self into the Grave.
What are ways to cheat Lady Justice?
1. Seek a Savior to excuse you from Justice (Christian religion)
2. Refuse to accept Her existence (Atheism)
3. Join a Kult led by an Injustice King (Satanism)
...and fight
If Jesus died on the cross, he was an outlaw [a friend of drunks and whores]
...and found LIFE by surrendering to the sentence given him. 

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