Sunday 21 August 2016

Mathematical Reality

The greatest evidence of mathematically-determined values regulating the behavior of our universe's phenomena is the fact that our satellites that orbit earth have the free fall speed needed to match earth's rotational speed so that observers on the earth's surface will believe that the objects are stationary and are just set in place in the sky.

How easy would it be, mathematically speaking, to make a moon which is one size to look the identical size of the sun even though the sun is four hundred times larger than the moon?  All that would have to be done is to make sure the sun was four hundred times farther away from the earth as the moon was. It's one simple math ratio. If the passing time effect changes and spacial distance changes and mass size changes because an object has exceeded its terminal velocity, that is telling us that those properties are ratio-ed and are meant to keep exact proportion. Values are arbitrary. Only proportion is absolute. This is pointing us to a math-based reality. Special Relativity proves that space, time, mass and velocity are perceptually-dependent phenomena which means it's a dimensional reality with spacial distance, motion, linear time and three dimensional objects that can't exist outside of perception.

If space has only two objects and one object going 10 mph moves past the other stationary object, how fast is that object moving when the stationary object is removed? Spacial distance and linear time are directly proportional according to General Relativity. If Einstein tells us that linear time is just a persistent illusion, what does that do to the distance between locations in space?

An expanding universe is a ridiculous notion when we look at earth as an example of direction. 'Down' on this planet is every direction possible. If we can- not find earth's bottom, it isn't a 3D object.  Every 3D object has a corresponding bottom to its top. Planets are incapable of being formed from stars because they are incapable of forming 2D objects. There are only four dimensions and the dimensionless. There are three direction vectors in perceptual space, namely, length, width and height. There is one direction vector for linear time which measures the number of non-motion events that can be experienced by a perceiver in a given amount of time.

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