Friday 8 March 2019

The Lost Alphabet


Release and iteration planning. 
Plan for new features.
Minimize defect.
Monitor velocity.
You will need dice.
The process of language simplification accelerated by the advent of the internet has reached its climax. 
People of a certain city have completely forgotten the meaning of the letters of the alphabet.
Rebuild the maximum number of letters of the alphabet as possible. 
This will allow the gradual return of the lost communication. 
Due to the urgent need to communicate for the survival of the residents, the chosen strategy: a rapid, graduated construction of the letters to be delivered in rapid sprints. 
Each sprint must have the following goals:
Construction of a minimum of two words with two or more letters.
Construction of a minimum of two words with four or more letters.
Construction of two complete grammatically correct sentences. 
All the stories of the project must be identified and prioritized.
The project will be performed in 4 sprints.
They must be planned.
They must be executed.
They must be evaluated sequentially.
Steps 2 to 5 must first be performed for the first sprint.
Confirm the goal of the sprint.
Determine the expected velocity of the sprint. 
The expected velocity is 25 points. For the others, it will be the actual velocity of the previous sprint. 
Choose the letter to add in the sprint. Sort them in order of priority. 
Stop adding letters when the total cost of the letters is equal to the expected velocity.
The assignment of stories to the current sprint is a must. 
Roll the dice twice. 
The first die represents the gains of performance.
The result must be added to the planned velocity.
The second die represents distractions and impediments.
The result must be subtracted from the planned velocity. 
Actual velocity = Expected Velocity + die (first) – die (second)
Optional instructions
Reflect what has occurred during the sprint. 
@ sprint 1, 2 or 3 
go back to step 2 to plan the next sprint.
Confirm your success 
Update the facilitator
the sprint is invalid, ending the project.
The Letter 'S'

It originated most likely as a pictogram of a tooth (שנא)
The derived Greek letter Sigma (Σ) came to represent the voiceless alveolar sibilant /s/. While the letter shape Σ continues Phoenician šîn.
Within Greek, the name of sigma was influenced by its association with the Greek word σίζω (earlier *sigj-) "to hiss"
The Italic letter was reduced to three strokes (ᛋ) [the lightning bolt]
The slithery snake is the perfect Alphabet Craft for the letter "S".

The Virgin [BEAST] hates the Whore
Revelation 17:16
"The beast and the ten horns (kings) you saw will hate the whore."

666 = 6+6+6=18=1+8=9= 1+6+1+1 = KJV's 1611
Pastor [S]Anderson1611 sez, "Fornicators don't love each other"

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